The Last Rudra

Chapter 87 - Secret Of Dream-Readers

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Thanks to Nyx he was still alive when I reached the city. The jeweler promised me a dream-stone if I could interpret his dream. An irresistible offer, however, I had nothing to offer him except the news of two uncanny deaths. 

So I did. I told him about the golden-haired chivalrous man who visited  Lady Margaret, queen of Matsya, and her mysterious death, while sitting in the orchard, smiling like a maiden.  I also recited the incident of the Arvanian young lord, who met a girl in his dream, so gorgeous that for her he annulled his engagement.  I told him the rumors flying in Arvania that Nimohi hadn't found any trace of the aura of white-wives in the young man's chamber. It was like the young's man soul had left the body on its own. 

The old man heard me out with patience and closed his eyes. I waited in silence.  The jeweler sighed, and whispered, 

"So it was what he meant when he said I wouldn't be able to return again.  Thanks, Imgur, I didn't say yes." 

The jeweler offered the promised stone, but I refused. Instead,  I requested him to help me to uncover these strange dream visitors.  The jeweler gave me a deep look. I could see the war going in his eyes.  However, he agreed to my request. 

It was with his help I came to know of these mysterious beings. 

They called themselves dream-travelers or were feared as soul thieves. They could travel to other worlds. (Yes, there are other worlds just like Mazia. Many of them are far more developed than our world. As to why we've never come to know of them,  I don't know. or maybe it was a lie concocted by these strange beings to lure their victim.). 

They could invade dreams.  However, there were some limitations to their ability. I don't know what.  Because before I could request the old man to ask his visitor, he died, in the same unusual way as the other two. The jeweler never told me who was visiting him whether it was a female or a male dream-traveler.

I left Hampi disappointed.

The note ended there.  Mahipal leafed through the tome again. And soon came across another note. It was written by a different ancestor...

I'm not certain about the authenticity of this claim. Nevertheless, I think  Nagarjun, 108th mahant (chief) of the Occum shrine could be trusted. According to him, he met a dream traveler in a real life. And it was this dream traveler who helped him to formulate his theory on his kinds. 

One can always read the original work of Nagarjuna called "Swapn-Pradeepika" ( Book of Dreams). I'm only pointing out some facts that my descendants should know while dealing with these mysterious beings. 

1. According to the chief of the Occum Shrine, Dream travellers are spirit-wielders. They have the ability to steal the soul of their victim. As for what they do with these souls, no one knows. Nagarjuna has given his hypothesis. According to him, they trade them to the soul herder for some divine elixir. 

2. They can be identified by their love for sleeping. A spirit wielder can sleep for months and even for years. The strange energy called dream energy kept their body alive while they sleep. Of course, Oshun's mirror can also reveal their identities. 

3. The people, filled with longing and regrets, easily fall prey to them. The only thing that can save their victims is a mermaid's humming. 

4. Last but not least, I advise my descendant not to meddle in these people's business. They are too mysterious. Nagarjun had died just after publishing his book, in a similar way as a victim of these evil beings died. 

Mahipal didn't look for another note. He closed the book. What kind of trouble he had gotten himself into!

Or was it his chance.?  Mahipal couldn't help himself but think, despite the shiver running through his spine. 


Ishit left the spirit school with his medal, proof that he was a spirit-wielder. He couldn't help himself from grinning like a fool. The silver medal filled him with so much energy and delight that he didn't even wait to take the carriage when he rushed home. Yes, he had abandoned the idea to seek Nitya right after leaving the school. The reason was simple,  he couldn't wait to see her mother's face when she would see his medallion. 

The spirit school was in the eastern part of the city besides the Nimohi guild. Ishit ran from there all the way to his castle, situated at the heart of the city.

When he reached the castle, the first person that greeted him was Amora, the house anima. 

"Why have you returned so early? Don't tell me you've failed in the examination." the old anima asked. However, Ishit grinned at him and rushed in leaving him behind, puzzled. 

Lady Padma was in the orchard with her lady in waiting, Asha, a middle-aged woman with a kind face, who loved Ishit as much as Padma. They didn't see Ishit coming as they were standing under the Glasswood tree with their back towards the entrance of the orchard. Ishit head as he approached the two ladies. 

"It was there,  guards found the root of the evil tree. " Asha said pointing her finger towards the wall.

"I still couldn't believe that the girl was a Moriayan spy. She was so innocent looking with the face of an angle. I can recall it as if it was yesterday when I employed her in my service." Padma said. 

"It's not your fault, Lady. They say she had a chameleon cloak.  " Asha said, in her consoling tone. "Though they say the magical cloak can not alter one's appearance, I doubt it can. "

Ishit couldn't help but feel bad for his mother. Four days ago, during his search, Griva discovered that one of her chambermaids was a spy from Moriya. What was worse, the girl had escaped the castle guards with all the secrets. He really doubted the capability of this so-called chief of the security guards. 


After putting on his medallion, and placing it on his puffed chest. Ishit coughed gently. The two women turned their necks. 

As soon as their eyes fell on him, Ishit saw as the two more flowers bloomed in the orchard. 

"Oh! It's little Ishi " Asha chirped. Despite Ishit's protest the woman had refused to call him anything else but little Ishi. 

"You're early, my moon.."Padma said, her face beaming like the red spirit fruits above her in the tree. 

Ishit adjusted the medal on his chest. 

"You passed!! " Padma rushed towards him as soon as her eyes noted the silver medal.  She caressed the medallion as if it was Ishit face. "I knew it," she mumbled. Ishit could see her beautiful eyes welled up. She was always like this.  Ishit never understood why she would cry over happy things. 

"Well done! lad.  You didn't let down Lady's expectations. " Asha said ruffling his already unkempt hair. 

Padma kissed his forehead and hugged him. 

"Come with me, I have something for you. " She said as he let him go from her tight hug. 

"What!" Ishit asked, giving her a puzzled look. 

"You will soon find out." She said, giving her a mysterious smile. "Asha, Can you go to the kitchen and inform them that today we will have a feast. No outsiders, us only."

"Yes! my lady." the woman said and left. 

Ishit followed Padma as they picked their way to her chamber while telling her how he had passed all the tests. Of course, he didn't tell her about the snakes' odd behavior, and the headmaster smashing the Oshun's mirror, nor did disclose the headmaster awarding him grades without even conducting tests. 

As soon as Ishit stepped into his mother's chamber, the golden bird came chirping and perched on his shoulder, rubbing its beak. 

Ishit couldn't help but envy her mother for her cozy bed. 

"Just wait here, " Her mother said as she entered opened the side chamber where she put her personal things.

Ishit took this time to check the room. Nearly three years after he had stepped in this chamber. The large window with silky curtains, and murals of flowers, and the statue of a dancing deity, called Vihang, almost everything was the same. 

The door creaked open as Padma returned, in her hand was a small box, of size a tome. She gave it to him. 

"Open it. " She said, smiling.  Ishit examined the metal box as he undid the look. With a faint whisper of unsealing spell, and the box's lid flung open. 

Ishit eye's widened up as his eyes registered the content of the box. 

" Do you like it?" Padma asked, beaming. 

"Thank you! I love it. " Ishit said, his eyes twinkling. 

In the box,  a silver pouch with colorless string, a dagger with ruby as its hilt, a golden watch were placed neatly with a note. 

To my beloved nephew! 

Ishit read the note and looked up at his mother's smiling face. 

"Yes, It is from Vasu."

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