The Last Rudra

Chapter 115 - The Second Day

As the sun lost its blush, the sound of trumpets, conch shells, and nagadas (Indian drums) vibrated the wind of Minaak. The sound was so loud it could be heard from miles in all directions. The door of Minaak burst open and the priests from the spirit shrines all clad in saffron-colored robes rushed out like a fiery river of the dragon land, in thier hands were the Sāṁvartaka flames roaring and dancing at mahanaad (loud sound). Behind them was walking, Oman and his ardhangini (better half) Padma adorned in all 16 adornments like a newly wedded bride. The glistening sweat drops were pearls on her moon face.  If Padma was the epitome of gracefulness and beauty, Oman was the embodiment of manliness. His lion-like neck, broad shoulders, and 56 inches chest on which the blue angvastram (men stole) was gloating was inspiring awe in the hearts of his enemies. The people of Minaak couldn't help but praise thier brave king who had refused to accept the conqueror's ways and was still following Old Ways.

Filled with pride, they started shouting, 

"Hail to Maharaj Oman!! Hail to Maharani Padma!" The loud sound shook the city and the lofty prince who had come from Atlantia. 

"How dare they to call him Maharaj? " A storm erupted in Tissa's ocean blues eyes. "It must be his order to disrespect me and His majesty." He said; his nostril-flaring like a beast. 

"He is Maharaj of Garuna. According to the treaty Riga, the great, had signed after the battle of Tarian, Atlantia would never interfere in the state business of Guruna, nor would it meddle with thier faiths. Scion of Manu would rule Garuna as ever, under the same title." Sakuni explained as he watched the procession, going to worship Inna (sun)  the ancestor of all, according to Old Ways. 

The two royal guests were riding in a chariot, while thier entourage was trailing behind them. 

"What kind of fucking Victory it was! " 

"Language! Prince." Sakuni said; his tone had steel. "The very victory that gives you the right to cuss while standing in the capital of Garuna. Don't dwell over what your ancestor did. He had his limitations. Winning a state was one matter but to keep it under control was another. He didn't have the Vimaanas to cross over thousands of yojanas in a day or two with his whole army as you and His majesty Aslan have now. Moreover, it wasn't really a victory. If Lord Of Kalingan hadn't betrayed his years-long friendship, you might've not born in this world. So don't ever criticize your great ancestor. It's your task to complete what he had started. I think I have gone over this at least a hundred times already." 

Tissa clenched his fists but uttered nothing. As if every word from his mentor was an arrow shot at his heart. He soothed his anger by fixing his gaze at Padma, whose thin waist was swaying gracefully. 

"Did Lucus finish his task or he too had been  whoring like you all the time?" Sakuni asked. 

Tissa's lower lip quivered. He cursed again the whore, Vasantasena for telling on him. He needed to even the score with her. The memory of the city bride made his cock hard.

Before they had left Atlantia, Sakuni had warned him not fuck his Vish-Kanyas, especially Vasantasena. And when Tissa asked why the old man had no answer. Tissa could guess the reason. 

The codger thought Vis-Kanyas were his personal properties and were not for sharing. The thought resented Tissa so much that as soon as he got the chance he had plucked the forbidden fruit. 

" There is no need to bring that up over and over again." the prince said, anger written all over his shiny face, "As for Lucas' task, smiths and falconers are with us except one or two. "

Sakuni didn't seem to notice the prince's annoyance. 

"Some loose threads are acceptable. But why was he not present at the last meeting?" asked the black-robed one, while eying  Vasu, who was trailing behind his sister along with his son Ambhik. 

"He was keeping an eye on Oman's son, " Tissa replied.  The boy had piqued his interest. A twelve years old master smith was a startling achievement. And according to his eyes in the castle, he seemed a good warrior too. The codger had refused to comment on this oddity.

Tissa gave a side glance to Sakuni whose face had turned grim. Sure enough, the old codger was hiding something from him. 

Tissa hated this when the old man treated him like his many chess pieces. But he could nothing but overlook it. He needed the codger's help to secure the throne. Once he became the monarch he would square accounts with them all--his sister, his father, and the codger too.  None could go unscathed after humiliating him. 

