The Last Rudra

Chapter 118 - The Lore Of Caslte Cira

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Ishit frowned as he scanned the pillar made of Okalian golden stones, just like the rest of the castle. To speak truthfully, the whole palace was a multi-storeyed monolithic structure. 

One of the most mysterious facts about the palace was that no one knew about the structure's origins, the builders, and the constructors. The entire construction did not reveal any date or depict a name indicating that the carving dates hundreds and thousands of years.

Unlike the dark tower, magsmen had woven multiple lores of the ancient castle. The most acknowledged myth was no one had built the ancient court. It had grown out of the earth as a plant from a seed.

Sutas (magsmen), the weaver of myths and folklore, said that long ago when Mazia was still young. She took the form of a young maiden and decided to take a bath in the Cauvery River ( now called Blue River in Atlantian tongue) of the Nimarawood. 

It was noon of Jyesṭha (May-June ). Inna (Surya -the sun), who was in his salad days, was roaming in the vast sky, shining brightly. It was so hot that lions and deers, putting aside their age-old enmity, had to take the shelter under the same tree. 

Mazia removed her sweat-wet gown, revealing her soul-stealing curves, and waded into the cool water of the Cauvery River., her golden anklets ringing. Seeing her beauty and grace, water lilies, lotus, tulips, and all the spirit flowers hid their faces with shame. Bleeding Heart took out its heart and dropped in the feet of the maiden, whose giggles were making the spirit birds feel ashamed of their morning songs. 

It's so happened Inna, who had no friend unlike Soma ( moon) and was feeling very lonely, passed over the Churvery river where Mazia was bathing. 

As soon as young Inna's eyes fell on the maiden, he froze in his track. And when he got over the pleasant stupefaction, he hurridly entrusted his chariot to his divine charioteer  Aruna and flew down, taking the form of a handsome young man. 

The story narrates, Mazia, who was the model of all the satis ( A virtuous  Sanatani married woman who lives her life according to Vedic cultures and it has nothing to do with self-immolation), didn't even spare a glance at Inna, the most handsome male ever walked on the earth. Lover-stricken Inna tried everything he could think of to woo the maiden, who had stolen his heart. And in doing so, he forgot to set. The whole creation became a mess. Daylilies declared themselves immortal. Nocturnal animals began to die with hunger. 

And it was then Mitras of Sagewick came running. Inna told the white-robed sages his pain. Mitras consoled the young star and assured him that they would persuade Mazia. For in their opinions it was a perfect match.

They went over to Mazia, who was lying lazily on her bed of flowers, enjoying the juicy fruits. They told her how great Inna was. And how fortunate she was of being loved by the god of day. 

It was said Omni, the wise of all Mitras, composed a hymn in praise of Inna and recited it before the ignorant maiden (they didn't know who she was). Later the same hymn was passed down to mankind and became famous 'Shri Surya Mandala Ashtakam'. 

||O, Divine Lady! The whole universe bows in the feet of  Inna,

who is the source of the light,

who is very wide, shines like gems,

who  is very hot and very ancient,

And destroys sorrows and poverty.||

|| The  scions of pious king Manu worship him over all the powers

He is worshipped by all devas,

He is praised by Dwizas,

And He is the cause of eternal bliss,

Listen, O pride of all women! He is the lord of everything.||

||  He is the source of all knowledge 

His  is filled with wisdom,

He is very difficult to reach,

He is worshipped in all the three worlds,

He is the soul of the three states,

And He has the ever-shining form in entirety.||

|| He blesses people with the secret knowledge,

Of the soul and the concept of Dharma,

And he  is the cause of the destruction of all sins,

Listen, O celestial beauty!  Surya is the most benevolent||

||He  is capable of destroying all diseases,

He is the source of all life,

He is the cause of light in the Mazia, Astral plane and Swarga ( three worlds),||

||He is being praised by the knower of time,

He is being sung and praised by Sutas and Charanas (Bards)

And he is meditated upon by Spirit wielders and learners of spirit.

O, Moon Faced! Inna is the teacher of Hara. ||

|| He is worshipped by all people,

He provides light to the world of men,

He is the cause of time, aeons and their destruction.||

|| He is famous even among progenitors of the universe,

He is the cause of birth, protection and deluge,

And He is also the cause of the destruction of the universe.||

||He is infallible, 

He is the holiest one, 

He is the lion of among all men, 

So listen, Lotus-eyed! You won't get a worthier groom than him.||

Alas! the long song bored the maiden and put her to sleep.  And nothing, yes not even the cosmic of Mitras, could wake her up. 

The wise sages grew worried. They turned to  Inna and tried to dissuade him. They told him about the daughter of Manu, the most beautiful maiden in Mazia of that era. But the Lord of brilliance was adamant about wooing Mazia and refused to even think of any other woman. 

When the immortal sages were feeling helpless, Purandara Dasa came there. The divine musician, who had received the blessing of Inna once, promised his benefactor to persuade the celestial maiden for the wedding. 

