The Last Slytherin

Chapter 80 - The Cursed Music Box

As Neal requested Dumbledore leave them alone to talk with Leon, Dumbledore stared at him in silence for a while before replying, "ah, yes, of course. I'll be standing there in case something unexpected happens". Then, he looked at dazed Leon once and then looked at the Dementors which were roaming around and walked away and stood far away from them to respect his privacy while thinking, "I was a bit naive to think Neal hasn't changed at all.

It seems Neal staying in Tagues village changed him a little bit. Although it's a good thing, I'm starting to get worried about the forceful behavior he displayed just now. No, it's too early to think that way.

It might be because the person in front of him isn't just his uncle but also the killer of his parents. After all, it's too hard for a 14-year-old kid like him to maintain his coolness while facing him. It's understandable if he behaves like that".

Meanwhile, Neal looked at Leon without an ounce of pity and asked, "so, tell me now, how did my mother and father die? If you killed them, then why? As their son, I deserved to know it". Leon whispered under the effects of Veritaserum, "the cursed music box".

While tears began to flow from his eyes unknowingly, Leon replied, "it's all my fault. I should have seized it the moment I realized it was a dangerous item. We became greedy about gaining power and in the end...".

Neal was confused by his vague answer and interrupted him, "stop. Don't give me those stupid long explanations. Just answer my question one by one. Did you or did you not kill my father and mother?". Leon nodded, "yes". Neal then asked, "now, tell me briefly, why?".

Leon replied as hs tears were flowing non-stop, "because they requested it. It's all my fault. It was my negligence that drove them to madness. I killed them". As he was banging his head onto the prison bars while screaming, "it's all my fault", Neal's expression turned soft as he took out another vial which is clear, colorless and odorless liquid like water and looks like Veritaserum.

Then, he raised his hand and lifted Leon's chin and then poured a few drops inside his mouth making him taken aback in surprise as his pale skin started to become a bit rosier. As he asked, "what is this?" while examining his body which looked a little bit healthier than before although only a little bit but still, Leon was able to move his hands.

He looked at Neal in surprise, "you, what did you do?", Neal replied, "it's just an energy serum which was invented by Professor Snape. It isn't publicized yet though. But that's another story. Now, tell me, why do they turned mad and requested you to kill them? And what is this cursed item you were talking about?".

Leon replied even though he tried to resist not to answer, "the cursed music box of Herpo is a magical item which contains the clue of how to obtain Origin, the source of magic. But a curse was placed on it by him that only his Descendent of snakes and phoenixes can open the Box or else the curse would be activated and those who tried to open it will be driven to madness and losing themselves until they die".

Neal frowned as he interrupted him, "wait a second. Herpo? Do you mean Herpo the foul?". Leon nodded, "yes, the first wizard who created the Basilisk and the first to invent the Horcrux. Our Avery family records show that he's our ancestor but I think he's also the ancestor of Slytherin house since he is a parselmouth".

Neal thought, "I never knew he is related to Avery House. I thought he's Slytherin's ancestor because of his parseltongue ability. Well, it would make sense. After all, all pureblood families are related to each other".

Then, he interrupted him as Neal suddenly thought of something, "wait a second. Snakes and Phoenixes? Snake refers to the house of Slytherin and I remember Avery family's crest is a Pheonix" Leon nodded, "yes, so as Dumbledore family's. The phoenix left the Avery family a couple of centuries ago as we lost its honor by embracing darkness and settled with those Dumbledore family which was originally formed by an Avery ancestor and a muggle".

Hearing it made Neal surprised as he thought, "so even I and Professor Dumbledore are distantly related? And is that why he's always against that maternal grandfather of mine and was looking out for me? Nah, he doesn't seem that type though. But then again, it is really a small world. Even Draco and Ron are distantly related through the House of Black. And Harry and I were also distantly related through Peverell family".

Neal shook his head and cleared all the distracting thoughts and came back to the point, "so, did parents opened it because they became greedy?". Leon replied as he started to tear up again, "greediness is a part of human nature. Only a person who has the blood of snake and phoenix can open it safely, not just one wouldn't cut it. But they didn't listen to me and... It's all my fault for not stopping them despite knowing the consequences. It was foolish of me to think that there might be a way to negate the curse".

Neal asked, "so, what happened to that cursed box?". Leon replied, "it's with you. My father sent it to you three years ago". Neal stepped back and almost screamed in a shock, "what!". As Dumbledore suddenly became alert, Neal calmed down and asked, "when did I have that cursed item? Wait a second. The music box? The one I got as a Christmas gift during my first year?".

Hearing it made Neal's face darkened as he growled, "do you also wanted to kill me or something?". Leon replied, "you are born from a Slytherin father and Avery mother, you are destined to possess it. Moreover, even if you open it, you would only face the random effects of a normal music box. With the keys being lost after the death of your parents, you can't open the chamber inside of it that contains the secrets of Origin, anymore".

I don't think my mother and father want you to rot here like this. Since my mother made you my guardian, then perform your duties as one. I hope I would also like to know more about my parents". Neal turned around and walked away without hearing Leon's reply who was lost in thoughts.

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