Thinking this Tissa felt a little better. 

The procession reached the coliseum which was already buzzing with people. The priests led Oman and Padma inside the grand stadium a large golden bowl was placed on a pillar in the eastern corner of the stadium. 

The red-robed priests scattered in the field, forming a human yantra, their lips were quivering, chanting a long-forgotten prayer of Inna, thier hands joined in namaskar mudra. The boisterous crowd of contestants quietened as Oman summoned his conch shell.  As big as an elephant head, the conch shell was white as the snow of coming winter. According to Old Ways, the conch shell's sound was sacred and had powers to destroy negative energy which was too subtle to be perceived even by Nimohis.

A maid gave poured water into the shell to wet its twisted passage. Oman raised his head skyward, put the shell on his lips. 

The mahanaad (driven sound) reverberated in the colosseum. Oman continued to blow the giant shell till his face was red. After blowing the conch shell, the royal couple took the copper pitcher filled with water sweetened with honey of spirit bees and flew up in the air. Nagadas, trumpets, mridangas began to play. 

An ancient hymn resounded in the morning breeze as the couple halted in the sky before the rising sun.

(This is the translation of Spirit Tongue... I have given the link in the comment to the real chant, go and listen to it, believe me, it is truly divine.

O primordial Lord, salutations to you! Be gracious to me. 0 Lord, salutations to you, the first, the lustrous, the creator of days and of light! || 1 ||

I bow to the Sun, mounted on a chariot drawn by seven horses, the formidable son of Kashyapa, holding a white lotus flower. || 2 ||

I bow to the Sun, mounted on a red chariot, grandfather of the entire world, and remover of great sins. || 3 ||

I bow to the Sun, remover of great sins; who is composed of the three qualities; who is valiant; and who is Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheshvara. || 4 ||

I bow to the Sun, the lord of all the worlds, who is all-pervasive light, and who is the wind and the sky. || 5 ||

I bow to the Sun, adorned with a garland and earrings, who rides in a single-wheeled chariot, and who is crimson like the hibiscus flower. || 6 ||

I bow to the Sun, remover of great sins, creator of the universe, who shines with great refulgence. ||7 ||

I bow to the Sun, remover of great sins; lord of all the worlds; who imparts knowledge, wisdom, and liberation. || 8 ||

Phala-srutih!! ( Benefits of chanting Inna ashtakam) 

One should always chant this hymn to Inna, which destroys the obstacles caused by the planets. By chanting this hymn, a childless person is granted a son, and a poor person becomes wealthy. || 9 ||

He who eats meat and drinks alcohol on the day dedicated to the Sun (sunday) becomes diseased throughout seven lifetimes, and miserable in every life. || 10 ||

He who gives up women (sex), oily food, alcohol, and meat on the day dedicated to the Sun, will never be touched by sickness, grief, or poverty. He will reach the realm of the Sun. || 11 ||

With the end of the hymn, Oman and Padma offered the water to Inna ( the sun).  They both bowed their heads to the rising sun. Oman couldn't help but feel emotional. He knew this was his last offering to Inna. He looked at his son, who was sitting with Guha and Nadani in the audience, unaware of the calamity closing his hands around them slowly. 

He gave a glance to the priests standing below in the stadium. Did the stone-eyed know about what was coming for him? Oman wondered as he flew down, holding the soft hand of blushing Padma. 

He singled the priests to ignite deepakam (lamp). The priests scattered again as they formed deepakam yantra. 

Once again the morning breeze reverberated with a sacred hymn,

!!! śubhaṃ karoti kalyāṇamārogyaṃ dhanasaṃpadā.!!!

!! śatrubuddhivināśāya dīpajyotirnamo'stute !!!

The grantor of auspices, welfare, health, wealth and prosperity, salutation to you o flame of the lamp, for the destruction of the thought of enmity. 

!!! dīpajyotiḥ parabrahma dīpajyotirjanārdanaḥ .!!!

!! dīpo haratu me pāpaṃ dīpajyotirnamo'stute !!!

Deepa-Jyothi is the supreme Brahman, Deepa-Jyothi (flame) is Janardhana. May the divine lamp eradicate my sins.. Salutations to the divine lamp of the evening.

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