The Last Rudra

Chapter 77 - Kasma

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Some people with enhanced consciousness, and deep obsession with the spirit were spiritualists. They spent their whole life experimenting with the spirit. All the spirit treasures, and other uses of the spirit were discovered by these people.

Now there were Nimohis, who used the spirit to cure illness, and they could also talk to spirit-herbs.

It was not just living beings that could sense, there were some non-livings that could absorb the spirit and gain consciousness, and hous

e-anima was such an example. A castle built with the jiva-stones, according to the vastu scriptures, gave birth to a house-anima. And again there were ranks in house-animas too.

As for Old Amoras rank , Drona never asked.

Onish's mind was whirling with all sorts of thoughts, everything seemed to him like a dream. Longer he listened to Drona, the stranger the world became to him. Now he was not sure that paramatan had sent him in this bizarre world with some purpose. What could he do with a body that couldn't sense the spirit. Though Drona hadn't mentioned it, Onish was sure the fate of a person who couldn't sense the spirit was nothing but dark.

His plan for finding the cure of his cracked soul was now merely wishful thinking.

Was there really nothing he could do? He wondered. There must be some other ways. Unknown even to so called spiritualists. He tried to brace himself,but nothing worked.

"You should take a rest now, we can continue tomorrow, and I'll also show you the library where you could learn manything.", Drona said as he rose to his feet.

Onish however, had no mood of sleeping. He must think of a way to sense and wield the spirit. Or else he would never leave this world.

They left the chamber, and the door shut itself on its own.

Drona didn't stop anywhere as he led back Onish to his lord father while telling him about the city Minaak, where their family had rule

d since time immemorial. According to sutas (tale-tellers), Long ago Minaak was not just a capital city of the southern mahajanapada. It was once the heart of civilization that went by another name, Kasi. However, One could never believe mags-men who earned their living by weaving tales.

Nonetheless the city was as ancient as the south itself. With its more than one million population, it could be considered the heart of the south.

Drona went on telling him the size, and number of gates of the city and so on. However Onish had no interest in them, he had fluttered past its nine gates and 12 watch towers umpteens times, and knew even their height and uncanny powers not even letting a bird slip out.

It didn't take long to get to the dining hall, which was now empty except his lord father, and two other men, all putting on some serious face, were discussing something.

"Are you sure that the parrot belonged to Ronan's son?," Onish heard his father's voice as stepped in with Drona.

"Yes, lord. I had seen the parrot with Guha many times. It was also his guardian bird during his trial for the falconry guild yesterday.`` The younger of the two said, Onish was sure he had seen him somewhere but couldn't recall.

" Ronan, Ah!!" Oman sighed deeply

"Shall I ask lady Surbhi about the parrot?" the bald man asked, staring at Oman's sullen face.

Oman didn't answer him Immediately. He seemed in a trance.

"No," he said

"But, it might be our only clue to find the culprit. " , the bald man insisted.

"I said no. Devsen. I owe too much to trouble her when her son's life is hanging by a thread. " Oman said aloud, shaking his head.

Some people with enhanced consciousness, and deep obsession with the spirit were spiritualists. They spent their whole life experimenting with the spirit. All the spirit treasures, and other uses of the spirit were discovered by these people.

Now there were Nimohis, who used the spirit to cure illness, and they could also talk to spirit-herbs.

It was not just living beings that could sense, there were some non-livings that could absorb the spirit and gain consciousness, and house-anima was such an example. A castle built with the jiva-stones, according to the vastu scriptures, gave birth to a house-anima. And again there were ranks in house-animas too.

As for Old Amoras rank , Drona never asked.

Onish's mind was whirling with all sorts of thoughts, everything seemed to him like a dream. Longer he listened to Drona, the stranger the world became to him. Now he was not sure that paramatan had sent him in this bizarre world with some purpose. What could he do with a body that couldn't sense the spirit. Though Drona hadn't mentioned it, Onish was sure the fate of a person who couldn't sense the spirit was nothing but dark.

His plan for finding the cure of his cracked soul was now merely wishful thinking.

Was there really nothing he could do? He wondered. There must be some other ways. Unknown even to so called spiritualists. He tried to brace himself,but nothing worked.

"You should take a rest now, we can continue tomorrow, and I'll also show you the library where you could learn manything.", Drona said as he rose to his feet.

Onish however, had no mood of sleeping. He must think of a way to sense and wield the spirit. Or else he would never leave this world.

They left the chamber, and the door shut itself on its own.

Drona didn't stop anywhere as he led back Onish to his lord father while telling him about the city Minaak, where their family had ruled since time immemorial. According to sutas (tale-tellers), Long ago Minaak was not just a capital city of the southern mahajanapada. It was once the heart of civilization that went by another na

me, Kasi. However, One could never believe mags-men who earned their living by weaving tales.

It didn't take long to get to the dining hall, which was now empty except his lord father, and two other men, all putting on some serious face, were discussing something.

"Are you sure that the parrot belonged to Ronan's son?," Onish heard his father's voice as stepped in with Drona.

"Yes, lord. I had seen the parrot with Guha many times. It was also his guardian bird during his trial for the falconry guild yesterday.`` The younger of the two said, Onish was sure he had seen him somewhere but couldn't recall.

" Ronan, Ah!!" Oman sighed deeply

Nonetheless the city was as ancient as the south itself. With its more than one million population, it could be considered the heart of the south.

Drona went on telling him the size, and number of gates of the city and so on. However Onish had no interest in them, he had fluttered past its nine gates and 12 watch towers umpteens times, and knew even their height and uncanny powers not even letting a bird slip out.

It didn't take long to get to the dining hall, which was now empty except his lord father, and two other men, all putting on some serious face, were discussing something.

"Are you sure that the parrot belonged to Ronan's son?," Onish heard his father's voice as stepped in with Drona.

"Yes, lord. I had seen the parrot with Guha many times. It was also his guardian bird during his trial for the falconry guild yesterday.`` The younger of the two said, Onish was sure he had seen him somewhere but couldn't recall.

" Ronan, Ah!!" Oman sighed deeply

"Shall I ask lady Surbhi about the parrot?" the bald man asked, staring at Oman's sullen face.

Oman didn't answer him Immediately. He seemed in a trance.

"No," he said

"But, it might be our only clue to find the culprit. " , the bald man insisted.

"I said no. Devsen. I owe too much to trouble her when her son's life is hanging by a thread. " Oman said aloud, shaking his head.

"We should feel ashamed not to offer the assassin's head at her door." he added.

"It is all my fault, Lord. I shouldn't have left the city yesterday. It was just ... " The bald man cut off by Oman,

" You can go, Devsen. I've some pressing matters to discuss with my son."

Devsen wanted to say something but he held back at last. The bald man saluted his lord and left with the young man, quietly.

Oman closed his eyes with a sigh. His face looked quite pale into the white light of moonstones.

"We should feel ashamed not to offer the assassin's head at her door." he added.

"It is all my fault, Lord. I shouldn't have left the city yesterday. It was just ... " The bald man cut off by Oman,

" You can go, Devsen. I've some pressing matters to discuss with my son."

Devsen wanted to say something but he held back at last. The bald man saluted his lord and left with the young man, quietly.

Oman closed his eyes with a sigh

.. His face looked quite pale into the white light of moonstones.

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