The Last Rudra

Chapter 136 - Call Of Wind

As soon as Ishit passed the 108th c

ycle of the powerful but simple Pranayam, something stirred between his eyes brows, as if a snake uncoiled and slithered away,

unblocking the passage. Euphoria washed over his body. The head-splitting pain disappeared as if it was just an illusion. Then ca

me the silence, the quietness of the sky. It descended upon him like a butterfly. The chaotic thoughts, which had been tormenting him since he returned Kirat, finally disappeared, leaving behind a limpid pool w

ith no ripple. Ishit became a watcher, and he lis

tened to a distant voice. Or if misery, suffering, and agony could speak, they would sound like that faint voice. Undisturbed, calm like a Himalayan Naga ( they live naked in an icy cave of the Himalaya) sage, Ishit heard the piteous voice. 

"O Paramaatma! Have you abandoned us all? Have we not suffered enough? O epitome of compassion! Have you decided to forsake his glorious name? O savior of armless! Where are you ? All Brahmins have vanished. All the yajna kundas had long gone cold. Now no one sings the hymns of Vedas. O ancestor of all! Pitra Loka has collapsed... " 

The voice might have said som

ething more if someone hadn't shaken Ishit. 

"Wake up, you fool. They are calling for you." A furious voice said as Ishit came out of his trance. With his eyes vacant, his face express

ionless, Ishit looked at the nuisance. 

"Have you gone dolt? Get up, it is your turn now.? " Karuvaki barked at him. Sure enough, the crier's voice was booming in the stadium. Guha and others were staring at him, wondering what the hell he was doing. 

The crier had already called for him twice. And if he didn't show up even after the third call, they would declare Al-Drum, the appr

entice from Dragon academy victor. Of course, they tried to send telepathic messages, but Ishit's shield blocked them all. 

Karuvaki grew worried when Ishit didn't show any emotion. He kept staring at her like a dimwit. 

"Boy, stoping acting. They are going to assume that you 've forfeited the match." She agitated him again. 

It was then Ishit frowned. His stilled eyes stirred as emo

tions flooded his gleaming black eyes. 

"What happened? Didn't I tell you not to disturb me? Can't you sit quietly?" said he. He was pissed off. 

"Don't you dare to shout at me. and you'd better run for the stadium the crier has already called out your name twice." snarled Karuvaki. 

"What! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" With lightning speed, Ishit rose to his feet. 

"I tried, okey! But you slept like a pig. Now hurry off." Ishit gave the girl a look and ran off. He couldn't jump into the arena directly as it was shielded with a powerful array. So the only way he could enter it was two entrance doors. 

Ishit activated his spirit gait and dashed to the gate. 

Thanks, he was not too late. As he entered the stadium after showing his token to the keeper, Guha and other few citizens of Guruna who had come to know of his identity cheered for him. While most of them sneered. 

Ishit gave his friend a nod while feeling guilty inside for not having been able to do the same. He was sure Guha wouldn't let him go off so easily. He'd better prepare a good excuse for the chatterbox. 

Ishit took a deep breath feeling grateful to the ancient sage Anand Giri for imparting such a miraculous breathing technique to Onish. His headache had gone away for good. The Pranayam had revitalized his exhausted brain and body. 

The discovery had made Ishit look forward to checking other techniques, too. But first, he had to win this match. As for how these strange memories had appeared in his mind, Ishit had no idea nor did he try to find it. His gut feeling was telling him that he wouldn't like it. 

"Do you think this act of yours has made you special?" said the boy, his golden eyes staring at Ishit. His complexion was black as blackberry. His long thick hair intricately interweaved. He was from the dragon land, a land replete with natural treasures and magic. 

"Sorry to keep you waiting. I had fallen asleep," replied Ishit casually as he took his place in the arena.

"Are all Garunians this much impertinent? " said Al-Drum. His grip on his Vajra tightened. It was a strange weapon purely made of lightning essence and ethery mercury. Ishit could sense the fierce oppressing aura around his opponent. An invisible pressure was exuding out of him. 

