The Last Slytherin

Chapter 56 - Expelled from Hogwarts?

When Harry, Ron, and Hermoine got woken up by Hagrid in the middle of the Forbidden forest with little injuries here and there, Hermoine found out that she lost her Time-Turner. Then, as Hagrid asked them about the time turner, Harry said, "not sure, while we're returning to our dormitories, we used the Time-Turner for some reason and ended up here".

Harry looked at Hermoine, "what did we use Time-Turner for, anyway?". Hermoine thought for a while and looked at Hagrid, "you said something about Buckbeak. Neal kept it somewhere safe. After that Ron said we should expose Neal or something and then we used Time-Turner. Argh. My past few hours of memories are a bit jumbled. Did we want to find out something?".

Hagrid scolded them, "you three. Don't you know it's illegal to use time turners for personal use? How did you even manage to steal them?". Hermoine replied, "no, we didn't steal it. It was given by Prof. McGonagall to me". Then Ron suddenly asked, "Hagrid, how do you find us here, anyway?".

Hagrid replied, "oh, Neal just told me that you were lying around here. You know he has the habit of roaming in the forest". Ron shouted, "no, Neal must have done something. I was certain that I was excited to go as we have landed in the past".

Harry then said, "And yet, we don't have any memories of it and we even lost Time-Turner. Coupled with injuries...", Hermoine mumbled, "Neal must be involved somehow. I should get back my Time-Turner. Otherwise, my classes..."

As she stood up and started walking in a hurry, Ron tried to stop her, "wait", she turned back and scolded him, "shut up. This is all because of you". Ron then said, "look around you. We're in the forbidden forest. It's almost dark. You will get lost". She looked at him and screamed loudly in frustration, "Ron".

As they were following Hagrid, as Ron still doesn't get it why she was so frustrated when she can just tell Prof. McGonagall that she lost it somewhere, Harry was still in thinking made what is it that they used it for and who did they fought. He was wondering whether Neal is behind everything or is it something else.

After the dinner is over, while everyone is returning to their dormitories, Draco spoke, "Potter, I heard that you and your two friends are going to be expelled. I wonder if you will be ok with Sirius Black lurking around there".

As Harry frowned, "what are you talking about?", Neal stopped beside him and said with a blank face, "you can talk with Prof. McGonagall, tomorrow morning". As he turned back, Hermoine called him, "wait, then, did you take my Time-Turner?".

Neal looked at Ron coldly, "You are really trying to test my patience, aren't you? Did you forget, last year, I saved your sister from dying despite being framed for Mrs. Norris' death by her? Instead of gratitude, what did I receive...". then he looked at Hermoine, "we'll talk about it, tomorrow".

Draco sneered, "you did a grave mistake this time by offending Neal, Weasley". After he went away laughing loudly with excitement, the trio was taken back in shock and became worried. Ron patted Harry and Hermoine, "don't worry, Harry. They're just scaring us. Do you think Professor will expel us just because we used it for personal use? c'mon".

Hermoine knocked his hand off in anger, "you idiot. Can't you see that Neal was the one who took the Time-Turner and might've handed over it to Prof. Snape or Prof. McGonagall? Don't you know what that means? It means we have broken an important rule of Time-Turner".

Before they go to bed, three received a letter saying that they are to report Prof. McGonagall at 9 A.M. The next day, as they stepped inside Prof. McGonagall's office, they found Neal, Dumbledore, Snape and McGonagall waiting for them.

She looked at them in anger, "I can't believe you used Time-Turner for personal purpose, Hermoine. I'm very disappointed in you". Snape then said, "these three never stop making troubles. I believe we should expel them for this act".

Dumbledore replied, "Severus, they are from her house and it is her right to give them the necessary punishment". Then, Neal interrupted him, "I'm sorry Professor but the victim here is me. I think Prof. Snape has the right to suggest the punishment".

Ron mumbled, "honestly, we look more like victims and he looks like the perpetrator". As everyone heard it, Snape snarled at him, "Quiet, Weasley". As Harry said, "but we don't even remember what happened exactly. I accept that we used the Time-Turner for something but how was Neal related to it and became a victim?".

Dumbledore then looked at Neal, "tell us what happened, exactly?". Neal then said, "well, you all know about how Buckbeak was sentenced for hearing, right? As he asked me for help, I told him that I will talk to Mr. Lucius Malfoy and will send Buckbeak to a safe place.

