The Last Rudra

Chapter 71 - The Eight Major Races Of Mazia

As Ishit continued to pen down his answers, Mahipal's curiosity piqued. Though the telekinesis seemed easy, it was the most taxing spirit-art and required a great deal of both concentration and spirit. Owing to this, spirit-wielders rarely used it except spiritualists whose innate path itself was telekinesis. 

Therefore, after seeing the boy's outlandish penmanship, the headmaster couldn't help but ponder over the rumors flying in the city.  The boy had been guided by Nyx, the dream fairy. For others,  the queen of dreams might be an imagination of an ill mind, However, for him, she was as true as his wife Pali and his daughter Jagana. 


(After king Aslan came to power in Varta, he redefined the paths (occupations) of spirit-wielders, he abolished several professions, declaring them nothing but superstition or trickery.

Oneiromancy or as commonly known as dream -reading was such an occupation.  The spirit-wielders, capable of interpreting visions, were known as dream-readers.

Mahipal was the male descendant of an ancient lineage of dream interpreters. He was completing his apprenticeship under his father, who was an official dream -interpreter of Minaak when the king's order had come, declaring dream-interprets as phonies. Within a single night, his father had turned from a reputed person into a fraud. 

The shock was so deep for his old mind that he fell into a coma never to wake again. 

It was really devastating news for their kinds. Thousands had committed suicide or chose to leave this world. Of course, most of them changed their paths.  And with some luck and pity of their loyal patrons, they somehow survived the ordeal. But changing to a new occupation was not that easy, not for a spirit-wielder who was born with an innate spirit-path. Even after more than three decades, many dream interpreters were still floundering to meet their ends. Thanks to some believers, who would pay them a visit in secret, and thus let them earn some bucks. 

Maipal had been fortunate enough to gain Lord Ayan's mercy..)


Should he ask the lad about the authenticity of the rumor? The headmaster deliberated, with a complicated look. There were too many uncertainties about dreams, too many theories.  Which had led the king to ban their occupations. Mahipal had devoted his whole life to uncovering a solid theory, tangible evidence, so that he could win back the lost glory of their kinds. And if the boy was telling the truth, he might be of some help.


After finishing the first question, Ishit didn't stop not even for a breath. 

He read the second question. Just like the first question, it too had five parts. 

In the first part, he had to name the major species of Mazia, with their distinctive features. 

Esha had pointed out his question to him especially. As there are myriads of species in Mazia, so to name a few species was troublesome, especially if you hadn't attended the classes. 

Ishit thanked the girl in his mind (Of course, he hadn't forgiven the lass for telling on him. He would get back at her.) as he wrote down the names 

Vrikshas or Drumas:  Humanoid creatures lived in Mayavan Forests. They could assimilate themself with giant spirit trees and knew the ancient curses. They could be distinguished from their vine hair and runes-covered foreheads. 

Stone-giants or moving mountains of Okala: They were of two kinds:

1. Paras: humanoid creatures with bright jeweled eyes, and silver hair. They could easily assimilate them with gigantic mountains. They could form mental links with stones and boulders from miles.

2. Prastar:  giant rocks with humanoid features, but not too distinct. Basically, they could be considered rocks with sentience. They were impervious to most of the curses. They themself couldn't wield magic. 

Kinnara: Half-human and Half bird. They lived in the Himendra mountain range of Kirat. They were always found in pairs-one male one female.  They were known for their heavenly music. 

Fire giants or son of Uddor: Humanoid fire giants lived in Ashrar, beyond the howling desert. No fire tamer could tame their fire. 

Djalls or called children of Elinor: Evil dark trees. They lived underground. They could suck life from everything. The desert of Nigel was made by them in a single night. It's said Elinor was prisoned in Patala, with his children. They couldn't stand the sunlight, so they traveled through the earth, and only come out at night. 

Ghosts or Pratas: Ancient Cursed souls. They lived in the ghost town or ghost city in the howling desert. Their king was known as Empyr. With cold blue eyes and snow-white skin, Pratas were easily distinguishable. 

