The Last Slytherin

Chapter 21 - Hogwarts Annual Festival Part 1

After Dumbledore's announcement, the atmosphere inside the Great hall filled with excitement. Later in the Slytherin Common room, as one of the Prefects gathered all their First years, Neal asked Malfoy, "Draco, you know what it is?".

As he shook his head, the Prefect, started to explain, "it's an annual festival held every time before the final exams. It's a festival conducted especially for the final year students who soon will leave the Hogwarts after their exams are over.

So, you can think of it as sending a farewell for them from the junior students. It's very fun actually. There are lots of games, sporting events, debates, Duelling, singing, dancing, etc... Every student must participate in at least one of the events.

Later in the evening, we will post all the events on that notice board. Give the names of which events each one will be participating in, to Prof. Snape before Friday. This time it will be tough for us to win the House Cup as we already lost in the Winter Cup and got eliminated along with Hufflepuff from the Summer Cup.

We have to hope Hufflepuff wins the finals although it's unlikely. Anyway, everyone, try to participate in as many as you can. This is the last chance for us to gain a high amount of House points and crush the other Houses and show their places to win the House Cup for the seventh year straight".

In the evening, Neal went down to the common room and saw the poster.


Venue: The Grounds and Quidditch Stadium

Events: Mini Quidditch(Team Event), Broom Racing(Team and Single events)

Venue: Class 23, Second floor of the South Tower

Events: Debates (Team Event)

Venue: Dungeons

Events: Wizards Chess, Globstones, Playing Cards (only above Fourth Year)- Solo Events

Venue: North Hall, First Floor

Events: Talent show without the use of magic (Solo or Team Event)

Venue: North Tower

Note: It is mandatory for every student to participate in at least one of the events.

After reading everything, he mumbled, "well, there are at least a couple of things that I can participate in". Daphne stopped beside him and asked, "Which ones are you thinking to participate in?".

Neal replied, "well, I guess Globstones and Debates?". Daphne asked "seriously? You aren't thinking of participating in Duelling? I heard it's the most popular choice every time you know".

Neal replied, "Nah, didn't you hear first years can only duel against first years? Too boring for me". Daphne then said, "well, everyone would be scared to fight against you, anyway. I'm looking forward to teaching that mudblood, a lesson".

Neal frowned, "Daphne, didn't I say before never to bring up that word in front of me? Whether it's a muggle-born or half-blood, all are our kind. It's just that we, purebloods have a higher standing than them, that's all".

Daphne argued, "Hey, when did I say that they are of a different kind? It's just frustrating to see a commoner like her having a better standing in school than me. Hmpf, I'll show her that just doing better in studies doesn't mean she's stronger".

Neal asked, "are you talking about Hermoine?". As Daphne nodded, Neal asked, "why don't you leave that poor girl alone? Draco is already entangled with Harry and Ron. If you too joined, it would look ugly, you know".

Daphne then replied, "Hey, I'm not as stupid as Malfoy. That's why I'm going to challenge her in an official match". Neal shrugged his shoulders, "that's your wish. I will only ask one thing. Just don't become a stepping stone for her".

Daphne smiled, "please, that's never going to happen". As she went away, Neal shook his head and started to think whether it's a good idea to participate in Talent show too.

While everyone is discussing the events they are going to participate in, Malfoy asked, "what events you all are participating in? I'm in Duelling, and Mini Quidditch". Tracey replied, "I'm also participating in Duelling, Wizards chess and Talent show".

Daphne then said, "Duelling as expected, Mini Quidditch, Broom Racing and Talent show. What about you, Neal?". Neal replied, "Globstones, Debates, Mini Quidditch, and Duelling". Three of them almost screamed while standing up, "What?".

While the rest of the Slytherins looked at them, they sat down and Malfoy asked, "I never thought you have interest in Quidditch", and before he answered the question, Daphne asked, "didn't you say you won't participate in Duelling?".

Neal raised his right hand and showed them the bracelet, "what can I say? You forced me to participate. As for Quidditch, I decided to join once I heard that mini Quidditch is different". Tracey asked, "different?".

Neal looked at her and said, "didn't you see the rules?". Tracey replied, "I'm no good at flying. So, I didn't see it. What rules are different from the Original Quidditch?".

Malfoy replied, "Mini Quidditch only has four players on each team. One keeper and three chasers. No seekers and beaters. The Bludgers will be rogue as usual but we can't take advantage of it.

Too bad that the teams will be chosen randomly and no one knows who they are going to team up with. I seriously hope there will be no Gryffindor in my team". Tracey then commented, "it would be hilarious if you end up with Potter in a team".

Neal then asked, "by the way, Tracey, Daphne, what are you going to perform on a talent show?". They looked at each other and smiled mysteriously, "it's a secret".

After the dinner is over, Neal went into his room and took out his suitcase. Then changed the auto switch to manual at the top of the handle and opened it while keeping it on the floor.

As the suitcase was opened, he stepped inside of it and stepped out of the cupboard in the bedroom. Then he pulled the door and entered the hall and saw the eight doors of it. He mumbled "hmm, let's go and see Isle first. It's been a couple of days since I last saw her".

He opened one of the doors which led to a large Forest habitat that resembles Amazon from South America, a bit.

As soon as he stepped inside of the habitat before even he even calls out, a Three-foot snake in a lightning speed lunged towards him. As a smile appeared on Neal's face, Isle quickly crawled around him and quickly made it's way to his left shoulder and while coiling around its body around his upper part of the arm, she extended her head towards his cheek and rubbed it while hissing.

Neal laughed, "haha, alright. I miss you too, Isle. So, where are your alleged minions and rival?". She looked at the forest and hissed, "come, everyone gather and greet my master". Even though it hissed normally, somehow, the hissing can be heard all over the forest.

Within a few seconds, small animals like Green Iguana, Golden Lion Tamarin, a Grass frog, Giant Anteater, Sloth, Kinkajou, etc...". Then birds like Macaw, harpy eagle, etc... also flew over and tried to land over him but because of Isle on his left shoulder, they just landed on a branch out of fear.

Neal looked at them and slowly went near them and touched all of them while smiling, "I hope Isle isn't troubling you everyone". A Macaw named Jacques spoke in a human tongue, "Isle is a bully. Isle is bad".

Neal ċȧrėssed its head while looking at Isle, "are you bullying them again?". Isle looked away and hissed, "I didn't injure anyone though". After having a conversation with everyone, he started to walk inside the jungle while all the animals went on their way.

As they stopped before a slow-moving stream, Neal spoke in a parseltongue, "I'm here, Buck". A large snakehead which is as big as Hagrid came out of the water and hissed, "it's been a while, Neal and you too tiny Isle".

While Isle hissed angrily at the Giant Anaconda, Neal spoke in a parseltongue, "I hope, Isle isn't giving you any trouble". Buck hissed, "as long as she doesn't pollute my place with her venom and spoil my food, I'll bear with her. If she doesn't behave next time, I will have no choice but to make her my food".

Later, after saying goodbye to Buck and Isle, Neal returned to his room with one of the Notebooks. While lying on his bed, he sighed, "I guess I have to go visit Newton Scamander once after I go back to London.

Let's write a letter to Edward, see if he can find the address".

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