The Last Rudra

Chapter 5 - Smirit Darpan (memory Mirror)

When Guha's turn came, he walked over to the table supervised by the two boys and a girl. One of the boys had a scroll and a quill, the other one was handling the silvery pouch, and the girl was holding the golden frame mirror. Guha knew the girl; she was the eldest daughter of Oman, the city lord. As for the boys, he had no idea.

Guha undid his spatial bag and put it onto the stone table, giving the girl a nod of acknowledgment. His father and Oman were besties, and their families were closer than blood kins. However, it was before his father went missing, and Oman's youngest son fell seriously ill.

The girl returned the courtesy with a faint smile.

"Please, state your name. " The boy with the scroll asked.

"Guha of Minaak, son of Ronan. '' The word attracted the tall boy's closer look, and a look of interest flashed across his face.

"So, you're the son of Sir Ronan," his black eyes swept towards the parrot sitting on Guha's shoulder.

"and I think this is your guardian bird." said the boy as he looked at Onish with interest.

Having seen every participant with a spirit bird, Onish had guessed guardian birds must be something important. He clearly wondered why Guha would choose a parrot with no power as his guardian bird. Onish felt nothing out of the ordinary in the parrot's body so far. It was clearly an ordinary parrot with a pratty look that, too, seemed dull before the vibrant colored spirit birds.

"He is Niro, the last gift from my father before he went missing. ", said Guha, sensing no evil from the curious apprentice. Moreover, after this evening, the boy would be his senior.

"I'm sorry for you. I had seen Sir Ronan once in Alantia for the first time. '' the boy replied as a tinge of sorrow flashed his slim face.

"He was the best falconer our guild ever had. I'm reading his research on spirit birds right now. They are..."

"Nirav, you can chat with him later if you want. But right now, we have a crowd waiting here. " The girl cut him off.

"Ok, ok, as you say, Esha." The boy picked his quill and grinned.

" Oh, by the way, I'm Nirav of Vihaan, son of Swarna. Let's talk later during your orientation ceremony. " Guha nodded in agreement.

"Nirav, you seem so sure that he will clear the trial." the boy, who was attending the golden jar, scoffed as he gave Guha a mocking look.

"Of course, he will. He may get first. After All, he is the son of Our best falconer.," said Nirav, giving Guha an admiring look.

"Ah, the best falconer who couldn't even send back a spirit pigeon before he died, " The other scorned.

Onish sensed Guha's body tensed up, but before he could say or do something.

The girl cut in.

" Ok, Guha, you can peer into Simirit Darpan ( memory mirror) " She hurriedly handed him the golden frame mirror. Guha gave the boy a sharp look, suppressing his anger. He couldn't lose his cool so quickly. It was not the first time he had heard something like this. People, who once admired his father, were now mocking him. It was also the reason the guild and the city lord hadn't looked for him. They believed he perished in some uncanny experiment of his. His mother had requested the city lord to organize a search squad, but he shook his head, saying that it would be of no use. He said he knew Ronan too well. Either he had died in his experiments, or he was out there roaming the world.

It was true his father was infamous for his strange and risky experiments on spirit birds. However, he knew well how to keep himself safe, and as for thinking that he was roaming the world, leaving Guha and his wife was absurd.

Ronan, his father, loved his wife and son more than anything in his life. So, If he hadn't been able to send even a spirit pigeon, he must have met something beyond his power, something he was not aware of. His mother tried to look for him, but she found nothing except that he was last seen entering the Mayavan woods. His mother couldn't make out why Ronan would venture out into such a place alone, and more so what he was doing there when he clearly had left for Atlantia. She sought help from the guild but the Guild master, Maluha, shook his head. No sane falconer would ever set foot in the Mayavan woods. He sighed at his father's recklessness. Therefore, If Guha wanted to look for his father, he could rely on himself only.

Guha took the mirror from Esah without saying anything.

Guha had heard about this spirit treasure. It could reflect memories of the looker.

He looked into the mirror. He saw his face staring back at him before the mirror turned ocean blue for a moment. Then his memories ' from the beginning of the trial to his picking the mirror' began to flesh swiftly.

