The Last Rudra

Chapter 127 - Niyog

The sun was glaring in the sky when Ishit come around, feeling light-headed and confused. The strange vision had left him dis

oriented. When he took in his surrounding, only ruins scattered up to miles greeted his sight. In the distance, a red-headed dwarf and a hooded man were cooking something over a makeshift fire, while chattering loudly. 

He was still in Kirat. What happened to him? Where did his clothes go? and where was his spatial bag? 

It took Ishit a while to make out his surrounding. When he did, he found himself stark naked, lying on a jagged floor like a stray dog.

He got up stumbling, ignoring his buzzing thoughts. He formed a shield to conceal his private and approached the two men. 

"Nimais, too, will have to pick a side this time. In fact, everyone will, as this would be the last battle on Mazia." Udolf said as he poured hot veg soup in two bowls. 

"They would choose Mora, Evil Lord. If Anath had been alive, it would have been different. But the new Swami (head) is too heretic to care about humanity. " Balinor said sighing, staring at the steaming soup. The fragrance was too much to resist. Udolf's cooking had always made his taste mouth water. 

"Why would they? Niamis never call themselves humans..." As Ishti approached the bone fire. The rich mouthwatering aroma made his stomach rumble. "Ah! Our little friend is here. "  Udolf acknowledged the lad. "I think we need three bowls now." And another bowl appeared out of thin air. 

"Lad, what the fuck were you doing in there? " The dwarf snapped at him as soon as he saw Ishit. His face flushed red. Apparently, he was mad at the boy.

"Language, Balinor! We all are gentlemen here." Udolf said as he poured the stew into the bowl. 

""Gentlemen! my ass! I'm homeless now.  I want him to appease that devil head." The dwarf looked madder. His gleaming eyes glared at Ishit as if wanted to devour him then there. 

Ishit's light-headedness evaporated. He took a step back 

"Ahem, your anger is valid, Balinor." Udolf put in gently. "But don't you think we should give our little friend a chance to explain himself. " 

Udolf hadn't thought that his simple action would lead to this mess. He wanted the boy only to comprehened laws and nothingelse. 

As for why he had brought the boy to this scared place where only Haras were allowed in, it was  becuse he felt the boy wouldn't be weaker than the fabled beings. Though Udolf was not able put his finger on it, the boy had some strange power residing in him, a power maybe even greater than Haras.

So with the great war coming, there was no way he would let him go waste. The humanity had only a handful warriors capable to face the Evil Lord. The ordinary maharathi would only act as canon fooders in the final war. 

"He can shovel his explaination in his ass . All I want that bloody head to go away." Balinor  refused to calm down. Udolf didn't blame him. The Drona's Arsenal was not just a home for the dwarf. The chaotic world was his birthplace, his only clue to ever found out of his origin. And above all, only in the small world, Balinor could fall a sleep. 

But now the fierce head, as massiave as a moutain, was floating in the sky. Its eyes were ablaze like the Volcanoes of masterless fire. In his millinea long life, the wizard hadn't seen such a frightening being. 

"That! I think it will be too much to ask him, after all even we are not match for the head." 

Udolf and Balinor had tried to force their way in using thier full powers, but the head only had to glare at them and the soul crushing heavenly pressure shoveled them out. And it didn't take the two survivors of the great war long to realise that they were ants before the otherworldly power of the severed head. Fortuanely, the head was not hostile. 

"I don't care. It was he who had summoned the devil to the begin with. He must know someways to make it disappare." Dwarf glared at the cowering Ishit. 

"Ah! Now you're making this wizard laugh, Balinor. Do you really belive he is capable of it? "

Udolf chuckled as he passed the bowl to the dwarf, "The soup is getting cold, let have it first. And give the boy a chance to tell his story. I'm sure you too want to hear that. " 

Maybe it was irresistible aroma of the steaming stew or the dwarf belived the boy had nothing to do with the head appearance. Whatever, he calmed down and started to drink the glowing soup. 

Udolf offered Ishti a bowl too. Ishit thanked him and sat down away from the furious dwarf. 

Ignoring his chaotic thoughts, and occaisonal glares from Balinor, he drank the soup.

The stew must have been cooked with fresh spirit herbs and spirit vegitables to have such rich pranic energy. Just one sip, and Ishit was already feeling a bit refreshed and energetic. The taste was so good, that he wanted to savour the taste for a while. 

The trio finished their bowls in silence. Only wind sighed around them, occasionaly birds would flew past over them. Ishit close his eyes as pranic energy shoothed his body. 

"Now you can tell us what really happened in the shrine. " Udolf's calm voice forced him to open his eyes. 

Ishit gave him a long look, as he recalled the scene that had appeared in his memory out of nowhere. In the scene, Udolf was fighting a Djall in the Nimarawood. It was night that everyone was talking about in the city, trying hard to find out who was the mysterious hero who had killed the child of Elinor. 

Ishit calmed down his emotion. It was not the only memory in his mind. There were some memories of which he couldn't make a head or tail. Like he was a boy named Onish, living in another world called Earth. And when he was just five years old,  a sage visited his home. His father told the old man in saffron that he could ask anything. And the man ,whose name was Anand Giri, asked the pious man to give his younger child to him. His father who had givine his words reluctantly agrred to it. And thus the old man took him away from the small village, leaving his mother crying. Then there was a whole set memories of his life living with the saffron robed man. His mind was full of strange rituals and ancedotes, and experinces. such as him leanring a vidya entering into dead bodies, living lives of animals, him practing yoga, a wierd set of mudras, body positions and breathing techqunice some familar some unknown. Then there was memoris of his guru, (that was what he and the other boys living with the old man used to call the sage) living the world to another world called Brahma Loka. 

With the old man gone, the boys scattered in icy mountaine valley, living alone. Onish too started living in an icy cave while practising Yogic rituals, and one day he got enlightment. It was there his memories aburtlply had ended. 

There was no recollections of Onish after that. The discovery had spooked Ishit. Were these the side effects of taking the memory pill? Was he going insane? Because the new memories seemed more real and believing than the memories of his life in Mazia. What  had he become? 

Who was he? Ishit of Mazia or Onish of Earth, a world where dieties were not just myths. 

Ishit shook his head and put away the chaotic mess aside. Ishit was glad that he had mastered the mind spirit-diagram and as result of which he could calm down his thoughts. otherwise  he had long gone mad. 

"Speak, boy! How did you summoned the damn head?" the dwarf grumbled, breaking Ishit's thoughts. 

"I don't know " and Ishit was telling the truth. All he remembered calming his mind and then an innere voice telling him to abandon his name.  And Ishit regretted now for doing do that. Maybe if he hadn't been so rash, his mind wouldn't have been such a mess. 

"What ! you don't know. Who are you kidding? I was watching you all the while. You fucking turned into a corpse state like Nimais in a few breath. And soon Elin got furious, and so did all the laws. Elin came rushing to burn you down. I foolishly tried to wake you up.  And you, fucking ungreatful brat, burned my fingers with yout strange tranparent flames. " Balinior got to his feet. His face turned red as tamoto.

"Calm down! Calm down! Master of Haras. The foul language doesn't suit your status. I forget to tell you the boy had a long history of  attracting calamities unintentionally. "  The wizard said calmly. 

"What will I do with the fucking status? I can't even sleep now. He has ruined my life. And he has the audacity to say that he don't know." Balinor spluttered. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause trouble... " 

"Shut your mouth and be off my sight. Udolf you have to do something. You know I can't roam in the world through out my life.. " Balinor said, turning to the wizard.

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