The Last Slytherin

Chapter 66 - The Dark Mark

After the World Cup presentation ceremony is over, Neal returned to his tent with great difficulty to pass the wizards and witches including many reporters who surrounded him. As he returned to the tent, Neal saw Draco and his mother, the Greengrass family, and Tracey waiting for him.

All the ȧduŀts have a serious expression on their face, Oakley scolded Marsh and almost roared, "why in the hell did it take so long to pick him up?". While Marsh apologized, Oakley looked at Neal, "we are returning, right now". As Neal asked, "what happened?", Samuel replied anxiously, "there's no time to explain. Hurry up. The others have already returned".

Oakley then shouted, "ok, everybody knows about the Portkey, right? All of us should touch it at the same time, understand?". All of them stood in a circle around an old chair and grabbed it for a while. Neal thought, "no wonder I felt this old chair familiar, this old man brings his chair from the Mansion and travel around with it?".

They immediately teleported to a strange unfamiliar place covered with thick fog blinding their visions. Oakley then took out his wand and spoke out, "Ereceris", a blue light burst from the tip of the wand and cleared the fog away to reveal a huge scale construction site.

When Alene asked, "what is this place?", Samuel replied, "this my dear, is the new project we're working on. You can say this might be the safest place to hide from them". Then he looked at Oakley, "how long?".

Oakley replied, "it might take a few months considering the enchantments to cover up on a huge scale. We can't use fog to cover it like this for a long time. I guess part of it will be completed by Christmas".

Samuel sighed with relief, "good then. I hope we still have some time. It has already begun". Daphne asked curiously, "I'm sorry. But what has begun, dad?". He shook his head and stayed silent with a bitter expression on his face.

Meanwhile, at the campsite beside the stadium, chaos ensued as the place was suddenly attacked by the Death Eaters. Everyone saw a colossal skull comprised of what looked like emerald stars, with a serpent projecting from its mouth like a tongue in the sky.

While everyone is panicked seeing Voldemort's sign again, Hermoine who just returned being friends with Harry and Ron in the summer after learning that both of them are attacked by Sirius Black and felt guilty for not being with them to help, was busy defending Winky, Barty Crouch's elf who was found with Harry Potter's wand at the scene. Amos Diggory who was the head of the department of the regulation and control of Magical Creatures accused her of conjuring the Dark Mark as it was done by Harry's wand.

She kept on arguing with Ron, "you guys are too cruel. Just because she isn't human doesn't mean she hasn't got feelings. Ron replied in an irritation "look if you are just going to be annoying all again, then it might be better not to talk to me". Then he screamed, "can just anyone tell me what the hell is that skull thing in the sky that is making everyone terrified".

Hermoine replied, "didn't you hear its You-know-who's symbol, Ron?". Arthur then said, "and it hasn't been seen for thirteen years. Of course, people will panic It's almost like he's back again. They have chosen the right time to attack when Dumbledore isn't here". Then he thought, "does this have anything to do with the Sacred-28 ȧssembly? No, I heard Barty Crouch attended it too. It can't be that. I wonder".

The next day, at Avery Mansion, Neal woke up and read the newspaper while having his breakfast. He frowned, "an attack by Death Eaters? This is why we evacuated the site early?". Then, he asked Crane, Avery family's house-elf, "where is Lord Avery?", Crane replied, "Lord Avery went outside. He told that Lord Slytherin's books and supplies for the next year are there in the cabinet in the upstairs living room".

Aside from the usual books and other supplies, he saw a luxurious dress robe having a snake printed in gold on either side. Neal nodded, "well, it looks good. Wonder what's this for. A gift or something?".

One week later, in the last week of August, the rains started at the Tagues village followed by lightning storms. Upon seeing it, joy can be seen on Neal's face while he mumbled, "just at the right time. Very lucky, I should say. I'm sick of daily repeating the incantation all this time".

Then, Neal went to large empty fields behind the Mansion followed by Oakley just in case and also because of curiosity what animal will Neal get to transform into. At first, Neal doesn't want to tell him and keep it as a secret but then, since he would need to register his Animagus form at the Ministry sooner or later since failing to register will sentence a ticket to Azkaban, he just told him about it.

Neal took out his Basilisk wand and after waking it, he pointed its tip to his heart and spoke, "Amato Animo Animato Animagus". Then he took out the potion he safely kept in his suitcase and drank it in one gulp.

As an image appeared in his mind, he transformed into the creature which made even Oakley step back in a shock, "That's..." After Neal transformed back into himself, Oakley patted his shoulder, "I'm proud of you kid. Your animagus form is just as I expected. I have only seen it in books. It truly represents you. A type of snake that knows when to use its cunningness and when to use its strength. You still have a week left, right?".

Neal nodded, "yes". Oakley then said, "okay. You know that you certainly can't train your animagus form at Hogwarts, right? That's why you need to train at Greylin. It's safe there and no one will spot you. Oh and tomorrow we need to go to the Ministry and register it before you go to Hogwarts"

Neal thought "well, the wizarding world will go into an uproar again, I guess".

On the 31st of August, the Daily Prophet released news once again removing the last piece of doubt that Neal might not be the heir in everyone's hearts. While Prof. McGonagall felt proud as she's the one who taught him how to be an animagus, on the other hand, Dumbledore is feeling worried and relieved at the same time.

He felt relief that Neal is grabbing enough attention away from Harry but also feeling worried that he might be getting too much attention. After all, Dumbledore knew Harry Potter's enemy but not Neal's who is unknown and might be anyone.

Dumbledore is also in a dilemma, "now, what should I do? Two Prophecies. One involved the fate of the wizards and muggles of Great Britain, and another involved an unclear and unknown fate that involves wizards from all over the world. On one side, there is Harry and another side, there is Neal.

But considering the incident at the Quidditch finals, it won't be long before he comes back. If I start now, I might find all the Horcruxes eventually".

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