The Last Rudra

Chapter 131 - Secrets Of Lemora

In the middle of the small chamber, a large swastika encircled by a hexagram was etched on the stone floor. 

" Don't be afraid, boy. We are not going into the past," said Udolf, as he flicked his hand and a big diamond-like stone got materialized in his hand. 

Ishit's jaw hit the floor, for the space stone the wizard was holding had been long banned by Aslan. Found only in the den of a sphinx in Kirat, the stones were used as fuel in Vimanas. 

"Where did you get that?" asked he as the wizard placed the stone at the center of the swastika. "Don't Pishachas ( demons)  guard the mine?"

"Come, leave these questions for another day. We have precious little time before your next match."Udolf said he walked into the hexagram. The dazzling light of rays was shooting out of the digram. 

Though afraid, Ishit too stepped in beside the wizard, who gripped his arm tightly. As if he was afraid Ishit would run away, seeing what was coming next. 

And Ishit was sure he would. 

Because no sooner did he step into the hexagram, he saw his body disintegrating into light specks. 

Horrified he looked at Udolf, his body was also disintegrating.

Within a few moments, both human beings were nothing but a mass of light, and that too disappear the next second, leaving behind nothing but an empty chamber. 


A stinking odor brought Ishit to reality. He opened his eyes to find himself laying among the pile of shabby shoes. His head was reeling. 

"Look! wizard. I don't know how you got your hands on Omni's coin, but let me warn you if you keep misusing it. Immortals will penalize you in a way that you can't imagine. " Ishit heard a grumpy voice. Bewildered he turned his head to look at the speaker. 

In the distance, after climbing a long flight of stone stairs, there was a platform atop which sat an ancient shrine. Before its giant door, a dwarf with a long red beard and fiery eyes was arguing with Udolf. 

Ishit picked himself from the heap of stinging leather shoes and looked around. 

Ruins of some ancient buildings were scattered in all directions. Broken giant statues, temples, stone pillars. The wind was oddly hot. 

"I don't know what are you talking about, Balinor. As far as I know, the codes say anyone who owns the coin could enter the arsenal. "Udolf said calmly.

"Don't talk about the damn codes. When have you lot given fuck about them? This world wouldn't have been reduced to this pathetic state if you, watchers of time, had abided by the rules."  Balinor clenched his teeth. 

"I'm really ashamed of my ancestors' misdeeds. And believe me, all my brothers are trying their hard to fix the great wrong." Udolf sighed. 

Ishit halted in his track. Who were the watchers of time? Didn't Udolf call himself a death worshiper? and What misdeeds were they talking about? His mind buzzed with questions. 

"Your have no brother left, Udolf. They have all succumbed to Moriyan Lord. They were all waiting for him to awake. I can feel the ancient curse of Ankha fading with each passing moment. Evil Lord is going to awake from his long slumber soon. This time no one could stop him. The order of destiny weavers has long fallen. I can hear the sobbings of Mazia. She is crying ...Udolf our mother is crying..."  The dwarf burst into tears. A river of tears flowed down on his red cheeks, wetting his long beard. The sturdy dwarf buried his face in his hands. 

"Don't lose hope, Balinor. It's an unforgivable sin." Udolf patted the dwarf's broad shoulder. "We'll find a way. Don't forget we have immortals on our side.  I'm sure they must have a plan."Udolf's voice lacked confidence. 

"No!. Mitras have abandoned our world. Owls live in First Village, now."  Balinor sobbed. 

Udolf face fell. Ishit too froze to his spot. Everything he heard just now was world-shattering. Mora, whom the whole world thought dead, was still alive. Mitras, the immortal sages, had left the world. But where? 

Ishit saw that intricate runes on Udolf's face dulled a bit.  He didn't what it meant. Udolf didn't speak anything, nor did he console the crying dwarf. The hot wind hummed around him. The broken statues seemed to weep over the ominous news. 

In the west, the sun was setting, behind the bare mountains. When Ishti had left the tower It was night. Apparently, he was not in the present. Or maybe he was in Kirat. They said the sun visited Kirat at night. 

After what seemed a half ghadi, Udolf broke his stupor. 