He saw himself looking for spirits birds, dodging swarms of annoying ember wasps, and avoiding tangles of naga creepers. The scenes continued to flicker, showing how he had enticed all his birds one by one without enraging them. He saw himself returning happily chatting with Niro, who replied enthusiastically in his baby-like voice. Then all of a sudden, Niro shuddered, squawking frantically, as he fell down from his shoulder, his breathing weakening. Guha saw himself trying everything haphazardly to save the dying parrot, praying to the faceless forest spirit, whom he had believed a myth so far. He also fed the precious somaras (green elixir of vitality) to the dying bird. However, nothing happened.

And when he had lost hope, the miracle occurred. Niro twitched and blinked his closed eyes. The bright blue eyes ….no, they were not...

But before Guha could check the anomaly with the revived parrot's eyes, the scene changed. But he was sure they were not blue. They had changed. The scenes continued flashing, but his mind was too preoccupied to care.

Come to think of it, it was not only the eyes that had changed. The parrot hadn't uttered a single word so far. Even when Blue Pearl attacked it, It didn't squawk for help. Something was really wrong with the parrot. He had to check. He waited for the memories to be reviewed with swelling suspicion.

It took 5 minutes before his memories stopped flashing, and the mirror turned blue again. Guha handed back the mirror to Esha. Nirav gave him a smile. Guha nodded lightly and left with hurried steps. With Niro perched on his shoulder.

The participants are waiting impatiently in their rows, basking in the white light of moon pearls jutted in the black pillars.

He joined the others on the cobblestone path leading them to Minaak. Accepted participants would be announced the next day. So they all had to wait. The guild wasn't responsible for their lodging or anything. Therefore they had to return to Minaak. Fortunately, the city was not very far away from the bird tower.

The path was well lit. Guha passed the chattering crowds with long strides.

Niro was still the same - quiet, and Its eyes were not Saffire blue. They were black as a raven's. He had to show the bird to his mother as soon as possible. He was regretting not listening to her. She had vehemently opposed the idea of taking Niro as his guardian bird, for it had no fighting prowess.

However, Guha insisted on it. He knew he was acting childishly. But he didn't want to abandon Niro.

Besides, his father had trained him since he was just four years old. So, he was confident he could win the trial without a guardian bird.

Lost in thought, Guha didn't notice that someone was following him quietly. However, his parrot didn't miss the stalker.

Onish, who had planned to flee the boy by the evening, was feeling a great crisis approaching on his way. His institution told him if he left the boy he would be in serious trouble. He might have ignored the bugging feeling if he hadn't noticed Viruch and his damned bird tailing them.

Onish could feel their prying eyes on him. They were apparently after him. He thought of telling the boy about the stalker. However, he was unsure whether an ordinary parrot should show so much intelligence or the dead parrot could speak like some trained parrots of his previous world. This was also the reason he hadn't utter a single word so far. He knew he had to flee before the boy got suspicious of his parrot's odd behavior.

Now he was regretting his rash decision of possessing the parrot's body. Had he known this damn parrot would attract so much attention, he wouldn't have chosen it. But again, did he have any choice?

He could only hope the boy would not shut him in a cage as soon as they reached his home.

He looked ahead of them. The fortified city was shimmering with lights. At the giant gate, Onish could see some ten or so guards clad in shining armor checking passers' identities. And what surprised him was that they were checking spirit birds as well.

When Guha reached the gate, he had to wait for a while before a guard approached him. The guard was a young man in his twenty.

"Sorry for keeping you in waiting. A busy day can't help. " The guard gave a weak smile.

"No problem, Saket. " Guha handed his token. It was a plain gold coin.

"Don't you think it's useless to check the token of someone we already know? "

Guard took the shining coin, and he whispered.

" rahasya-bhedanam" ( reveal the secrets)

The coin seemed to come alive. On its plain surface, letters slowly emerged.

Guard took a look at the coin, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. He looked up at the parrot, who was staring at the shining coin with wide eyes. A wide grin spread on his face.

"Your parrot is really something. It even fooled the spirit. Look what it says now " the guard chuckled as he handed back the coin to Guha.

Guha looked at the coin,

Guha of Minak, son of Ronan. Spirit Bird: Parrot of the unknown race (dead).

His eyes widened with shock, but he quickly hid it. And he gave a forced smile.

" Ha, Ha, See. I really wonder where your dad got this oddity. " the guard grinned and turned to Viruch, who was quietly standing beside them.

Guha didn't show any emotion on his face as he entered the gate.

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