Before Ishit could reply, the crier's voice commenced the battle. Al-Drum, like a veteran,  attacked him without wasting any word, catching Ishit off guard, who had thought they would first exchange courtesies. 

All of a sudden, the sky rumbled without any clouds. A volley of lightning arrows like blue serpents rained down on Ishit, burning Ishit clothes to ashes. 

Ishit hurriedly formed a shield, but his reaction was slow. One arrow bit him on his shoulder, setting it on fire. Ishit felt as if thousands of small lightning snakes had entered his body, wreaking havoc in his veins. It was no ordinary lightning. Ishit face turned pale as he flew out of the unceasing rain of lightning serpents. 

The smith of the Vajra must have been adept in curses to fuse them so perfectly into the Astra. 

An ordinary master smith could curse only arrows, swords, or weapons that directly came in contact with an opponent. Mixing the mysterious power of spells into pure elemental energy required another kind of mastery over spells. 

Ishit's shield didn't last too long before the eroding lightning. He soon realized he couldn't hide behind his shields anymore. His mind raced to find a counterstrike. His deep understanding of various destructive forces didn't let him down. An idea flashed across his mind. 

Ishi summoned his trident, and with a just thought of him, it turned into a metallic enclosure, covering him like a cage while also touching the earth. The crowd let out a loud gasp of surprise. "What was that?"

"Since when have first star astras become able to change shape?"

"Are you sure it is a first star astra?"

"yes, just look at its aura. "

The crowd erupted into a frenzied talk. 

Sakuni, the black raven of Atlantia, frowned so did many of the judges at Ishit's unusual weapon. 

"Didn't Lucas tell that the boy could only make ordinary one-star astras? What is  it then?" The black raven asked Tissa. 

"Maybe Viswa forged it for the boy. "  Tissa replied, but his face showed he didn't believe what he was saying. If the old smith could really forge such advanced one-star astras he would have long made one. 

Sakuni gave him a side glance and nodded. Tissa knew the old fox hadn't accepted his explanation. Since last night's incident some

thing had changed between the two of them. And as always, it had made Tissa angry. It was his life he would lead it as he wanted. He would fuck whoever he wanted. What the hell did the old fool th

ink of himself?  It was not like he had done something new. Sharing women with others was not new among Atlatian. And besides, Lucas had promised he would never touch the lass after that. The codger was getting bolder day by day. He had to do something or he, Tissa, should forget ever sitting on the throne. 


The furious lightning snakes attacked the cages from all around. However, this time, as soon as they touched the shield they got abso

rbed into it. Their power dissipated. Of course, the evil curse couldn't be negated so easily. The mys

terious power of the spell did try to corrode the cage. But the consciousness of Astra, though of insect grade, slowed its rate by gathering elemental energy from the surrounding in its defense.

It bought Ishit some time to think about the strategy to battle with the dragon. Spirit wielders of the dragon land were known for their mastery over natural forces, especially wind, and lightning. They said it was Tupã, the god of light

ning and thunder, that had left his seed in the womb of the first queen of the dragon land. And thus they were all his descendants. 

And sure enough, when Al- Druma saw his attack was not inflicting much damage, he put away his mighty Vajra.

Ishit dissolved his shield and decided not to wait for his opponent to attack. During the fighting with a dragon, being offensive was supp

osed to be a good tactic. However, When Ishit was about to attack he found himself rooted on the spot, like a statue, unable to move even his finger.  The wind sighed in his ears.  The audience fell silent. 

As none of them had expected the first-year apprentice of the dragon academy to be able to cast the Sthambha curse. 

Ishit froze on his spot, his eyes widened in shock. 

Padma's face turned pale. She got up to her feet. And If Oman hadn't stopped her, she would have rushed to save her son. 

"Don't! None can interfere with it. " said Oman.

"But..." she bit her lips. Her eyes welled up. 

"He is not in danger.. The boy wouldn't dare to break the rules."

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