"Have courage, the descendant of the fearless mountain. We may not have the strength to stop Evil Lord, but we have the strength

to fight. That's what we will do. So pull yourself together." Udolf said. Ishit could sense the tireless will in his gruff voice. 

His blood boiled up. Then he realized something was amiss. But what it was Ishit couldn't put his finger on. 

Balinor looked up at the wizard's emotionless face. His gleaming eyes searched something in the maze of runes. 

"You're right, watcher. It's what we do. Let's have some Varuni (a medicinal drink, used in Vedic time, instead of wine.), while

we still can.  " He said,  clumsily wiping his tear-doused beard with his sleeves. 

"No, Old friend. I have an important task at hand. " Udolf said, glancing at Ishit. 

"You mean letting the boy train in the arsenal. I'm sorry. It is not possible. You may lend the coin to him, but the coin won't accept him as his master unless you die. And the soul of the shastragar (armory) will see it as a transgression. " Balinor shook his head. 

"You don't have to worry about it. " Udolf said. "Trust, this watcher knows what he is doing."

Balinor gave him a puzzled look. 

"Ok! Call the lad. But let me warn you if the pup gets killed, don't blame me."  He said, in a doubtful tone. 

Udolf beckoned Ishit to come at the top. Ishit's throat went dry.  It seemed the wizard was again gambling with his life. 

Ishit steeled his heart as he climbed the stone stairs. He could feel the dwarf's eyes trying to see through him. 

"Is he your apprentice?" Balinor asked. 

"You can say so," Udolf said, smiling. 

"What about the curse of Spirit? I could still sense it on you,"  asked Balinor. His widened slowly as Ishit approached nearer.

"How it is possible! "  exclaimed the dwarf. The disbelief was written all over his ruddy face. His round eyes were gaping at Ishit as if he had seen a monster 

"Haha, so you caught it too.  "  Udolf chuckled lightly. 

"What is it? I mean  how you did it."  Balinor turned to the wizard. A red streak of light flashed in his eyes. Baffled Ishit sensed an edge to the dwarf's voice. 

He had been numb to these things. First, the snake calling him Rudra, Sia, Udolf's strange interest in him, and some Moriyan lord was trying to murder him, these all things had made him realize one thing.

That he was the greatest joke of Mazia. He was the only person, about whom others knew more than he did himself. 

Ishit couldn't help but smile ruefully as he recalled what his father had told him. 

"Brace yourself, a volley of questions is waiting for you. And they will sting his soul like ember bees"

"He is not my making. If it's what you want to know, Balinor. I will never touch Mora's evil magic."  Udolf said, "I was as surprised as you're when I had first seen him. To make certain of my doubt I even used my power. And believe me, the finding was not a pleasant one. We'll have this conversation later. Let the boy enter the shrine first. " Udolf said while looking at Ishit ruefully. 

Balinor 's face turned grim as he nodded his head.

"Give him the coin," he said, looking at Ishit curiously. Ishit could feel the violent aura around the dwarf, the kind of aura you see around a butcher of the spirit beast or a maharishi, who had survived a bloody battle. 

Udolf dropped the black coin in Ishit's palm. The metallic energy of the nether iron rushed into his arm. The half-opened eye engraved on the coin seemed sleeping as ever. 

Balinor's eyes registered another sock as for what only he and Udolf knew. 

"Okey! follow me inside, and don't touch anything no matter how appealing it seems." He said. 

Ishit nodded. 

"Would you wait here or .." the dwarf turned to Udolf. 

"No. I have some business in Lhasa. Don't worry I will return before the dawn." Udolf said as he looked in the distance. 

Ishit was shocked. So he was really in Kirat. Lhasa was Kirat's current capital. What kind of power did the dark tower have to send him to another side of the globe? No wonder the wizard was willing to obey his father, a mere Samant.

"Okey, then. " Balinor said as turned to the metal door, battered by wind and time. 

Unlike the dark tower's door, this door had no carvings. It was made of adamantine. 

"Behave yourself, boy. It's a rare opportunity. Not many in the long history of Mazia got the chance to enter the Drona Ayudhshala.. (arsenal)" Udolf said,in a serious tone.

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