The Last Slytherin

Chapter 29 - Newton Scamander

The year 1980.

In Dorchester, a county town of Dorset which is located in the southwest of England, with a little population of just over 15,000, there is a lone cottage situated near the forest. An old couple of both over 80 years old lives together happily.

No one except a few knew that forest contains a number of Magical creatures, small and big, living together harmoniously. The couple doesn't have anything to do with either Wizarding world or Muggle World.

Until Voldemort reached there with his army of death eaters as well as Inferi, to wreak havoc and capture both the couple as well as the magical creatures so that he can use them in the ongoing Wizarding War.

The old man was able to protect the magical creatures by hiding them back in his magical old brown suitcase. But alas, his wife sacrificed herself in the battle so that he can get away with the magical creatures to safety.

The Year 1992, Present.

The old man is now in his 90's staying in the same cottage which he rebuilt as it is the place where he lived for decades and the resting place of his wife. As he was remembering their memories while traveling around the world meeting various magical creatures, "Tina..."

He heard the sound of someone knocking his door. He opened the door to see the young Slytherin and someone he's unfamiliar with. He smiled at the boy, "I knew you would come to see me one day, Neal".

Neal looked at the old man and replied with a smile on his face, "it's been a while Anonymous Santa Claus... I mean Sir Newton Scamander". Newt laughed and welcomed them inside. As they sat down, Neal asked, "you must have already known the reason for my visit, right?".

Newt replied, "yes, my boy. Well, to clear the doubts on your mind, let me start with your great grandfather, Orlando Slytherin, my mentor. He used to teach Care of Magic Creatures subject at Hogwarts back then.

But no one knew that he was of Slytherin's family which was supposedly gone long-extinct a few centuries ago because of the Gaunt family who share the same family tree as them. But that's another story that is of no use to you.

Professor Orlando was one of those who believed to be a fake Slytherin as he was sorted into Hufflepuff and isn't a Parselmouth. The unique trait that he has is that caring for magical creatures. It didn't even matter to him whether it is a dark creature or not. He used to care about them and likewise every creature in the forbidden forest loves him.

When I was expelled due to a certain incident, Professor Orlando gave me that suitcase which was a magical artifact from your family for generations. It was supposedly created by Salazar Slytherin to protect his favored beast, Basilisk. But instead, he left the Basilisk in the chamber while passing it down it to his son along with his other artifacts like his locket, his wand, etc...

Originally, it only had one habitat. I researched it and improved it during my lifetime. Now, I guess there are around 13-14 habitats in those 8 doors, right?". As Neal nodded and about to say something, Newt replied, "don't worry. Even though the original research materials are all destroyed, I made new notes to pass it to you so that it may be helpful to you in the future".

"Thank you, Sir. There's also one more thing I'm curious about". When Newt said, "what is it?. You can ask me anything. I'll clear all of your doubts". Neal asked, "Four years ago, when we first met in the Galway, is it really a coincidence that you met me? You seem to know my identity even back then".

Newt replied, "Nope. It's a fate that he met by coincidence. At that time, I was actually returning with a Snake egg from Greenland and stopped there. Then I saw you performing accidental magic on the harbor blowing up all the boats and ships. It took a great deal for the Ministry to manage that, you know".

Neal frowned, "Ministry? That means my location was known to Dumbledore since then, right?". Newt replied, "well, it would be better if it's answered by Albus. Anyway, Only later, I learned from Dumbledore that you are in fact Prof. Orlando's great-grandson. That's why I returned it to you when you joined Hogwarts".

Neal then asked, "but you should know that it's illegal, right? for me to use the suitcase. After all, I'm not supposed to pet even a normal magical creature, not to mention, I have an entire zoo in my hand. If the Ministry knew about it, I will be expelled, you know".

Newt apologetically looked at him, "I know. I'm a selfish person. But I'm not as healthy as before anymore. Soon, I will embrace my death. I can't look after them, anymore. It pains me to leave them alone in this selfish and dangerous world".

Neal wants to retort "what about his opinion?". But he wasn't able to say it out and deeply sighed after hearing the old man told that he's going to die. Neal also knew how much Newt loved animals. He even left his son and daughter in law to live with magical creatures as his son doesn't like them just like how his father and his family used to dislike them.

Neal didn't say anything else as he too likes the magical creatures and now, even has the interest to collect different Magical creatures in need to give a place for them in his suitcase while creating more habitats.

Neal decided to ask all his questions to Dumbledore since that old man seems to be the one who gave away his identity to Newt and probably he was also the one who suggested Newt send the suitcase to him.

A while later after taking the notes, Neal asked, "don't you want to meet them?". Newt shook his head, "no, I don't want to be attached to anyone before I die. It's better this way. I will rest in peace as long as you protect them from this cruel and dangerous world". Neal replied, "don't worry about that. I love them too. I'll look after them. Before going back, I have one more last question.

You know that even though I love animals, I'm still a pure-blood Slytherin and a Parselmouth. Didn't you fear that you gave me too much power? I may use them for bad things, you know".

Newt laughed, "hahaha... boy, are you testing this old man's judgment? I trust my judgment. More than even so, I trust Dumbledore. I don't know what he saw inside you but he trusts you much more than you think and did a lot of things for you.

It is very rare for him to trust someone after the two people he trusted the most, betrayed him and turned into the most treacherous villains in history. Never break his trust, boy".

Meanwhile, in the Malfoy Manor located in Wiltshire, Lucius Malfoy was swinging on a chair back and forth while having a normal diary in his hand contemplating what he should do.

He is thinking, "The Dark Lord is invincible. His return can't be stopped. It can only be delayed. The dark lord said this diary will be the reason the "chamber of secrets" will be opened again.

I guess this must be a Horcrux. A portion of the Dark lord's soul must be sealed inside this. Only then, this can open the Chamber but he doesn't know that the True heir is already attending the Hogwarts.

If that's the case, then even if the chamber is opened, it is useless. The beast will listen to Neal, not the Dark Lord. Hmm, based on the letters of Draco and Neal's achievements, he has the potential to be the next dark lord. If I can release this diary into the school and open the chamber of secrets, Neal will control the Beast.

Then, all I have to do is to make sure he stands on my side. By the time Dark Lord resurrected, if Neal turned to be weaker than him, then I need to make sure he joins the Dark lord and win Dark lord's trust again. And if Neal gets stronger, then it will be even better. At the very least, Draco will be safe. Let's see where it goes".

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