The Last Slytherin

Chapter 2 - Diagon Alley

Early in the morning, just as the sun rose in the sky, Neal woke up while still closing his eyes. he mumbled while smiling, "Isle, you know I had a crazy dream last night. In the dream, the orphanage got caught in a fire somehow and Ms. Anne called me a devil and wanted to kill me.

Then I met that old man who claims that I'm a wizard and said that I was accepted in some Magic school. What's strange is that I even accepted his offer and teleported to London, funny isn't it?".

Isle replied, "hiss...hisss...hiss..". Neal immediately rubbed his eyes and looked at his surroundings. He asked Isle, "so that wasn't a dream?". Isle nodded its head.

After a while, Neal decides to come downstairs to ask the receptionist more about the Wizarding world as he literally knew nothing about it.

As he opened the door, he was surprised to find the receptionist kneeling before the door. Neal was shocked to see this kind of scene first thing in the morning. He asked, "what happened?". The receptionist bowed, "I'm extremely sorry. I didn't know that you are heir to the House of Slytherin. Please forgive me". Neal who was confused by his behavior replied, "first of all, please get up. Then explain it clearly so that I can understand".

He shook his head, "no, Sir. I can't. I'm being punished by a curse spell. Unless Sir forgives me, I can't get up". Neal mumbled, "what a weird kind of magic". He looked at him and said, "fine. I forgive you. Now get up".

The receptionist burst into tears of happiness as he was being forced to kneel from midnight to the morning. He got up in a hurry and bowed again, "Thank you very much, Sir".

After telling about the reason why he was kneeling, Neal asked curiously, "is the Slytherin family that powerful?". He replied, "no, the family disappeared after Gaunt House, a branch of Slytherin house rose in status.

According to history, it's been at least four centuries, since a legitimate heir one was last seen. That's why I didn't think you were the direct descendent and just thought of you as one who has the same last name.

There have been a lot of others who took after Hogwarts founders' surnames. But it seems you were the real heir. That's why my master punished me like that after hearing you were given a normal room".

Neal then asked, "how do you know whether I'm a legitimate heir of the House of Slytherin? Just now, you told it's been a few centuries since it disappeared and there are a lot of people who took after surnames of the Founders.

Who knows. Maybe I'm just a descendant of those fake ones". He replied, "that I do not know of. You need to ask my master about it". Both of them went downstairs to meet the owner of the hotel he is staying in.

As they reached the bottom, a man in his 30's, Tall, short blond hair wearing a long coat smiled while he raised his hand for a handshake, "Hello, I'm Edward Fawley, nice to meet you".

After Neal greeted him back, Edward said, "since Dumbledore sent you here, I guess you are my responsibility from now onwards and he also trusts me just as he trusts those Red hairs".

Neal was taken back and asked, "Red hairs? who are they?". Edward replied, "Weasleys. They too are pureblood like us but how should I say this. They lack the dignity of being one. Anyway, forget about them.

We still have nearly two and a half months left. Until then, I'll try my best to teach you all kinds of things about the Wizarding world. Ok, let me see the required things stated in the letter".

As Neal gave the letter to him, Edward looked over everything, "hmm, uniform, okay. First-year course books. Wand, a cauldron, 1 set glass, a telescope, and 1 set brass scales. Lastly, a pet".

He frowned on that part. Edward glanced at the snake around Neal's left hand. Neal who saw his expression asked, "Is there something wrong with the list?". Edward replied, "well, I forgot that snake can't be allowed as a pet to the school. Moreover, a venomous snake like this one".

Neal asked, "how do you know it's venomous?". Edward replied, "you can just tell by its eyes. Round pupils mean non-venomous and vertical slits mean venomous. I will write a letter to Dumbledore about it and will ask if an exception can be made".

Later, Neal was given a green-colored powder as both of them stood before the fireplace. He asked, "what is this?".

Edward replied, "floo powder. I'm not as good as Dumbledore to apparate with you to that place. So, we choose the alternate method. Be calm and say Diagon Alley while throwing it into the fire".

Neal breathes out air and calmly stood before the fireplace and threw it into the fire by saying, "Diagon Alley". In an instant, he reappeared at another fireplace in Diagon Alley's entrance. A second later, Edward appeared beside him.

Neal didn't pay much attention to his talking while looking at the Magic shops, older students and a few people with their families. He spoke out loud, "this place is amazing" which attracted some attention from others for a few seconds before everyone continues their shopping.

Then suddenly he stopped and asked, "Edward, what about the money?". He replied, "Dumbledore told me that he gave you some sort of key. Did you bring it along?". Neal nodded. Then Edward pointed a place, "first, we get your money from the Gringotts, then".

Neal asked, "is it some kind of Wizard bank?". Edward replied, "yeah but they are much deeper than that. They didn't simply store only just Galleons. It's better if you don't know about it. Forget it and follow me carefully".

As they entered the bank, Neal saw weirdly looking short creatures. He asked, "they don't seem like humans. What are they called?". Edward replied, "Goblins. Very greedy and nasty creatures. Better to stay away from them and don't ever involve in their business".

They slowly made their way to the counter. Edward cleared his throat, "Mr. Neal Slytherin wishes to do a withdrawal". The goblin asked, "and does Mr. Slytherin have the key to his vault?". Neal took out the silver key from the pocket that Dumbledore gave him last night.

Another goblin took both of them in a cart sort of thing to vault 153. Edward was tensed as they kept going downwards. Then he looked at Neal, "later, transfer all of the money to another vault perhaps above five hundred range".

Neal asked, "why?". Edward replied, "On the bottom, there is a dragon guarding the most secured vaults. It's always better to stay away from these kinds of creatures. You never know when they will explode in a rage".

Later, as they opened the vault, Neal was shocked to find heaps of gold coins. Edward said, "surprised, aren't you? These are just the personal fortune of your parents and grandparents. The rest of the money along with the other founders' fortunes which were thousands of times more were used for the welfare of the Wizarding World by the Ministry".

Neal asked him, "do you know who my parents are?". Edward shook his head, "I don't know but the Goblins do. We can ask him about it".

Later, after bribing him with 100 galleons which were a lot of money for normal Wizarding families, Neal found out that he was the son of Berry Slytherin and Dewy Avery which surprised Edward. He thought, "I wonder why Avery House didn't claim him. Did they disown her or something else?".

They came out of the Gringotts and started to buy the things mentioned in the letter. Other than the required course books, Neal bought History of Wizards and Wizarding Families books.

He bought an owl to use as a messenger. Then, he looked at the letter and said, "only the wand is remaining". Edward replied, "well, there is the most popular shop in the entire Diagon Alley for that".

Neal looked at the shop sign and blurted out in a shock, "you must be kidding". Edwards replied, "well, they were nearly 1300 years older than Hogwarts itself. There ain't no better place you can find other".

As he entered the shop, Ollivander was busy with a customer who was trying out different wands while her parents were standing behind her.

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