The Last Slytherin

Chapter 27 - Chamber of secrets

When he stepped inside the bathroom, she saw the new visitor while stopping her sobbing, "oh, a visitor after a very long time". Neal looked at her and replied, "it's ok. Don't mind me. I won't disturb you".

Myrtle looked at him and the snake curiously without replying to anything. Isle hissed to him while saying it was here somewhere. Then he put the magic suitcase down and walked around and thought, "where might be the entrance hidden? Is it hidden like our common room behind a wall or something?".

Then he suddenly got an idea and looked at Myrtle who's staring at him for a while in silence. He cleared his throat and asked, "Ms. Mytle Warren. Can I ask you something?".

She immediately flew over and stopped before him and said, "sure, what do you want to talk to me about? You can ask anything or even can talk about anything. I'm a good listener". Neal then asked, "can you remember the exact moment of your death?".

She flew while sobbing and sat at the previous place and replied, "I don't know". Neal asked, "you don't know how you died?". She replied while sobbing, "I just remember seeing a pair of great, big, yellow eyes. My whole body sort of seized up, and then I was floating away".

Neal then asked, "And where exactly did you see the eyes?". She pointed the sink, "somewhere there". He went to it and while looking at one of the sinks, he saw a snake is carved on a copper tap. Neal smiled and put forward his hand which Isle coiled around it and took her place and then he saw the connected pipes to the bottom. He mumbled, "this is it". Then, he looked at Myrtle, "do you want to see the thing responsible for your death, Myrtle?". She suddenly became stiff upon hearing it and flew over to one of the toilets, "No, I'm scared".

Neal then said, "after a while, I'm going to bring out the monster which killed you. You can see it while hiding if you want". Forgetting about Myrtle, Neal concentrated on the sink and mumbled, "well, here goes nothing". He spoke in a parseltongue, "Open now".

Just then, the Upper part which contains mirrors raised and floated in the air while all the sinks move away from that spot revealing a huge Pipeline downwards. As he looks downwards which is pitch dark, he pulled out his Black Walnut wand and produced a light with Lumos spell.

Then he sat down at the edge and check it to see the bottom. As he can't see it, he asked, "check if you can sense it again?". Isle hissed, "yes, she is there. I can sense her". Neal then picked up his magic suitcase and said, "good, then, off we go".

He jumped into the dark Pipe and while falling and slowed down his speed with his Flying Shoes, "Lightning 45" which was given by Edward as a Christmas gift. A while later, he safely landed on the ground.

He started to walk through the pathway where the dark tunnel is taking him with "Lumos". He complained to himself, "since the chamber was built in the dungeons below the lake, couldn't he just put an additional entrance somewhere in Slytherin dormitory?".

While he was walking, he saw lots of rat's skulls and other small animal bones. "Poor beast. I guess she would have been very hungry all this time. I think it must be why it tried to escape through the entrance and was probably blocked as the entrance was closed and Isle must have sensed it then".

Then he saw a gigantic snakeskin, of vivid, poisonous green, lying curled and empty across the tunnel floor. The creature that had shed it must have been twenty feet long at least. "well, Buck was much bigger though".

He further walked through the tunnel and at the end of the tunnel, he saw a Door with two entwined serpents carved. He spoke in a parseltongue, "Open". The serpents parted as the wall cracked open, the halves slid smoothly out of sight, and Neal stepped inside.

He was standing at the very end of a long, dimly lit chamber. It was filled with towering pillars with entwined serpents carved on them which supports the ceiling and cast their dark shadow all over the place. At the far end, he saw the Statue of Slytherin.

While walking on the floor he looked at the floor which was wet indicating it was flooded sometime before. As it was under the lake, he thought it was normal and continued to walk towards the end.

While seeing the Slytherin statue's mouth, he thought, "I'm having a sudden feeling that...". Then Isle hissed, "She's in there". He nodded and stood before the statue and spoke in parseltongue, "Come out Basilisk, The True heir to the Salazar Slytherin is here".

As soon as he spoke parseltongue and Slytherin's name, the statue which somehow recognized his heritage, slowly opened its mouth wider by every second.

A few seconds later, as the Slytherin statue was widely opened, from inside the Darkness, a Giant dark green Serpent slowly crawled from its mouth. Unlike other snakes where it doesn't have eyelids, Basilisk has eyelids.

As he saw it was about to open its eyes, he ordered it in a parseltongue, "don't open your eyes. Close them until I tell you so". It immediately stayed like that and hissed, "I'm hungry, Master. I need to kill". Neal replied in parseltongue, "I'm taking you to a place where you don't have to worry about food and safety. Come with me, Basilisk".

It hissed, "yes, Master". He went and stood near it, "lower your head and carry me to the top. I have a promise to fulfill". As he sits on top of its head, the Basilisk followed directions with its eyes closed and made way to the entrance.

As the head of the Basilisk made a way out of the Pipe, Myrtle who was sitting there suddenly flew and hid in her toilet. She slowly looks at the Giant Snake from distance and Neal sitting on top of it. Neal spoke out, "Myrtle come out. No need to be afraid. Its eyes are closed". Myrtle flew over and stopped before it and spoke angrily, "so, this is the one that killed me". As the Basilisk heard her voice, it snarled while showing it's huge teeth making her fly all over to the window at the top, "Ok, I've seen it. Now, make it disappear. It's scary".

Neal jumped on to the floor and then switched the buŧŧon from manual to Auto which is at the top of it's handle. Then he spoke in a parseltongue, "I'm sending you off into a completely different place. After you appear there, you can open your eyes and roam, eat, sleep. Whatever you want". Basilisk hissed, "yes, master". He opened the suitcase which suċkėd the Basilisk into a forest habitat which is different from the one Giant Anaconda, "Buck" lives in.

As soon as it appeared in a completely open space with trees, it hissed in an excitement, "freedom" then it smelled its prey somewhere. It was various normal animals like chickens, goats, sheep, pigs, eggs, etc... Neal bought them through Hagrid who was one of the two, who knew the secret of his magic suitcase, the other being Dumbledore.

Meanwhile, Harry was standing in front of Prof. Quirell in a shock as he expected Snape to be there instead.

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