The Last Rudra

Chapter 165 - Narrowly Escaped

Tissa's warriors gathered around the angry fiery face. Oman didn't join them. He knew it wouldn't change anything even if he saved the prince now. The arrow had left the bow; now, it couldn't be retracted. What he could now was to inform his men to carry out their entrusted tasks, and so he did. He summoned twenties messenger birds and threw them into the air. The colorless birds chittered and vanished. Vasu gave Oman a quick look. His son, Ambhik, had fled the arena with Karuvaki taking her to a safe place.

"I hope you will keep your word, wizard. He is more than my son. Trust me if anything happens to him, this world will not last more than a day, "

Udolf couldn't help but look at Oman. Lord's words seemed to exaggerate.  However, he didn't ask anything. 

"I will make sure he reach Ahom safely," he said. "Take care yourself, I'm leaving now." 

Bhadra gave a light bow to his employee and left. 

It was going to be a long journey. Oman watched him till he was out of his eyes. Emotions were flashing in his dark eyes. They got moistened.

He had let down the lad and Padma both. 

"It was his fate. He is the last offering of Manu. Hope it would be enough," Oman shook his head. It was not time to be emotional. He has the battle to fight. Oman summoned his sword. The diyva astra looked just like a mortal weapon. However, Moriyans had seen its power, and so would see these fools. Oman gave a fleeting look to the hordes of figures, rushing towards the coliseum from all directions. 

The representatives of various academies had returned after making sure their students were safe. Oman knew where they had gone- the airfield.

Oman heard war trumpets ringing in the city. He sighed and wished Griva would be able to save the commoners. 

The flames slowly subsided leaving nothing but charred ground behind. Horrified warriors looked at one another as they broke into frenzy conversation. 

"Are they really dead?"

"I don't believe this? "

"Do you really think one can survive such an uncanny attack? "

"What should we do now?  His majesty will burn our souls."

"We can do nothing but apprehend the culprit. " 

All eyes turned to Oman, whose lips curled up in mockery. 

"Oman surrender yourself. His majesty might lessen your punishment, " Illas's voice boomed out in the coliseum. Oman knew this Atlantian. He was vice an instructor in the Royal Academy and a minion of Sakuni. The old man had trained many Maharathis for Aslan. At least that was what the world including Aslan thought.

Oman ignored  Illas as he flew up. The crowd watched him warily. He stopped just above the flame kindled by the awakeners at the beginning of the event. He looked towards the sun blazing up in the sky. 

"Forgive this son, O father of all.  Line of Manu let you down. Please grant this child the power to full fill the last rite. " He bowed lightly.  Then he turned to blue fire, Sāṁvartaka, which once devoured the Evil lord's army.  He placed his finger in the middle of his eyebrows. Golden Blood oozed out from the tiny wound. The crowd let out a gasp, as they exchanged dark looked. 

Suddenly, they heard rumbling behind them. They hurriedly they turned. A portal had appeared in the space. The astral winds were roaring along with lightning.  Sakuni, the raven, walked out of it. His clothes were tattered. His wrinkled face was pale like paper. In his arms was Tissa, seemingly unconscious. 

"Stop him, you fools" He shouted furiously.  The crowd seemed baffled, but they soon realized whom they had to stop. And they attacked Oman, who was dripping the golden blood into the bowl, chanting some spell. 

The entire arena shook as if an earthquake had come. The space was ripped apart.    The sky darkened. Gloden lightning bolt as thick as the pillar on which the fire bowl was placed came crashing down on Oman.

However, Oman didn't pay them any heed. With a sullen face, he continued doing what he was doing. An arrow came and pierced his shoulder. The dark red blood gushed out it. However, Oman didn't seem to notice it. The divine flame licked the golden blood.   

