The Last Slytherin

Chapter 6 - First week at Hogwarts part 1

The next day, Neal woke up early in the morning and looked at his pocket watch. He mumbled, "it's still six o'clock. Breakfast is at 7:30.

There's still time. Let's check the time table.

Monday: the Potions class is in the morning and Flying class in the afternoon at 3:30.

Tuesday: Charms, and D.A.D.A. in the morning and Astronomy in the afternoon.

Wednesday: Herbology in the morning, Potions in the afternoon.

Thursday: Transfiguration and Charms in the morning.

Friday: D.A.D.A. in the morning, History of Magic and Flying class in the afternoon.

Neal smiled, "I like this time table. I would have a lot of free time". Then he looked around the room and found a hole in the corner. He spoke out, "Isle, come out. We need to talk". As soon as she heard Neal's voice, Isle immediately crawled out of the hole and made its way up and sat before him.

Neal spoke, "you know about the rules, right?. As long as we're in a class, you won't come out of my sleeves and will just stay there. Whenever we're with Harry potter in the class, you must not talk with me at all. He understands the language".

Isle nodded, "Hisss". Neal then continued, "good. The next big thing is that under any circumstances, you won't bite any human. Once you attack someone, I'll be expelled. Got it?".

As Isle nodded, he went downstairs after freshening up and wore the uniform he bought at Diagon Alley. The new robes will be delivered at the end of their first day which they need to replace the previous plain robe.

As he reached the common room, he saw Malfoy's gang and Pansy's gang just sitting and chatting with each other. Although it looked more like an argument. After seeing him, they stopped their arguments and rushed towards him.

Malfoy asked, "I heard that you got a separate room for yourself. Is it real?". Neal nodded. Tracey then asked, "does that mean you really are the heir to Slytherin, right?". Neal replied, "what if I was, what if I wasn't?. It's not like being a Slytherin heir makes me become stronger".

Neal went on his way to the Great Hall for breakfast while leaving them in a confusion. While Malfoy and the rest of the gang are clueless, Daphne and Tracey went behind him and joined him at the table.

Daphne spoke out, "we never introduce ourselves, right?. I'm Daphne Greengrass and she's Tracey Davis". He smiled, "you already know my name but anyway, Neal Slytherin and she's Isle". Slowly, Isle's head came out of his sleeve and looked at them, "Hiss".

Then she quickly hid again. "she says hello". While they flinch after the snake came out of his sleeve, Neal said, "no need to be afraid. She won't bite". While Tracey is still afraid, Daphne asked, "Is that your pet?".

Neal nodded, "yes. Don't worry. I took the ministry of magic and Dumbledore's permission. I'm just unwilling to bring it out as it will spread fear among the students. I will let you pet it later". Tracey replied, "yeah, that's true. Even if we're from Slytherin, real snakes are still scary".

Neal then asked, "can I ask something? On the train, when we first met, I saw four of you stuck together. Did you know each other even before?". Daphne replied, "of course. All our families' children knew each other since we're little kids".

As they were talking about various things, slowly, all the tables were filled with students. They started their breakfast with dozens of varieties of dishes that appeared all over the table.

Soon, several owls began to fly with letters and gifts in the Great Hall. Many of their deliveries belong to the first years as they just got sorted into the House.

As Harry was reading a newspaper which he got from Ron, meanwhile on the Slytherin table, Daphne, Tracey, Malfoy all received their letters while Neal hasn't received one yet. He felt a bit jealous of them at first but then shook his head after coming to his senses and continued to fill his stomach.

Just then, a letter was dropped by an owl on his shoulder which he caught before it fell. Malfoy asked, "didn't you say you are an Orphan?". Neal replied, "well, there's someone who looked after me for a couple of months. Didn't expect a letter from him".

He opened the letter and after reading it, he closed it calmly and put it in the pocket. Later Daphne, Tracey, and Malfoy went to visit Neal's room as girls are allowed to visit Boys dormitory although the boys can't visit the girls' dormitory.

As they stepped inside his room, the rest of the three were amazed and felt jealous of keeping such a big room to himself for the next seven years.

Then Neal spoke, "well, there is a reason for that, you know". Daphne asked, "is it because of Isle?". Malfoy asked, "who's Isle?". Neal replied, "She's Isle". The snake came out of the sleeve which made Malfoy jump in fear and scream.

After calming him down, Neal introduced Isle to them. While Malfoy and Tracey didn't dare to go near it, Daphne tried to pet it and Isle accepted it. Neal nodded, "expected. After all, she's from the House of Greengrass, a pure-blood".

Their classes started on Tuesday with "Charms" that was taught by Professor Flitwick in class 99 in the South Tower. He was a tiny little wizard who would need lots of books to stand on top of, so that he may write the title at the top of the blackboard.

Because it's the first class, he just took the roll calls and gave an introduction to the subject he was going to teach.

After that, they went to the most popular subject Defense against the Dark Arts as it generally has a practical approach but it turned out to be a joke. The whole classroom is full of garlic and Malfoy commented that it is to ward off the vampire that Professor Quirell fought back in Romania a long time ago.

In the afternoon, they went for Astronomy class which is just looking at the stars, planets and study them with a telescope from the highest level in Astronomy tower.

The next day, Slytherin went to greenhouses behind the castle where Herbology is being taught by Prof. Sprout. Just like Prof. Flitwick, she too just gave an introduction about the subject and what they will be doing for the next year.

It isn't that the class is the most interesting or popular, it's just the older students urged them as they were scared of Professor Snape who hates Gryfindor and looks for every opportunity to cut their House points.

As Neal entered the room, whispers began among the Gryffindors which actually made Harry a little bit happy as someone successfully took away some of the attention on him.

It became very hard for Harry as from the moment he left the dormitory, everyone who saw him whispers among themselves and many older students stop their work and stare at him in curiosity while he was on his way to the dungeons not to mention, Slytherins, who for some reason hate him ever since the first day.

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