The Last Rudra

Chapter 11 - The Spirit Wielders Of Mazia

Amora vanished after letting them in as though he never was there. The grand hall was packed with scroll cases, dazzling in the gentle light of moonstones jutted into the painted ceiling. Metal bound books were piled all over the green-carpeted floor.

For a moment, Onish thought the library was empty. But, a crisp sound of turning of dry scrolls announced another presence. A man as old as the scroll in his hand was sitting amidst the stacks of thick books, unconcerned by their untimely presence.

"Be quiet, Old Suta didn't like to be disturbed when he is with scrolls. Let's move to upstairs where we can chat freely." Drona whispered to him and led him to the winding staircase.

There was no book on the upper floor. In fact, there was nothing in the room except a large table with four cushioned chairs around it. A blue sphere as large as the moon peeking through the open window was hovering above the empty table.

"It's our family tree", Drona pointed out a sapling with only three leaves painted on the wall opposite to the window.

"It was gifted to one of our ancestors by a Mitra. We used to trace its root in our leisure." Drona said, looking proudly at the ordinary sapling. Onish gave the boy a puzzling look. He didn't see any need to spend hours tracing the sapling's root. It was there as clear as day... No, it was not. Onish examined the small plant, which wriggled and came to life, its leave spreading all over the empty wall.

"Ha, ha... you can look at it for days, but you will never find the end. The purpose of this gift is a mystery to us, even today." Drona chuckled light as he explained.

"I think it was a joke or something how can a person have such a long ancestry," Onish said as he pulled his eyes off the sapling, which had turned into a creeping vine he had seen in the forest with Guha.

"No, it isn't. A Mitra never does anything without a reason. Besides, No one knows how many generations have gone by before us. Sutas, the keeper of tales, say the whole of mankind is descendent of Manu and Shatrupa, the first man and woman born on Mazia. And if the legend is true, every person should be somewhere in our family tree." Drona replied as he slumped into the cushioned chair. The day-long journey was finally taking its toll.

Onish was, however, surprised. He had finally heard something familiar. In the Puranas, Swayambhu Manu and Shatrupa were mentioned as the first couple born from Lord Brahma. After splitting his body into two parts, the creator became a man named Manu from one of the parts and accepted Shatarupa, made from the other part, as his wife.

The self-existing couple was supposed to be the progenitor of humanity on the earth.

He didn't know whether Drona was talking about the same Manu or a different one. Whatever be the case, there must be some connection between the two. First, the Sanskrit and then this, there couldn't be so much coincidence.

"So, what would you like to know first?" Drona asked after they settled down in the quiet chamber.

"What are these spirit-wielders? I mean the spiritualists, falconers, ..." The terms had perplexed him. He understood falconers a little bit because of Guha, but he knew nothing about the spiritualists or others.

Drona took a deep breath as he started to speak,

"It's a bit complicated to explain to someone who can't sense spirit. However, I will try my best. 

We all have 72000 energy channels or so-called nadis. When spirit flows through a chosen set of these nadis, it gives us supernatural powers. A set may consist of thousands of energy channels. These sets are known as spirit paths, spirit diagrams or routes. Each spirit diagram has its own distinctive power. Like the spirit-diagram of telekinesis gives the power of telekinesis, the spirit-diagram of telepathy gives the power of telepathy, and so on. 

Though every spirit-wilder learns all the basic spirit-diagrams in a spirit-school. However, we all have a few innate spirit-paths. Putting it simply, among all the 72000 nadis, a few nadis are more well developed and sturdy, these nadis decide what kind of spirit-wielder one will be. 

For example,  If the spirit-routes, responsible for telekinesis, are more developed, the path of spiritualists will be better for such people. 

Similarly, if your spirit-paths, responsible for agility, and strength, are more developed, you can choose the path of a yoddha  (warrior). 


The falconers and tamers are good at sensing and communicating with the consciousness of spirit beasts or birds. After forming a mental bond with them, they can command them. Of course, it requires training. 

Our sister Esha has such a gift. Though I can communicate with a spirit beast or bird, commanding them is another matter. I'm good at telekinesis.That's why I choose to be a spiritualist, like my father who was a great spiritualist. I wish I could have learned something from him. It's said he had annihilated the whole army of defilers by himself before he met his end in Haldi. " Drona said as gloom flashed his ever-smiling face. Onish could sense the cold sorrow hidden deep into the young man. However, Drona suppressed it quickly.

"I'm sorry," Onish said, feeling sympathetic towards the lad.

"It's ok. I have no memory of him. He left this world when I was just one year old. So coming back to your question. There are other spirit-wielders who can use the spirit in different ways. Like Suka, the bard, who can create scenes in the air just by singing. You must listen to his battle songs one day. And Nimois who can converse with the herbs and plants. Sutas who can memories anything never to forget again. and many others you will come to know once you visit the city square during market day. Besides beasts and birds, there are some other things that get the blessing of the spirit. Like the moving mountains of Okala, the living sea of Nemariya, the uncanny forest Mayavan etc. So you see the power of the spirit is limitless. We spiritualists can only dive deep and bring one at a time." Drona said with a yawn. Onish knew he had to stop for the time being. But he had to ask one thing before he retired to bed.

"Drona, Can you answer me truthfully? Is there any chance of me becoming a spirit wielder? "Onish asked, holding the boy's light brown eyes with his.

Drona looked startled with the seriousness of his cousin's face.

"Your nadis were too fragile to bear the spirit flow. But now I see some change in your body. Maybe you can learn the way of spirit now. However, I'm not fully aware of the complexity. You have to ask Chalukya our awakener. If you want I can accompany you in the morning." Drona replied.

