The Last Slytherin

Chapter 43 - Return of Tom Riddle

As Ginny wasn't ready to go to Dumbledore as she fears that her diary will be taken from her in the name of her safety, meanwhile, Neal is at the Restricted section searching for a book which can help him do the same as Tom Riddle.

Neal was fascinated with the idea of storing memories in a diary which can helpful for the next generation after he graduates from school. He further intends to research it and develop it in such a way where there are no side effects to the ones who converse with the memory of him.

While he was reading, he thought, "it's different from the magical artifact, Pensive where one simply siphons the excess thoughts from their mind, pours them into the basin, and examines them at one's leisure. It felt as if Tom Riddle's memories have his own thoughts like a ghost. It isn't just storing something. But, strangely, I can't find things related to it".

Then while reading another book about dark creatures, he mumbled, "Dementors and Lethifolds? I know about the Dementors. They are the guards of Azkaban. Let's see what a Lethifold is. Hmm, it seems a bit similar to a Dementor but far more dangerous. Killing and digesting humans!".

Just then, he found a book which is exactly what he needed. As he began to read, the librarian spoke to him, "Mr. Slytherin, time is up". He put the book back to the shelf while mumbling, "well, I'll return next weekend to read the rest".

The next day, during breakfast, Dumbledore stood up and said "I have an important announcement to make. All students and the staff are prohibited to enter the Forbidden Forest until further notice. The school won't take responsibility for any death occurred in the forest".

While the announcement surprised everyone, no one took it seriously as they already know it is called the forbidden forest for a reason. On the other hand, Neal is in a dilemma of whether to help them or not.

He can see innumerable profits on one side and on the other side, he's afraid of Dumbledore finding out that he's using the suitcase for personal reasons. If Dumbledore doesn't keep it as a secret, the Ministry has a right to confiscate the suitcase until he reached legal age.

Neal then thought, "I guess it's better to sit this one out. Even if I lend Zora which is considered as an inheritance, I still need to control the Basilisk. She didn't perfect the skill yet to control her skill. She might kill even allies too in the process".

Days passed, Ginny is becoming weaker and weaker as her life force is getting absorbed. She was again admitted into the hospital a couple of times more which brought Dumbledore's attention. He went to the hospital wing and saw a few of her classmates surrounded her bed in worry while she's bȧrėly speaking even after waking up.

After finding out the exact situation, he asked, "Ginny, where is that Tom Riddle's diary? Any more use of it and you will die". She just stayed silent. Dumbledore sighed, "I'm sorry but for your sake, I have to confiscate the diary. This is an order as a headmaster. You have until tomorrow to give it up on your own".

That night Ginny disappeared from the hospital wing. Meanwhile, in the Slytherin dormitories, Neal was standing inside the training room of cast-a spell-kit. He closed his eyes and began to think of happy memories.

He saw the first time someone of his kind raised a wand and performed magic. He remembered the scene when Edward gave him his parents' photo frame. He saw Isle coming out of the egg he was supposed to make Omlet and eat it.

Then he remembered the first time he flew on the broom like a flash and made lightning cut evading the twin Weasleys in a Mini Quidditch match. As a big smile began to appear on his face, he remembered the scene when Ms. Anne played ball catch with him, and knitted a sweater for him.

As he waved his wand in a one-round swirl pattern, a silver color light emerged out of his wand, he spoke, "Expecto Patronum". The light lit his room while a snake which is an exact identical to Isle appeared and crawl in the midair and went outside of his window and then vanished in thin air.

He smiled while Isle hissed, "it looks just like me aside from being all silvery". He replied, "isn't it? I guess I have the best affinity with you, after all". Isle jumped at him and crawled up through his arm and coiled around his head while rubbing its head to his cheek and made a chuckle escape out of him.

The next day, without any bodies this time, Huge writing appeared on the wall on the first floor at the exact spot Mrs. Norris was hanged before, "I'm hidden somewhere inside the castle. Come and find me before this poor red-haired girl dies out of the blood loss".

Everyone who heard of it gathered around along with Neal. Upon hearing it's a red-haired girl, her brothers along with Ron started to panic while Dumbledore calmed them down. Neal then realized and uttered aloud, "Ginny's been possessed again, isn't she?". As Dumbledore's face became dark, Ron shouted, "what do you mean by that?".

When Neal was about to reply, Dumbledore interrupted, "Prefects. Please take all of the students to their respective dormitories. Neal, Harry follow me and along with the teachers".

As all of them went to a small empty room nearby, Lockhart began to boast, "don't worry, with my amazing skills, I'll rescue the poor girl and capture whoever kidnapped her just like how I saved the princess of..."

He was cut off in the middle by Dumbledore, "If you please let me talk". Lockhart sealed his mouth while Dumbledore spoke, "Neal, how much you know about the diary?". Neal replied, "recently I've read a book by Mr. Weldon Quilt about the soul.

It said a human can separate a piece of his soul and put it inside an object so that he can return to life even after his original body was dead. I think Tom Riddle did exactly that. He sealed a piece of his soul inside his diary to come back to life later by absorbing the life force of the people who use it, converse with his soul in daily life.

But what I don't understand is why did he possess Ginny to kill Norris and frame me?. It's not like he can open the chamber. Or can he?". Prof. McGonagall was taken aback after listening to his name and started to panic.

Then, Lockharts commented, "isn't he the genius who set the records for all years in academics, forty to fifty years ago? well, Although he isn't as intelligent and famous as me, he is considered a small-time celebrity in his times".

Prof. McGonagall irked by his words spoke, "Professor Lockhart. I think this little problem doesn't need your ȧssistance. You can return to your office". After throwing Lockhart out, Dumbledore said, "you're better off not knowing those things, Neal. I can't believe there are still books about the soul present in the library.

Anyway, we have to find the girl before the end of the day. Harry, you stay with Prof. McGonagall and Neal, you stay with prof. Snape while we're searching. I believe Tom Riddle's target is one of you. I can't take chances. You two stay with the Professors, alright?".

Just when Dumbledore is about to disapparate from there, Neal shouted, "wait. I think I know where he might be hiding". Harry anxiously asked, "where?". Neal replied, "the same place which can be opened by both of us and also him". Dumbledore and McGonagall sounded at the same time, "The chamber of secrets".

Without waiting for anyone else, Dumbledore grabbed Neal and apparated to Myrtle's bathroom. As there are anti-apparition charms all over Hogwarts, the Professors had to walk quickly towards the entrance.

Neal opened the entrance of the chamber with parseltongue by saying, "Open". They jumped inside the pipes and slowly made their way through the dark tunnel. As Neal opened the door, they entered the hall and found a 16-year-old Tom Riddle before Ginny, who laid on the floor unconscious.

He let out a wicked smile, "too late, Albus Dumbledore. Lord Voldemort is back".

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