The Last Slytherin

Chapter 52 - Invitation to the National team

Hearing Tracey's question, Daphne was taken aback in a surprise. At first, she wanted to shout at her and scold her but then thought of losing her best friend removed that option but the thought of her with Neal is also unbearable for her.

As Daphne just stayed like a statue lost in her thoughts, Tracey laughed out loud, "hahaha, I'm just kidding. He's like a sibling to me, don't worry about it". Only then, Daphne returned to her senses, "eh? What did you say?".

Tracey pouted, "Ah, dammit. You are no fun. I'm going". After changing back her clothes, she slowly put the dress back. Daphne asked Pansy in a confusion, "what did she say?". While Pansy is explaining to her, Tracey exited the shop in a hurry.

Too bad that no one saw Tracey's expression while she's putting back the dress, which contained sadness. While Tracey is walking towards Honeyduke shop, she saw Neal waiting for her with a big fluffy candy.

As he waved his hand with a smile, she too smiled, "can't do anything about it. I'm just a half-blood after all. Well, this is enough for me". She quickly walked towards him and took the candy from his hand. While he was confused, she started eating it, "hmm, it's good". "Hey, that's mine". She started running playfully while laughing, "try to catch me if you want it then".

The students made it back by the evening before Halloween feast starts. The feast was delicious. Even Malfoy who was full to bursting with sweets from Honeydukes managed second helpings of everything.

The feast finished with entertainment provided by the ghosts. They popped out of the walls and tables to do a bit of formation gliding. As for Harry who just recovered from his bad mood with food, his mood was once again destroyed by Malfoy who taunted him, "scaredy-cat, Potter. Didn't want to leave the castle with dementors and Black lurking, right?".

As the feast was over, everyone returned to their dormitories. When Harry and the rest went towards their dormitory, they saw it was crowded. When Percy said that he was the Head Boy, the crowd gave him the way only for him to find out the fat lady on the Portrait is gone.

He shouted, "Somebody, get Prof. Dumbledore here. Quick". As Dumbledore and Filch arrived, they saw the portrait was slashed and was torn into pieces. Dumbledore then ordered Filch, "send the ghosts a word to search for her".

After hearing from Peeves, the poltergeist that the fat lady was screaming Sirius Black name while running away earlier, Dumbledore looked at the students, "gather at the Great Hall". As everyone from the Gryffindor gathered at the Great Hall, he removed all the tables away with a flick of his wand.

Dumbledore then said, "The teachers and I need to conduct a thorough search of the castle for Sirius Black and as well as for the guardian". As Prof. McGonagall and Prof. Flitwick closed down the doors, He continued, "I'm afraid for your own safety, you will have to spend the rest of the night here.

I want the Prefects to stand as guards and the Head Boy and Head Girl in charge". Then, with his wand, he conjured lots of sleeping bags and ordered everyone to sleep in there.

The next day morning during breakfast, Malfoy mocked Harry and others, "I heard that you slept here because Sirius Black made the fat lady run away?". Harry replied angrily, "do you want me to help you spending on one arm for the rest of the year?".

Malfoy looked at his bandaged arm and then said, "hmpf, speaking of the injury, I forgot to mention you that your dear Hagrid is going to lose his job by the end of the term. Send him my condolences". While the trio began to worry about Hagrid, Malfoy thoroughly enjoyed his breakfast.

As the weekend came, it began to rain heavily. Just when Prof. Snape was thinking of getting the match canceled or changing Gryffindor's opponent because of Malfoy's injury, Flint looked at Neal and asked, "this is your first test. If you were the Captain, what would you do?".

Neal thought for a while and said, "we'll go with the match". Draco replied, "but my arm. How can I even catch the snitch with this condition in such weather". Neal nodded, "I know but believe me. you don't need to play, Draco. Just sit on the broom and enjoy the match.

There is a certain disadvantage on both teams but not for me. It is more of an advantage. In such weather, they can't concentrate on my lightning cut. Before Harry catches the snitch, I'll give the team a lead of at least 160. You guys try your best to obstruct Harry's vision and defend me".

As everyone seated in the stands wearing raincoats and cheering for the teams, the match started. The Gryffindors focused completely On Neal, the wall which is stopping Gryffindor's victory. Since they studied him closely, they were able to stop his movements successfully a few times but still wasn't able to stop Slytherin's lead because of the heavy rain which made their vision blurry from time to time.

As Slytherin began to lead them 170-30, Harry spotted the snitch and rigorously chased it to catch it as he was determined to win this time. As the snitch flew upwards, Harry began to follow it. McGonagall stood up and said, "we've to stop Harry. You know there are dementors up there". Dumbledore stopped her, "no, we can't stop him. It is against the rules to intervene in the match. You just have to wait for Neal to score two more goals, then we can stop Harry with an excuse".

Neal scored two more goals giving a 160 lead for the Slytherin team, meanwhile, Harry flew upwards too much and faced a dementor who attacked him. Harry fell from the broom from a great height and was saved by Dumbledore.

A few days later, while the Hufflepuff members are discussing with Cedric Diggory, their new seeker, and captain, how to stop Neal like Gryffindors did a few times, Slytherins were excited with Neal's new record opening the season with 16 goals and the first years who are mostly his fans are wondering what will be Neal's total score at the end of the year.

Just then, his owl flew and dropped an envelope on him. Malfoy asked, "who sent it? Is it Mr.Edward?". Neal replied, "no, it says Ireland Quidditch ȧssociation". While Malfoy was surprised, Neal opened the envelope and read,

"Dear Mr. Slytherin, We're pleased to inform you that you have been selected as a member of the National Quidditch team of Ireland.

We await your owl by no later than 31 December.

Yours Sincerely,

Kylan Twigs,

Head of the Quidditch Association of Ireland".

Hearing that, Malfoy almost screamed in excitement, "you've been selected for the National team? They're the favorites to win the World Cup next year". As the Slytherins began to whisper, it reached to all of the houses shocking them.

Then, Daphne said, "but isn't the minimum age, 14 years to play for the team?". Neal replied, "no, it's not necessary. Quidditch Associations have their own rules. They can make exceptions just how Prof. McGonagall made an exception for Harry and Prof. Snape made an exception for Malfoy".

As everyone was discussing, the whispers reached the High table where the teachers sat. Dumbledore said, "Prof. Snape. Congratulations. One of the members in your House made it to the Nationals". After that, every teacher congratulated Snape to which he smiled in return. Although everyone found it creepy to look at.

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