So it was decided Onish would seek out this awakener the first thing in the morning. There were myriads of questions he wanted to ask, but he couldn't keep the boy stay up all night. Besides, It was time for his night meditation, too. Therefore, Onish told the boy that he wanted to go to bed.

As it was clear to him, Drona would never say that he was tired and needed rest.

They left the library quietly as Suta was still reading his scrolls.

The bright moon was shining in the sky. Onish noticed butterflies with their wings glowing, fluttering from one flower to another.

"Moon- fairies! they collect moon-shine, then condense it into nectar. Only one drop and you will be drunk for a whole week." Drona said, enjoying the wonderful sight.

Onish wanted to sit in the garden for a while, but he knew Drona was as tired as a worn-out shoe. So he reluctantly left, promising himself that he would spend a night here alone with the exotic flora.

The feast had been over when they reached the dining hall. All the guests had left; only Oman and a bald man with a robust figure were having some serious discussion.

"So, the lad hasn't woken up from his coma." Onish heard his father saying as They stepped in.

"No, my lord. Lady Avantika refused me to see him." the bald man with sharp eyes said as he gave a quick look to the two brothers. Onish could feel the spirit that seemed to be bursting out of the man.

"And you're sure the bird was his," Oman asked, staring at the oily face of the bald man.

"One of my guards who knew the lad since his elementary academy identified the dead bird as Guha's guardian spirit. He also mentioned Ronan had gifted it to the lad before he went missing."

The bald man said.

Oman sighed as he closed his eyes, looking pensive.

A man seemed hesitating as he said

"Shall I ask Lady Avantika about the bird?"

"No. Griva. "Oman said without opening his eyes.

"But, Lord It might be our only clue to the culprit." Griva insisted.

"I say no, Griva. I owe too much to Ronan and Avantika to bother her when her son's life is hanging by a thread. Not to speak of the cause is my impotence to protect him." Oman said aloud.

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't have left the city." the bald man said, shaking his head.

"You can leave now, Griva. I will summon you if I need you." Oman said, dismissing the bald man, who left the hall after saluting Oman and giving the two brothers a stiffed smile.

Oman remained silent for a while, staring into the void. As if he could see something in the distance through the stone wall.

"Ronan ..." he whispered the name faintly, and with a shook of his head, he snapped back from his rivery.

"What happened to Guha, Uncle?" Drona asked anxiously when Griva, the chief of city guards, left. Guha was once their playmate and was of the same age as Ishit. The curly-haired boy was a walking chatterbox. He was also the reason, Ishit's fatal endeavour.

"He had an assassination attempt last night.", replied Ronan, "Though the lad survived the Blue-Blade miraculously, his life is still in the white-wives hands."

"Shouldn't we send our Nimohi, then? "Drona couldn't imagine that someone wanted to kill the harmless boy.

"You think I didn't. But Avantika didn't even let him have a look at the lad. "Ronan said, looking frustrated. He knew the reason too well. Three years ago, when Ronan didn't turn up, she had come to him asking for his help—pleading to give her his men.

Ronan refused outright. Entering the uncanny forest was a sure death, and he hadn't wanted the boy to be orphaned. And It had proved to be a wise decision.

The squad he had sent later to look for his lost friend never reported back. Not a single man had survived to tell the tale.

But try to tell this to the grief and love-stricken lady.

Ronan shook his head; Her fury would kill the lad, the only memento he had of his friend, to whom he owed his life.

He had to find a way to persuade the obstinate woman.

"Uncle, As you can feel Ishit's nadis are now fine. I think it's time he should meet the awakener." Drona changed the topic. He knew his uncle's relationship with Lady Avantika turned sore after Ronan's disappearance. Bringing up the matter now would only sadden his mood.

"Yes, Nimohi also said so. I will arrange the meeting." Oman's mood lifted up at the mention of his son.

"You don't have to. I can accompany him."

"No, you have to leave for Taxila at the daybreak. "Ronan said, picking up the wine goblet from the table.

"Why? I want to stay one more day," Drona said with an imploring look.

"I've got Lady Adriana's pigeon just now. She wants you at the academy before noon. Though I've sent the spirit pigeon explaining why you sneaked out of the academy and didn't pay the whisper page, I doubt it will soothe her anger. Lad, you're in deep trouble." Ronan chuckled lightly as he went on, "I really wonder why you didn't pay the whisper page, though."

"I wanted to, but he fled away before I could even count the coins," said Dorna helplessly. No way he would accept that it was his maniac action that frightened the poor boy. However, he was really in deep trouble. His pegasus was too tired to take another such long journey so soon. Moreover, It would take him all day to reach Taxila. So there was no way he would get to the academy before noon. Unless...

"Uncle, You know the pegasus I rode here is too tired to take another journey. So I was thinking.." Drona said in a pitiful tone.

"Yes, that horse. I wanted to talk about that." Oman didn't let the boy finish. " Did your mind was right when you got on the beast? I really wonder how you made it here? And See your guts! You still in the mood to ride on the poor animal." Oman chided the abashed Drona. It was really reckless of him to ride all the way here without a break. The pegasus must be of a superior breed. Since the average flight time of a pegasus is only four to five hours.

"I'm sorry. Uncle. I didn't think of that." Drona apologized, giving Onish a secret wink.

"No, you're not lad. But I can't do much except telling you that the spirit-defilers have become active again. So this attack on Ronan's son is only a beginning." Ronan said with a solemn face. Onish noticed Drona's smile vanished at the news. Ronan gulped down the green wine, and closed his eyes.

"I have arranged a seat on the vimana to Nemariya, from where you can hire a mount to Taxila. Now go and have some rest, bring Ishit too." Oman ordered them in his lording tone.. In the pale light of moonstones, The veteran yoddha seemed alone fighting with some invisible foes.

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