The Last Slytherin

Chapter 39 - Dueling Club part 2

A student of the first year went near Lockhart. Just as she reached him, he suddenly stood up with a bright smile on his face. She asked, "are you alright, Professor?". He replied, "of course. This amount of little power can't do any damage to me.

He walked a few steps and spoke, "an excellent demonstration, Prof. Snape. Of course, if I want to, I would have easily countered that spell". Snape who further got irritated pointed his wand towards him, "now, will you continue to show the demonstration or will you let students duel".

Lockhart replied with a huge smile, "sure". He turned to the students, "everyone, select your partner. First years, today, you will just observe them". Everyone started to select their partner and stand by them.

Harry stood with Ron. Hermoine with Neville. Draco with Crabbe. Daphne with Tracey. Only, in the end, Neal found out that one Hufflepuff student didn't attend now and he was left out with no partner.

Neal looked at his gang who betrayed him and choose their, own partners. Daphne then said, "don't blame me. You are too strong, Neal. It will be nothing but just a one-sided massacre". While the first years were whispering between themselves, "look, as expected. No one will dare be his partner". "didn't you hear he killed a Troll in his first year which is even tough for upper classes". "they say that he killed a cat". "No, that's just a baseless rumor. I heard that it was Harry Potter that killed it. Filch keeps on muttering his name all day".

"he also broke the record of the first-year exam results, right? 120% in all subjects. Can you believe that!". "he just single-handedly won the Quidditch Winter cup for Slytherin". "A bit too perfect isn't he". "I heard that last year he defeated several people including even 3rd years. That's why they are probably afraid of him bullying them".

As Mervin and Eve heard the whispers of their classmates, they remembered Theodore's warning. As Ron was just about to sneer, Hermoine nudged him and whispered, "don't provoke him now. Did you forget what happened last year? Better be silent for our sake".

Just when Neal felt frustrated, Lockhart spoke, "it seems like you have no partner, Neal. Fear not. I'll help you out. I'll be your partner for Dueling". Neal smiled, "really? Thank you, Professor. I'm glad that you are the one willing to be my training partner. I got afraid that I had to hold back my strength".

Lockhart laughed, "hahaha, don't worry. You don't need to hold back at all. I'll even give you a few tips. How about we start it". Harry and Ron shook their heads and spoke simultaneously, "this time he's done for sure. Poor guy".

Hermoine scolded them, "what are you saying? Prof. Lockhart doesn't use excessive violence and injures a student". Ron and Harry looked at her in a shock as their meanings are different from what she's thinking. Even they had the confidence to beat that fool".

Lockhart slowly stepped on to the Platform, managing his pain in the back from the earlier duel. When both Neal and Lockhart raised their hands, Ron whispered, "you know Harry, I'm rooting for Neal for the first time. It's best if Lockhart gets admitted into hospital".

Lockhart spoke, "now, remember that you have to very quick in a duel. The one who acts first gets the advantage. I'll show you how. On the count of 3,2,1..." Just as number 1 was spoken, he spoke, "Petrificus Totalus". He fired a Full body bind curse at Lockhart who was paralyzed temporarily. His whole body became stiff and was about to fell. Then, Neal spoke, "Expulso".

As the spell struck the frozen Lockhart, it caused an immense explosion and blasted him towards the wall behind and cracking it. While the girls who were his fans screamed, Snape rushed towards him and checked his body.

Snape said, "I'll take him to the hospital wing. He's knocked out. You guys can continue. Slytherin, you supervise it for today". As Snape took off the unconscious Lockhart, the first years murmured between themselves, "wow, too strong". "He seems a little bit scarier than Prof. Snape". "Maybe I can learn a thing or two from him?", etc.

He stepped on to the platform while fangirls of Lockhart looked at him with anger. The first years went silent as he cleared his throat, "ok, now that Prof. Lockhart is gone, how about we make things a little interesting?".

As everyone's wondering what is he talking about, Neal said, "Since everyone picked their partners, instead of a boring duel with your partners. How about 2v2? First, one from each side duel each other.

The 2nd one from the losing team will fight the one who won in the previous match. Anyone interested in this can participate. The rest can just stay aside and watch". Hermoine replied with a disappointed look, "Hey, that's not fair. What about our opinions?".

Neal looked at her and replied, "why should I care? If you have a problem with it, you can complain to Prof. Snape. He's the one who put me in charge for today or you can just leave if you don't agree with me. It's just a club, not a class. It isn't mandatory for everyone to stay here".

As nobody moved, Neal nodded with a smile, "Good. Now, how about we start with Daphne, Tracey, and Hermoine, Neville. come up.

Tracey and Hermoine stood on the Dueling platform facing each other. Neal then said, "ok, don't follow my example with Prof. Lockhart. Only disarming your opponent, alright?". Both of them nodded and started their duel.

After Hermoine beat her, Daphne came to the stage and defeated both of them making Slytherins excited. One by one, the matches continued to move on. Finally, it's time for Harry, Ron team vs Draco, Crabbe team.

Ron looked at him and sneered, "we're finally getting the chance to finish our battle. Last time someone challenged us and never appeared with fear".

As Malfoy and Ron start trading insults, Neal interrupted them with an annoyed look, "can you two hurry up? People are waiting for their turn". When Ron just pulled out his wand, Neal stopped him, "wait. You should sit this one out".

When Ron looked at him as if he wants to kill, Neal replied, "your wand isn't alright. I can't allow you duel with such a wand. It's dangerous for you and your opponent. Either buy a new one or use someone else's". When Hermoine is about to give her wand, Ron snorted, "no thanks. I can buy one, later".

Neal then said, "Let's just make this a 1v1, then. Draco vs Harry". Even though Ron felt humiliated, he swallowed his frustration and cheered Harry to beat up Malfoy. Both of them stood before each other while pulling out their wands, Malfoy spoke, "Scared, Potter?". Harry replied, "you wish".

Neal then started their match, "3, 2, ". Before he counted 1, Malfoy pointed his wand at Harry and spoke, "Everte Statum". An Orange light got fired off from his wand and hit Harry who was unprepared.

As it hit Harry, he flew back several feet and fell on his ċhėst which caused a sharp pain but didn't cause a lot of damage as Harry stood up perfectly. Harry then waved his hand and shouted, "Rictusempra".

Both of them were firing spells at each other without defending and of course, didn't drop their wand even after forced to dance, laugh when hit with various low-level curses. Draco then waved his hand and shouted, "Serpensortia".

He conjured a live snake that began to crawl towards Harry to bite him. Harry then brandished his wand and tried to counter with, "Alate Ascendare". As the spell hit the serpent, it merely caused the serpent to fly upwards and fell on the stage again without doing any damage and made it aggravate further.

The snake forgot the target it was supposed to bite and hissed with a rage showing its fangs and started to move towards a first-year student. Harry stepped forward slowly and started speaking in parseltongue, "leave her alone".

The snake stopped in the middle and stared at him. As Harry wasn't sure what to do with it, Neal stepped on to the platform and passed Draco. He started to speak in parseltongue as he kneeled on one leg while raising his hand towards it, "come here".

As it heard Neal's voice, it turned away from Harry and slowly crawled its way towards Neal and after picking it up, he looked at Harry and spoke, "it seems my suspicions are right. You are a Parselmouth, after all".

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