The Last Rudra

Chapter 156 - A Fight With Birds

"Do you know the forbidden  spells?" Ishit asked with the smile of an expert. He had never imagined teaching someone would be so fun. He liked the feeling. It was a strange experience – he could still recall the odd but pleasant sensation in his heart when he had accepted Viswa as his apprentice. His mind calmed down. Many things he couldn't understand  before suddenly were as clear as day. The look of reverence in Viswa's eyes had done something to him. Something too subtle to pinpoint. 

Ishit couldn't help but recall the strange tradition of Bharat that he had seen in Onish's memories.

A disciple used to bow down to his master, and master used to do the same. 

As they both said.

Namaste!!  ( I bow down to you.) 

Ishit pondered  upon the reason behind the tradition. 

Maybe each time a guru helped a pupil, he gained something too. 

No wonder Anand Giri, the hermit who had renounced everything, was willing to take so many disciples. 

And perhaps, that's why he used to sing the hymn before starting the class..

Om Saha Naav[au]-Avatu |

Saha Nau Bhunaktu |

Saha Viiryam Karavaavahai |

Tejasvi Naav[au]-Adhiitam-Astu Maa Vidvissaavahai |

Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

meanig : 

1: Om, Together may we two Move (in our Studies, the Teacher and the Student),

2: Together may we two Relish (our Studies, the Teacher and the Student),

3: Together may we perform (our Studies) with Vigour (with deep Concentration),

4: May what has been Studied by us be filled with the Brilliance (of Understanding, leading to Knowledge); May it Not give rise to Hostility (due to lack of Understanding),

5: Om Peace, Peace, Peace.

"Yes, master. I do know them.  Stambhan, Sammohan, Uchchattan -these are three forbidden spells. One shouldn't not use them in a sparring duel. Though they are apprentice level spells, one can learn them after mastering basic spirit paths or just after learning the spirit tongue. " replied Viswa, who had stopped his smithing work and was now sitting before Ishit attentively, his eyes filled with reverence. 

"Everything that you said is correct. However, there are four forbidden spells, not three. " replied Ishit, with a mysterious look. 

"Ah!  I've never heard of the fourth one, "  said VUswa.

"It's not your fault. In Varta, only three spells are known. The fourth one either has been lost or never has been discovered. Our new astra is based on this fourth spell, which is called Maran. But let me warn you, never use it unless you have no choice. Because, Maran sucks both the spirit and vitality of the caster. After casting the Maran spell, the caster becomes as weak as a pregnant woman after delivering the child." 

Ishit's face hardened. His eyes had an edge of a dagger. 

Viswa nodded. His face turned sullen. 

Satisfied with the old man's behavior, Ishit went on, 

"In fact, there are six spells, together known as shasht-Karm. I will not go into them today. Because they are  of little use to you. Today, our main focus will be Ghaat." 

Ishit looked towards the pile of parchments. And one parchment flew and spread over the wooden table placed between him and Viswa. A quill came and started to dance on it. 

"The literal meaning of Ghaat is 'Ambush'. The name is not just a metaphor, it does wait for its target if the target is concealed or protected by some means. And according to the classification of Astras, it is fire astra, which may be visible or invisible. Ghaat reaches its target like a messenger bird and destroys it. That's what makes it powerful and different from other astras. If one doesn't know the correct method to reverse it or diffuse it, he can only face it head on. What's more, no shield can stop it.  " 

Viswa couldn't help but be amazed. What kind of weapon it was! 

"What will happen if someone reverses it?" He asked. 

"Then, you're in great trouble. That's why one rarely uses it. But I think you don't need to worry, for none knows how to reverse it, at least not in Varta. Now go and arrange these materials." said Ishit as soon as the quill stopped dancing.  A long list of ingredients had appeared on the parchment. 

Viswa looked at it and couldn't help but frown. 

*******List of Ingredients *****

Soil from the enemy's underfoot. 

Blood from the caster's middle finger of the left foot. 

A pinch of Ashes from a pyre.

Bone of the four grade black cat 

Nails of a three star tortoise with twenty nails.

