The Last Slytherin

Chapter 70 - Beauxbatons and Durmstrang

All the students were surprised to see a horse-drawn carriage, the size of a large house, pulled by a dozen winged horses, all palominos, each is a size of an elephant. The horses landed with tremendous speed but stable making a few students jump back.

Then, a boy in pale blue robes, who was acting as a charioteer jumped down on the ground. He went towards the carriage and opened the door.

Neal saw a woman who was even taller than Hagrid but gracefully looking. Dumbledore stepped forward to greet her, As tall as 6ft as he was, Dumbledore bȧrėly bent to kiss her hand while greeting, "Welcome to Hogwarts, Madame Maxime".

Then, more than a dozen girls and three boys stepped down from the carriage and stood behind her shivering a little bit as their robes were made of fine silk and none of them were wearing cloaks, a few of them had wrapped shawls and scarves around their necks, after all, the climate at the Hogwarts is a little bit colder than at Beauxbatons academy.

Madame Maxime then asked, "is Karkaroff here, yet?". Dumbledore replied, "anytime, soon". And then he asked, "Would you like to wait here or would you prefer to step inside and warm up a trifle?". She replied, "Warm-up I think. But the horses..."

Dumbledore said, "Our Care for Magical Creatures Professor will be delighted to care of them". As Maxime and the students went inside, the students continued to wait for Durmstrang delegations while discussing what type of Horses they will use.

While everyone gazing at the sky, a loud and oddly noise was drifting toward them out of the darkness, a muffled rumbling and suċkɨnġ sound like a vacuum cleaner was moving along a riverbed.

As great bubbles started to appear on the surface of the lake, everyone turned towards it in curiosity. While some thought it was Durmstrang while a few others thought it might the Giant squid living inside the lake.

Just then, a whirlpool seemed to appear in the middle of the lake and a Mast rose from it first, followed by a large ship that appeared to have wrecked and got repaired. A moment later, after the anchor is being thrown and the ship reached the shore, they saw more than a dozen people who looked at a bit built with all cloaks made of some kind of fur.

The tall man who was leading them greeted Dumbledore first with a big smile on his face despite the fact it looked a bit creepy and shrewd. As he looked at the castle, he said, "Dear old Hogwarts. How good it is to be here. Victor, let's go". As a boy stood beside him and the rest of the others behind walking into the entrance hall, several students whispered excitedly, "it's Krum". Seeing the sixth year students especially girls being frantic, Malfoy snorted, "hmpf, only a loser".

When Neal reached the Great Hall to sit down, he saw Beauxbatons sat down at the Ravenclaw table and Durmstrang chose to sit down at the Slytherin table while they were surrounded by several students. Especially, Krum and a few girls from Beauxbatons academy.

While he's making his way towards the table, suddenly, a shriek with excitement came from Ravenclaw's table, "Neal". As he turned around, Neal was taken aback in a surprise when he saw the girl who called him just now. "Celia?".

She hastened her steps and walked towards him with an excited expression while attracting the attention of others. As she reached him, she kissed his cheek as an informal greeting, "it's been a while, Neal".

He smiled in return, "well, not much. Only like a couple of months? Oh, it has been a while, yeah". While everyone around them staring both of them and the girls from Beauxbatons were whispering while looking at Neal, she grabbed his arm and dragged him toward the Slytherin table as she spotted Daphne and Draco.

While a few were looking enviously at Neal, many of them who were a part of Neal's unofficial fan club looking at Celia in anger for daring to lay hands on their idol. While he was walking with Celia to the table, Krum stood up suddenly and intercepted them and greeted him.

A while later, Neal sat down with Celia and Daphne on either side, while Draco sat beside Krum making Ron, a bit angry and a little bit jealous since Krum was his idol for some reason. Up at the High table, Filch put another four extra chairs sat down which made people wonder "will there going to be two more guests?".

After all the teachers along with Karkaroff and Maxime sat down at the High table, Dumbledore remained standing and said, "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and most particularly the guests, I have great pŀėȧsurė in welcoming you all to Hogwarts. I hope that your stay here will be comfortable and enjoyable.

The tournament will be officially opened later. For now, please enjoy the feast".

As he clapped, several dishes from all over Europe appeared on the table. While they were eating, the two empty seats were filled by Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch. Then after the feast is over, Filch brought a large old casket encrusted with jewels. Then, Dumbledore introduced both of them and said, "they'll also be joining the judging panel.

Now, as you know three champions will compete in the tournament. One from each school. As I said, They will be chosen by an impartial judge. Behold, the Goblet of fire". As he tapped the casket three times with his wand, the lid is opened and he took out a large wooden cup brim with blue-white flames.

Dumbledore then put it on top of the casket so that it is visible to everyone in the Hall. Anyone who wishes to participate must write his name on a piece of parchment and drop it into the goblet. To ensure no one under 17 falls to temptation, I will also be drawing an age line around it once it has placed in the entrance hall. You have 24 hours. Good luck".

While everyone was busy discussing whether they can fool the Age line with Ageing potions, Harry kept stealthily glancing at Cho, the girl he developed a crush on from the beginning of the year, thinking whether Cho would cheer for him if somehow he gets selected as a Champion.

A while later, as the Goblet was placed in the entrance hall, people sat nearby and looking at the seventh years who were putting their name, one by one. Malfoy then asked Neal, "can you concoct an Ageing potion?". Neal replied, "yeah. Why? Do you want to enter?". As Malfoy nodded, Neal said, "well, I don't think Dumbledore would miss such a common issue. He must have already put some defensive measure against it".

Meanwhile, Inside the Riddle House at little Hangleton, as Peter Pettigrew asked, "my lord, everything is ready. Only blood is needed from one of your foes. Must it be Harry Potter? I can arrange one suitable body for you". He heard a high pitched hoarse voice, "no, it must be him, my greatest foe".

Wormtail replied, "but my lord, it's a very difficult task even for him. As long as Dumbledore stays..."

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