The Last Slytherin

Chapter 46 - Living with Tracey

Upon finding the rings on them, Tracey and Neal looked at each other in a shock. She almost screamed, "mom, are you serious? When did it happen? No, How did it happened?". Dulcie grabbed Edward's hand and replied with a huge smile on her face, "it just happened".

Draco burst into laughing all of a sudden. As Narcissa firmly scolded him to shut up, Daphne explained, "you misunderstood, Mrs. Malfoy. While we're returning, a discussion went on between us about Ms. Dulcie's surprise.

Draco was the one who guessed that Ms. Dulcie and Mr. Edward are going to get married". Draco smirked, "I think I have talent in divination".

Astoria replied, "as if. You only have a talent in squandering money". Draco looked at her as if daggers are coming out of his eyes and thought, "you little... just you wait. I'll teach you some manners, soon".

Meanwhile, Neal said, "congratulations, Mrs. Dulcie, Uncle Edward. I'm happy for you. But anyway, does that mean I'll be moving with you guys?". Dulcie replied, "of course, you'll be moving with us. We're a family now. No need to feel troubled, at all".

After saying goodbye to others, they sat in Edward's car. While Neal sat on front with Edward, Tracey who sat with Dulcie in the backseat whispered, "mom, just when did you two even start dating, anyway?".

As she whispered a bit loud, Neal and Edward too heard it, he replied, "it's been nearly two years, Tracey". Neal and Tracey were surprised and almost screamed, "Two years?". Tracey then looked at her mom, "so, that means when we went to Neal's birthday party last year..."

Dulcie smiled, "we're already dating each other". Neal then asked, "wait a second. Two years? That means you knew each other long ago?". Edward replied, "yeah. We met each other in America, a couple of years ago. She was the one who helped me out when I was returning with your wand".

Dulcie commented in a surprise, "I really thought you were a grave robber that day. Neal, do you know how many people your uncle offended to get that wand? He kept on digging graves over various places in America and almost got caught".

Edward replied, "please, it's nothing big. Dumbledore already took care of it".

Soon, they reached a house. It's neither small nor a big one. It's a two-story house, more than enough for four people. Tracey was amazed, "are we living here from now on?". Dulcie nodded, "yeah, we bought it a couple of months ago after we got married. Tracey, your room is upstairs on the left and Neal, yours is on the right".

While both of them were going upstairs, Edward said, "I knew Neal won't say anything and will digest it easily but I never knew Tracey is also mȧturė enough to understand". Dulcie replied, "please. Don't think too much of her. She takes too much amount of time to digest when she gets shocked.

It's been an hour already. By this time, she will realize that she forgot to ask for an explanation. then she will shout..."

Just then, a shriek came from Tracey's room, "Mom, mom, mom..."

While Neal was wondering what's going on, Dulcie smiled at Edward, "see? Just wait here. I'll go and talk to her".

Later in the evening, after having dinner, Neal dragged Tracey, out for a walk. After a while, Tracey broke the silence, "thanks. I'm feeling a bit stuffy in the house". Neal asked, "you don't like Edward?".

Tracey replied, "no, it isn't like that. He is nice and seems like Mom also loves him very much but it's just I never thought Mom would remarry without asking me". Just when Neal was about to reply, Tracey said, "I know, I know. It's her personal life but still... sigh. I guess it might take a while for me to adjust to this new life. What about you?".

Neal replied, "actually, I'm just happy that I get to live in a normal house. For the past two years, I just spent my vacation time in a Hotel room reading every day". Tracey looked at him in a surprise, "what? Don't tell me you've never gone out to roam the city?".

Neal replied, "Edward hates muggles. So, he doesn't like to roam in a place full of muggles. So, other than meeting Newton Scamander once and Diagon Alley to buy books, I never left the Hotel once.

After all, I know nothing about this city. I'm from Galway, remember?". Tracey nodded, "yeah, I know. Hmm, how about this. I'll take you for a tour around London. Mom will be busy at work, anyway". Neal smiled, "sure".

As Neal is enjoying his summer vacation at Tracey's house, on the other hand, Harry is having the worst summer because of his aunt's family. From the moment his distant aunt from Vernon's side visited Dursleys, she kept on insulting his parents which made him use accidental magic and blow her like a balloon into the sky.

The next day morning, Neal and Tracey were packing their little belongings in their backpacks. A yell came from the hall downstairs, "Neal, Tracey, how much longer. We're going to be late". After a while, they both came downstairs.

Edward spoke, "c'mon. Let's go, kids". Tracey looked at Neal who was smiling big and said, "you seem to be excited?". Neal replied, "of course, I've never traveled by plane". An hour later, they reached the airport.

Meanwhile, a person stood before their house and mumbled, "so, this is where he lives. I should report to Karkaroff. But I wonder if there's even any use of knowing it? The boy will soon return to Avery, anyway".

A few hours later, Neal and Tracey were taken aback by the sheer amount of people who seemed to be very busy at the airport and kinda look similar to each other in Neal's and Tracey's eyes due to the other-race effect. As Neal saw people who look a bit similar to Cho Chang, Neal asked, "are we in China?".

Meanwhile, at the Chinese Ministry of Magic, Lhasa

Bai Tengfai, the minister of magic stood before a hooded wizard and spoke, "so, Berry's son is here. An opportunity has been sent from heavens at last. Proceed with the plan immediately. Remember that boy should be captured alive. Don't harm the girl too. We don't want any trouble with Albus Dumbledore and that old headmaster".

As the hooded figure disappeared, Bai Tengfai smiled evilly, "soon, that music box will fall on my hands".

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