Ghost flame ( Three star or above are preferred)

Soul of a fire beast. ( Dragon, salamander, five star ember bees, fire giant, are preferred) 

A pitcher made of bone ashes. 

Essence of Mercury 

Nether iron.

"Master, everything can be arranged, but soil and nails." Viswa replied, hiding his doubts. Was the lad pulling a prank on him? What kind of Astra would require these bizarre ingredients? –soil, bones, nails…

"Why? Don't you have any enemies?"  Ishit asked. 

"It is not that I don't have any enemies. My foes are not here.  " Viswa replied with a rueful look. 

"Oh! Then we can use a beast for our experiment. " 

"Will it work on a beast too?" Viswa seemed surprised. 

"Of course. Now go and arrange everything. As for nails, ask Nimais. Their shops must have them. " 

Viswa gave a deep look to his master. How many secrets  was the boy  hiding? Because no sane boy of his age would visit Nimais. But again, his master was not a normal boy. Viswa took his cloak and hurriedly left the forge. 


While Viswa and Ishit were busy making a new Astra, a ground shattering battle occurred in the coliseum. 

Ursha from Sursena and Sikhi from Amendri academy  were fighting. 

The sky was filled with Urash's arrows. But they were like flies to the spirit birds of Sikhi.  The Leogriffon, a bird with a lion face and hawk body, came for him. Bright flames were surging out of its mouths. Its wings had metallic luster. They were raising storms. 

Ursha's clothes were in tatters. The blood was trickling down from his mouth.  Flying amidst the crazy birds, he looked  like a defeated warrior.  On the other hand, Siki, clad in balck robes, had no sign of damage. His powerful birds were enough to defeat his enemy. With a cocky sneer, he looked at Ursha and his voice thundered in the stadium.

"Accept defeat, Sursenian. You're not a match of my birds. "

Ursha glared at him.  The bow vanished from his hands. And a spear appeared in his hand instead. 

The black astra gave off powerful ripples as Ursha turned to face the giant bird. His shield was simmering with blue light. The scion of Sursenians, who were famous for their hunter spirit, let out a loud scream as he pushed the air. The spirit flunked him up like an arrow. 

The leogriffon chased him. However Ursha suddenly Ursha halted in his flight he too a swift turn, and impaled his glowing spear into the fiery eyes of the bird.

Spark flew into the air, as the bird screamed out in pain. It jerked its head to shake off the cruel metal. But Ursha was agile. He somersaulted in the air and, in the blink of an eye, he was on the back of the spirit bird. 

Siki's gloating look melted into horror.  He commanded  his other birds, pyro peacock and nighthawk. 

Ursha summoned another weapon, and thrusted it into the remaining eye of the bird.

The blind leo-griffon went crazy with rage.  It started to attack anything that came before it. Soon the arena turned into a frenzy fight. 

Sikhi tried to control the crazy griffon, but with the Sursenian riding the bird it wasn't possible. 

He flicked his hand and a silvery net appeared in his hand. With just a thought from Sikhi the magical treasure disappeared and it trapped the leo-griffon as well as Ursha who was shooting arrows at birds. 

The birds let out flames, while Ursha struggled  under the burning net. He took out a dagger, as sharp as the lightning bolt flying around. 

The dagger soon cut open a hole. Ursha was out but the hawk was waiting for him. Its razor sharp talon clanged as the blue bird attacked him, as if wanted to peel off his face. Ursha swiftly summoned his sword.

The astra collided with the sharp talons. The sparks flew off. 

The sword's edge broke but it bought him time to escape the bird. 

Siki set another bird at him, but Ursha, who had once fought with savage birds of Nimalaya. 

The astra collided with the sharp talons. The sparks flew off. 

The sword's edge broke but it bought him time to escape the bird. 

Siki set another bird at him, but Ursha, who had once fought with savage birds of Nimalaya. 

The astra collided with the sharp talons. The sparks flew off. 

The sword's edge broke but it bought him time to escape the bird. 

Siki set another bird at him, but Ursha, who had once fought with savage birds of Nimalaya.

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