"Hurry up, you fuckers," Sakuni cursed, horror written all over his face.  The old man dropped Tissa on the floor. And flew towards Oman. A black sinister hand came out of the closing portal. No one noticed as they all were busy attacking Oman.  Readers might think it had taken at least twenty or thirty seconds. But it all happened in a moment. or to be precise, within, what sages of Bharata called renu (0.18 micro sec). They were all Maharathis, masters of natural forces. Just a thought and they were in the sky. Their Divya astras roared as they came crashing down on Oman, who was dropping the second blood drop. 

Oman still seemed not to care about his assailants. The fire erupted in all ten directions. The colosseum shook violently and shattered. The earth split apart, as the gaping fissures ran in all directions. The Indus stone, the hardest stone found in Mazia and was used to build stairs and floor of the arena, turned into powder. Gaping cracks appeared in space. Astral creatures like dakinis, sakinis, ghost wolves, etc. creeped out of them. In a blink,  the whole arena, which had been in Minaak since time immemorial, became a ruin. 

Illas hundred meeter long sword fell on Oman's head. It passed through his brows, his chest, and his waist, cleaving him into two like a watermelon. 

Surprisingly, the warriors saw no blood neither on the sword nor dripping from the cleaved body who was still standing before them as many more astras plugged into it. 

Startled they exchanged dark looks. What the hell was happening? 

"Space manipulation! He is not in our dimension. Look for nods! " shouted Amukha, the chief of Antriksha (space) Academy of Kirat. 

Finding nodes of a secret dimension was not an easy task, more so if you had never seen it before. No wonder, Oman was unfazed by their attacks. The crowd scattered as they let out their powerful spiritual sense. The spatial cracks were giving them a hard time, and so were the annoying cackling of astral beasts. As there was no blood and corpse for their feast in the ruined arena. They fled towards the city, smelling the breaths of living beings. 

Suddenly, they felt a tremor in the space around them. Warriors halted their frantic search. A giant of the size of a mountain, black as if made of darkness. lend amidst them out of nowhere. Its eyes were burning furnace. Bloodstained blue teeth were jutting out of its torn lip. With claws as sharp as Illas's sword, the monster was so terrifying that several warriors, who had never been to a battlefield, wet their pants. 

"Kaaldoot!" one of the veteran mumbled. 

"Defilers have attacked us!" howled another. And soon the crowd turned into a chaotic mess. 

The giant monster let out a howl. It was so loud that shattered the remaining pillars and structures of the arena. 

Vasu, who had been taking care of Tissa all the while, looked in the west, with a sullen face. The appearance of defilers was not a surprise to him. Sakuni's spies had long reported their movement. However, they hadn't excepted that Moriyans would bring Kaaldoota. How had done it? 

Vasu frowned as he looked towards unconscious Tissa. What should he do now?  He was in the middle of pondering when an arrow passed his ear singing his hair.  Kalingan lord hurriedly weaved a shield, picked up the price, and decided to flee. 

However, as he looked around for an opening. He realized it was too late. Warriors, all clad in black armors from head to toe had encircled the arena. Their glowing red eyes told Vasu and his companion their identity.

Nearly five hundred defilers were staring at them. A deathly silence fell into the arena. Only the loud sound of the beast's breathing could be heard. None noticed Oman had disappeared from the sky and so did the Sāṁvartaka flame. 

"Look, who we have here!" a sinister voice broke the silence. And a black figure appeared in the sky. Unlike others, his face was uncovered. The man was devilish beautiful.

Vasu recognized him immediately. He was Mir, the lord Moriya. Had he lost his mind? Didn't he know Aslan would never let him leave alive? 

"Have you lost your mind, Mir? Or do you have a death wish? Don't you know you will never make it out alive now? " Vice chief of Golden Valley said. 

"Haahaa! " Mir laughed menacingly.

"Fools! Look brothers! How little they think of Lord of Death! "  suddenly, he turned serious. 

"Let's remind these pagans of the horror that the first Nazir had instilled into their quivering heart!"  His voice echoed in all directions. 

"Nawah hu al'asmaa!" The defilers shouted as they rushed in like grasshoppers. 


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