The Last Slytherin

Chapter 75 - A deal with Moody

When Neal admitted that he ate one of the dragon eggs, the other champions, and the audience got taken aback in surprise while the judges nodded in understanding as if they've known about it and didn't say anything to him and called Fleur to step forward.

As Fleur did so, Bagman said, "you're last with 36 points total. The reason for your low points is because of the method you've chosen. Although you did great but still, It's unimpressive to the judges. Nevertheless, you will proceed to the next round since you managed to complete the task".

As Fleur nodded with a little bit of disappointment, they also announced Krum and Harry were tied to 2nd place after giving remarks about their performance.

After it was over and they were told to return to their dormitories, while everyone else did so, Neal, changed the directions midway and went in a different direction away from them to collect the dragon egg he buried.

But just as he arrived at the spot, Neal saw Moody was holding the dragon egg while leaning on the tree. As soon as he found him, Moody looked at him and said, "you are here, at last. Thought you would forget about the dragon egg you stole under everyone's eyes".

Neal stepped back in surprise, "how did you..." Moody replied as his upper lip curled up, "you underestimate me, boy. You may have turned invisible but nothing can be hidden from my eye. From the moment you used your Animagus' ability, I followed your movements. At first, I thought it was just a mistake of you taking away a dragon egg along with you but when I saw you crawling towards the exit, I became suspicious about it. And the rest is easy".

Neal looked at him seriously and replied, "so, what if you found the egg? Confiscate it and report to Dumbledore then, it isn't a big deal, anyway". As Neal turned around and started to walk in frustration that he lost a dragon egg, Moody suddenly said, "dragon eggs. I'll give you four of them".

Neal suddenly stopped and turned back, "did you say four dragon eggs?", Moody replied, "yes, one from each kind you faced in the tournament. How about it? Are you interested to listen to what I have to say?".

Neal looked at him in a shock, "are you serious? So, you aren't here to boast but waited here to make a deal with me?". Moody replied, "well, seeing your animagus form forced me to do so". Neal frowned, "what a student like me can offer an Auror like you? The only thing I can offer is money but I don't think you would be wanting that. So, what is it?".

After talking for a while, Neal said, "you are different from what I've learned about you". Moody smiled while looking into his eyes, "well, everyone has a side of him that they don't wish the world to see. Ain't I right, Slytherin?". Neal mumbled, "well, I suppose so".

Later, Neal said while holding the dragon egg and a golden egg, "ok, I'm returning to the dormitory. Don't forget to hold your end of the bargain and I'll make sure Harry wins the Triwizard cup". Neal returned to his room with excitement since he not only gained four dragons but also received the tip on what to do with the golden egg next.

As he was sleeping, Neal mumbled, "it's really strange though. Why was I offered four dragon eggs just to let Harry win the Triwizard Cup? How was he so sure that I will win it by just seeing my animagus form? Is it because the dragon eggs weren't his that he was generous or does Harry winning the Triwizard Cup hold that much importance to him? But the most suspicious point is why would he show his ugly side to a stranger like me? It just doesn't make sense. Did he think no one would believe a word of a 14-year-old kid over a Professor or something? It is strange indeed".

Meanwhile, in his office, Alastor Moody smirked while looking at a common Welsh green dragon egg, "I guess I need two more. He's just a naive kid after all. And a bit too greedy at that. Not even four dragons are enough for him, he also wanted permit of visiting Azkaban huh! Well, I guess the Ministry will allow if a person like Moody requests it. Let's try writing a letter and see their response first".

The next day, while Harry was confused about the Golden egg which gave a sharp cry upon opening it, Neal entered his suitcase with the Golden egg into an empty small water habitat which is his 2nd habitat creation.

Then, as he dipped himself along with the Golden egg into the water and opened it, he heard a chorus of eerie voices singing to him,

"Come seek us where our voices sound,

We cannot sing above the ground,

And while you're searching ponder this:

We've taken what you'll sorely miss,

An hour-long you'll have to look,

And to recover what we took,

Too late, it's gone, it won't come back".

After returning to his room, he pondered about the clue present in the egg, "cannot sing above the ground. It means Merpeople who stay inside the Black lake. We've taken what you sorely miss means something important to a champion will be taken by them and I think I have to rescue.

An hour-long you'll have to look and to recover what we took means the time limit is one hour. But what's the meaning of the last sentence, does it means I just lose from the competition or will it be taken from me forever?".

Later, when his friends asked him about the Golden egg, Neal replied, "I already figured out the clue for the second task", shocking them. As Tracey asked what is it, Daphne stopped Neal, "nope, it's better to keep it as secret. There isn't only one champion. Potter was also one and there are lots of Krum's fans. Who knows when the secret will become information. Not to mention, someone has the tendency to brag to Potter and Weasley".

Neal, Tracey, and Daphne turned towards Malfoy who wasn't paying much attention to their discussion. As three pairs of eyes looked at him, he was taken aback in surprise, "what is it?". Neal sighed while shaking his head, "you are right. Better to keep it to myself".

A few days later, in Transfigurations class, as Harry and Ron were discussing how peaceful their student life is now. Without Malfoy bothering and Snape is behaving himself outside of the classes because of Mad-eye Moody, the best teacher they had who teaches sixth and seventh-year knowledge stuff to them, Prof. McGonagall yelled at them in irritation for not paying attention to the classes.

As they went silent and began to pay attention to the class, Prof. McGonagall continued the lesson. After the class is ended, she said, "I have something to say to you all.

The Yule Ball is approaching, a traditional part of the Tri-wizard Tournament and an opportunity for us to socialize with our foreign guests. Now, the ball will be open only to fourth years and above, although you may invite a younger student if you wish".

And Neal who sat silently in corner shivered a little bit as several pairs of eyes looking at him.

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