Nymphs: They were the spirit of waters, trees, rivers, lakes, ponds, and seas. They never aged. Their otherworldly beauty could enchant any man. They were known as daughters of nature.

(Note: Readers should not feel disappointed. Nymphs were not so simple–you will see in coming chapters).

Varuna:  Humanoid creatures, lived in the living sea. Soma was their king. With blue hair and golden eyes, Varuna could easily be distinguished. 

Ishit could understand why these eight races were called major species, for any of them had the power on par with mankind, at least in this era when humanity was divided into two groups, each wanted to eradicate the other. 

What a simple division it was! Spirit worshipers and Spirit defilers. 

ishit could not make out why Mora, the wisest of all, had hated Vartian so much. 

But then again, did everyone need a reason to hate someone? Sometimes, hatred came from within. From our own shortcomings. 

Ishit shook his head as he didn't want to ponder the question again. 

He proceeded to the next question, which was about the spirit-beasts, a subject that had always fascinated him. In Minaak, they didn't have any beast tamers except Hossler, who took care of their asvas, and other spirit birds. 

Ishit always wanted to have a winged lion as a pet of course they were as rare as phoenixes. Though, a Moriyan lord was supposed to have one. 

According to his mother, Ishit's maternal uncle Vasu was a beast tamer, so was his grandfather from his mother's side. 

Ishit wanted to visit Vihaan, his mother's homeland, however, his father always opposed the idea. 

Ishit sighed as he listed down the characteristics of a Griffen, from its conceited nature to its loyalty for his master. The half eagle and half lion, Griffen was really a miracle of nature. They said Aslan had a horde of them in Atlantia. 

He wrote a short note on Manticores defenders of forts, and a long article on the sphinx the royal beast of Varta, describing its mythical origin as one of the seven horses of  Surya, the sun, and praising its wisdom which was on par with spiritualists. 

They said Aslan loved to ride this proud beast. 

Other questions were on the spirit -birds. Answering these questions was a cake-walk for him, for he had two falconers in his family –Esha and Ronan his uncle, who never deprived him of the opportunity of learning about the spirit-birds while instructing Guha. 

(Note: Yes, Padma is not a falconer. Leave your guess in the comment. I will not go into detail about these paths now for they will spoil the story.) 

Ishit answered them in great detail, naming all the uses of spirit-birds –

From carrying a message to saving their master's soul from death fairies. 

Though Ishit had mocked his sister for her occupations, personally Ishit was great a fan of falconers. Of course, he didn't want to be the one. The reason was simple, he had to fight for his land, for his uncle, and above all for himself. 

So all he wanted was to learn how to be an invincible warrior, like Ankha or Mora. 

Ishit flashed out the major species of spirit-birds, with their specialties. Such as 

Alicanto: bird with luminescent feathers which fed on gold or silver. 

Devil bird: a colorless bird. If someone heard its shriek, he would die in a fortnight. It was also called the messenger of death. 

Garuda: golden feathered eagle. The bird could create lighting with its wings. Garuda was the bane of nearly all kinds of serpents. 

Pamola: A snow-white bird with the power to cause soul freezing cold. 

Viru:  a beautiful bird. Viru poison could poison even a serpent. 

And so on. 

The third question was on the masonry.  (Don't worry mason will play a great role in the story) 

And the fourth one was on smithing, the sixth one was on herbology, then came healing, and so on and so forth. 

The twenty questions were designed in such a way that only a student with a good understanding of spirit-paths and the world could answer them correctly.

Despite his nonstop writing, When Ishit finished the 18th question, Only half ghadi (12 minutes) long time had left. 

Ishit let out a long breath, as he put away the quill. He wondered how all the students would attempt such a lengthy test. If he hadn't spent his four days in Pratima library in Avida, studying nonstop, Ishit doubted that he could have finished the test before time. 

The parchments had filed up before him. 

Ishit returned his awareness to his body which had turned stiff. He felt as if had been sleeping all the while. 

What Ishit didn't know was that his strange state had again startled someone.

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