Then, as I was returning, these three are following me for some reason. When I've spotted them, Hermoine shouted, "we're seen. Knock him out", and Ron attacked me all of a sudden. So, I was forced to defend myself.

Only after defeating them and knocking them out, I saw a Time-Turner around Hermoine's neck. I didn't know which time they're from and for how long they were in the forest. So, I just pressed the return buŧŧon on it and sent them back to the present and waited for them for two hours until they appeared before me.

Since they've broken the rule, I confiscated Time-Turner and handed it over to Prof. Snape": Dumbledore who believed Neal, "I guess it's the side effect of breaking an important rule of time. Time is really mysterious and profound".

As Dumbledore is admiring time, Prof. McGonagall cleared her throat and looked sternly at Hermoine, "Ms. Granger, do you know what is the most important rule you've broken?". Hermoine replied while looking down at the floor, "yes. When using Time-Turner, one must never be spotted by someone from the past. It may lead to drastic consequences".

Prof. McGonagall then replied, "One, you went to the Forbidden forest without permission. Two, you used Time-Turner for personal use. Three, you were discovered by Neal. And Four, Hermoine, you betrayed me by telling them about it in the first place.

You promised me you will keep it a secret. From the moment, you joined the school, you are constantly breaking the school rules again and again. I have no choice but to expel you". As the three of them are shocked, Dumbledore spoke out, "Prof. McGonagall, if I may say so, the fault lies partly with you too. You gave Hermoine, a 13-year-old girl, a Time-Turner so that she can attend all the classes. You used your power as Deputy Headmistress to give her Time-Turner without my permission.

It was blatant favoritism on the girl as it is clear that Neal is the top student in the school. Choosing several electives is her choice and she has to face the consequences of its burden. You shouldn't help her like that in the first place.

If you wanted to support her, then you should have given her access to the restricted section or give her notes, etc... there are other ways to do so. I'm the one who was disappointed in you, Prof. McGonagall. So, I think expelling them is too much of a punishment for them".

As everyone looked at Dumbledore in a surprise who completely shifted the blame from the trio to Prof. McGonagall, Dumbledore continued, "But still, they have to be punished. So, I'm taking away all the points of Gryffindor and confiscating the Time-Turner. And All of them will serve detention every week until the term is over as the punishment".

As Dumbledore announced his final decision, Neal kept silent and didn't say anything more. As they nodded silently and exited the office, Ron and Harry looked at Neal in hate while Hermoine apologized to him, he replied, "be grateful that I'm still upholding my word to reduce Hagrid's punishment. I hope you don't involve in my affairs in the future".

After warning them, he turned back and walked towards his dormitory with a smile while thinking, "Edward is right, after all. The world believes half-truth more than a complete one".

Previous day,

After Neal suċkėd the Hippogriff inside the suitcase, he slowly started to fly with his flying shoes. But suddenly, he spotted the trio were watching him from a distance secretly and as their eyes met, Neal immediately landed and attacked them first and knocked them out before even giving them a chance, after disarming them.

Then, as he went near their unconscious bodies, as he saw the chain and hourglass on Hermoine's neck, he mumbled, "isn't this, a Time-Turner? These fools. Did they hear from Hagrid and wanted to fill their curiosity?".

After sending them to present, Neal then went to Hagrid to ask what did he say to the trio. After listening to his explanation, he accepted his apology and said, "ok, then. Be careful from now onwards. You should know Dumbledore's job is at risk here if it leaks out to the ministry".

As Hagrid nodded and told that he will be careful, Neal returned to the place he sent them and waited until they appeared. After they returned to the present unconsciously, He looked at them seriously, "did these three wanted to expose my secret? Let's see how will you be punished".

He pointed his wand at them, "Obliviate". Then he erased all the memories of them worth five-six hours and took away the Time-Turner and moved them into somewhere in the middle of the Forest. After telling about them to Hagrid, he handed over the Time-Turner to Snape, later.

Back to the present, as close to near 1000 points got disappeared in one night, commotion raised at Gryffindor House. Meanwhile, Draco slapped his thɨġh in excitement and praised Neal in his mind, "Damn. What an ingenious plan".

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