The Last Slytherin

Chapter 17 - Inside the Magical Suitcase

On the night of Christmas, as everyone sleeping peacefully with a smile, two people found a mysterious thing. One is Harry Potter who found the Mirror of Erised and saw his Parents inside it and the other was Neal who found an entire world in a suitcase.

After getting suċkėd inside the Suitcase, he found himself in a dark place. Then he pulled out his Black Walnut wand and spelled, "Lumos". He lit the area to see where he was.

Neal found himself in an unfamiliar small room with nothing but a small bed, a lamp, a few books, and seemingly an old cupboard.

Neal mumbled, "where am I? Is that suitcase a Portkey or something? whose room is this?". He looked at the notebooks piled up and picked up a heavy thick old book with dust beside those notebooks.

He cleared the dust and read, "Bestiarium Magicum". "What is this book? I never heard of it. Ok, I can think about it later. There is still a week before the vacation is over. I need to look around and look for a way to return to Hogwarts before that".

Then he looked at the closed door. When he tried to open the door, it didn't even budge. At first, he thought it was locked on the outside. So, he tried to open it with, "Alohomora".

Only then he understood that it wasn't locked on the outside but the door was possibly jammed. He putback his wand and pulled out his Basilisk wand and pointed at it and spoke the spell in parseltongue, "Deprimo".

A blue light appeared at the wands tip and a huge amount of force applied on the door and blasted it away. As he stepped out of the room, he found himself in a larger hall with several doors to it. Unlike the darkroom before, this one has ventilation on all sides and so he can see his surroundings quite clearly.

He mumbled, "Is this some kind of treasure hunt or something? One has treasure and the rest have traps?". Then he looked at Isle, "did you feel anything around". Isle shook his head as she can't sense anything.

Neal then said, "well, then, we have to open the door to get out of here, I guess". He looked around, "let's see, so there's a total of 8 doors. If my intuition is right, one of them might be the treasure or the exit. So, which one should we select, Isle?".

Isle looked around and said, "hiss....hisssssss.....hisss....hiss...". Neal replied, "ok. since all look the same, let's go with your choice". Neal pointed a door in the right corner of the hall, "this door then". As he opened the door, he saw a small desert with a couple of huge rock formations here and there. He mumbled, "where am I? I thought this was a treasure room? Don't tell me I already found an exit. But who would build a building inside the desert? Let's check out".

As he closed the door and stepped outside on possibly one of the rock formations. As he closed the door and looked back, he was shocked to see there's only a door attached to the rock. As he was thinking about possible scenarios, Isle sounded, "hiss...".

Neal pointed his wand towards in a wary and backed off so that he can immediately open the door and return if it becomes dangerous.

Isle started to become restless as if a natural enemy is coming towards them. Contrary to their worries, The bird slowly descended its flight as it reached them and gave out a cry, "scree..."

Before Isle replies anything, Neal interjected as it isn't the same as last time. Last time at Dumbledore's office, it was just a small phoenix and not to mention, Dumbledore was present. But this time, it's a giant bird that kinda looks like a mixture of Phoenix and an eagle. Not to mention, this bird was too large. So, Neal was sure that it's a magical creature.

As magical creatures are intelligent beings, He tried to talk with it first to see whether it can understand him, "Hello, I'm Neal Slytherin. I've kinda opened a magical suitcase that someone gave me as a gift and I ended up a hall behind this door. I'm looking for an exit. We don't mean any harm here".

The bird looked at him once again for a while in silence making Neal nervous. He thought, "if it decided to attack, then I too won't show any mercy. I will have to fight. The only issue here is that it can fly. It isn't troll that is slow and dumb".

Then after a long silence, it screeched for a while. As Neal was clueless, he asked Isle to translate it. Isle translated in somewhat frustration and annoyance mixed as the Phoenix species is a natural enemy of it but the enemy is also difficult to beat one. If he brought the flying shoes or a broomstick, then it would be another issue though.

Isle said, "she says she knows who you are and she's waiting for you for the past 3 years". Neal asked the bird, "how do you know me? No, first of all, where am I, anyway and how do I return to Hogwarts?".

The bird screeched again for a while as it landed before him. Isle translated by her usual hissing with annoyance, "she says, you are inside the magical suitcase that you opened. There are several habitats connected to the hall by various entrances which home different magical creatures".

Neal then asked, "so, how do I get back?".The bird screeched. Isle replied, "she says she doesn't know". Neal then asked, "do you have a name?" The bird screeched and Isle translated, "her name is Glenn".

Neal then put forward his hand tried to stroke its head. Glenn accepted it while putting her head down. As he stroke the head with his hand, he said, "nice to meet you, Glenn. I'll see you again. First, I need to get back to Hogwarts".

As he backed off, it gave a cry and flew off in the sky towards one of the rock formations. After it flew away, He opened the door and returned to the hall.

"Say, Isle, did she say that all of the doors lead to different habitats of various magical creatures?" Isle nodded to that. Neal thought for a while and mumbled, "Is there some kind of a spell needed to return?

Maybe not. If it is so, then he might have sent instructions along with it as getting stuck here is a huge problem for a human". Then Isle said, "hiss....hissss". Neal looked at Isle and the door which was blasted away.

"Yeah, that's right. It might be in that small room". He walked into that small room and looked over everything again. He turned on the lamp but it was dead. Then as he opened the cupboard, it was pitch dark inside of it with no shelves".

He stepped inside the cupboard hoping that it's an exit and not a door like the one he opened earlier.

Immediately he felt like he was being apparated to somewhere and then found himself on the bed before the Suitcase again. As he observes the suitcase again, he saw on the left side, a label named Muggle worthy and a switch at the top of the handle, there's a label named auto and a switch with it.

He put the suitcase inside his trunk and slept until the next afternoon in peace. Meanwhile, at one of the hidden rooms inside the castle, Harry is sitting down before the Mirror of Erised seeing his parents.

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