The great composer of ragas composed a strotam (hymn) for Mazia, the mother of all Mazians. And he sat there on the bank of scared river, with his Chitra Veena (Indian Zither), a gift from Hara himself, and began to sing the fabled hymn. 

The melodious voice of Purandara melted the Heart of Mazia. Her eyes opened like buds of lotus and she finally looked at Inna. 

And she couldn't help herself from falling in love with Surya. 

Mitras performed all the ceremonies of the great marriage immediately. Purandara, who was also a dwiza, performed the ritual of Mazia's father, and thus Inna and Mazia became a couple. 

When all the invited guests left, the maiden, who was Mazia in disguise, made a golden castle grow from a stone, using the very power that germinated plants and all. The newly wedded couple lived in this monolithic and majestic castle for centuries.

Together the two divine couple devised the sixty-four arts of Kamasutra. The very arts if a city bride, endowed with a good disposition, beauty and other winning qualities, mastered them, She could obtain the name of a Ganika and receive a seat of honour in an assemblage of men.

Even the king and learned men would respect her and sought her favour. She would become an object of universal regard.

And the daughter of a king too as well as the daughter of a minister, being learned in the sixty-four arts, could enslave their husbands, even though they might have thousands of other wives.

Above all If a wife got separated from her husband and fell into distress, she could support herself easily, even in a foreign country, by means of her knowledge of these arts.

Even the bare knowledge of Kamsutra gave attractiveness to a woman, though the practice of them might be only possible or otherwise according to the circumstances of each case.

A man who was versed in these arts, who was loquacious and acquainted with the arts of gallantry, gains very soon the hearts of women, even though he was only acquainted with them for a short time.

Inna, who was in debt of his follower Purandara Das, invited the great musician and expressed his desire to bestow the sacred knowledge of Kamasutra upon him. The great singer humbly rejected the request for he had devoted all his life to music, but he promised Inna to find him a worthy disciple. And so he did. 

The divine singer brought a dwiza called Vatsayana to the golden castle. And it was how Vatsayana, the pride of men, received the fabled Kamasutra. 

The sixty-four arts of Kamsutra were ...

. Singing

2. Playing a musical instrument

3. Dancing

4.  A combination of singing, using musical instruments and dancing

5. Writing and drawing

6.The Art of Tattooing

7.Adorning an idol with flowers

8. The art of spreading flowers on a bed or on the ground

9. Coloring fabrics, nail and body with colors from plants

10. Fixing colored glass tiles on floor

11.The art of making a bed

12.Producing music by striking glasses of water

13. The art of storing water in reservoirs

14. The art of picture making and decorating

15. Making rosaries, necklaces, garlands

16. Tying turbans

17. Stage playing

18. The art of making ear ornaments

19. The art of making perfumes

20. Proper care of jewels, decorations and ornaments

21. Magic (sorcery)

22. Manual skills

23. Cooking (culinary skills)

24. Making combination drinks and flavored drinks i.e.– lemonades, sherbet etc

25. Tailoring and sewing

26. Making handicrafts e.g.– parrots, flowers etc. from thread

27. Skilsl to solve riddles, puzzles and covert speeches

28. The skill of Antakshari (a singing game were one must start with the letter with which other person's song ended)

29. The skill of imitating natural sounds

30. Reading, chanting and intoning

31. Mastering tongue twisters

32. Skills at martial arts (the skills to use sword, stick, bow and arrow)

33. Skill to reach logical conclusions based on given facts

34. Carpentry

35. Architecture

36. Knowledge about gold, silver and gems

37. Chemistry (knowledge of properties of materials)

38. The art of coloring jewels or beads

39. Knowledge of mines

40. Gardening

41.The art of cock fighting (getting cocks, quail or rams to fight and make the fowl/animal victorious)

42.Teaching parrots or starlings to talk

43.Applying perfumes on body and hair

44. Understanding of code language

45. Spoonerism (purposefully interchanging the position of letters of words while speaking)

46. Knowledge of languages

47. Knowledge of making flower chariots

48. Knowledge of making mystical graphics, spells and charms and ways to avoid spells

49.Mental exercises

50. Composing poems

51. Knowledge of dictionaries and vocabulary

52. The art of impersonation

53. Impersonation of materials i.e.– make common things appear fine rare substances (make cotton appear to be silk)

54. Knowledge of gambling

55. Using mantras (enchantments) to take away others' possession

56.Skills in sports and games

57.The art of social conduct, paying respect and sending compliments

58. Knowledge of war, arms and army deployment

59. Knowledge of gymnastics

60. The skills of knowing a person's real character from his conduct

61. The skill of reading and composing verses

62. The skills of enjoying arithmetic puzzles

63. Making artificial flowers

64. Making images with clay

Time slipped by, and after a thousand years, A son was born to the happy couple. They named him Ikshvaku, who later founded the sun dynasty called Survanshi Dynasty. 

Thus if Sutas were to believe, Castle Cira was the palace that Mazia had grown from the stone. 

However, nobody with a sane mind would believe this nonsensical tale.. How could a world (Mazia) wed to the sun? They were not humans or living beings. But then again, who could say for sure?

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