The Last Space King

38 Suppress, the Technique of a King!

'Father? Hibari?' Rey stood fazed by the sudden sight.

A wave of energy noiselessly dispersed as Rey performed a new technique. He was unaware of even using it, but that didn't stop him from being able to use it without conscious thought.

Rey blinked after a few moments and realized a crowd of people surrounded him in shock and wonder. He got up, obviously shaken with embarrassment.

"I'm fine. Just overexerted!"

"Take it easy on yourself." An old man replied and shook his head. "Kids these days..."

Riza patted the dust off of Rey's clothes and was shocked.

"Rey... I can't feel your aura." Riza was shocked. Her perception was beyond good. But somehow, Rey barely let any of his aura seep out. If she could understand this technique...

"I don't understand how I made this ability... but it involves the space law and using it to suppress my aura. I think this was a technique that the Space Kings made!"

"Oh... Congratulations!"

Riza looked downcast. She almost thought that she could use that ability too. After all, an assassin that didn't leak one bit of their presence... That would be amazing for stealth! But before she could be hopeful, Rey's response was like a bucket of ice water that extinguished her hope.

"So then, is this comprehending by sight?!" Rey immediately wondered.

"No, unless you have gained new knowledge; most likely, you just understood how to use your knowledge in a new way." Riza sighed. "I wonder if I should dual cultivate..."

"Dual cultivation... You can handle it." Rey grinned.

"How are you so sure, when even I am not that certain?"

"Easy. How old are you? Only sixteen? And you're already an evolved?! Most people only reach that stage when they are over twenty years old, and that's if they seriously train for it! You've already reached such a stage so soon!"

"Okay, okay!" Riza blushed. "I'll talk to master Tyrien after this then!"

"Good. As for me... I think the time law is even rarer." Rey put his hand on his forehead, obviously pained by this conundrum.

'Why did my race have to be the only one to cultivate the hardest two laws and forsake the rest?' Rey could only smile bitterly. This... is truly difficult! He can't even find a technique for space here or anything with a good time bloodline to fight! He'd have to go elsewhere if he wanted to try to find one. Maybe at the capital... They'd surely have one there?

Rey took away the suppression of his aura and realized when he suppressed his own aura, he couldn't sense other's as well. For cultivators... sneak attacks were obviously scary! One cannot defend! One cannot see it coming before they bite the dust! Rey mentally made a note of that as he wondered how he might improve it in the future.

Riza felt she wasn't getting anywhere, and Rey needed to practice and explore his abilities more, so the two sat down watching the sunset as they practiced. When the sun went down and it turned to night, they'd go back to Kouta's shop to sleep and repeat their training. After four days of constant practice and training, Rey felt he understood what the suppression was doing. In a sense, he created an energy barrier around his body no energy went in, no energy went out. It was like there was a thin separation of space that stopped aura from spreading. That's why nobody could detect him and he couldn't detect others. Still, he found the Space Kings ingenuity impressive. Rey knew this was a basic ability they had, and that made him even more excited for the future when he'd be able to learn the other suppression and advanced techniques. After all, to Rey, this was akin to his legacy! This was the thing that his race built up, and it was all in the memories Hibari left him to decipher. Perhaps... even the key to suppressing gods was laid hidden in his mind, just waiting to be excavated!

Rey couldn't help but feel his blood boil at the thought of it.

When Rey and Riza returned on the fourth day, when the sun had already set, they found Patriarch Keanu had already risen from his bed. His hulking, three-meter long body wasp impressive, to say the least. He hadn't sustained as many internal injuries because of his hardy skin and brute strength.

"Sig'car... he died?" Keanu's deep voice bellowed out as he looked at the rest of the people on the beds.

"Not so loud!" Kouta snapped and lead Riza and Keanu out of the room to explain.

Within the next few hours, Matriarch Sana, Patriarch Johannes, and Matriarch Tyrien all woke up in a stupor as they heard what had happened from Riza.

"Damn that idiot!" Matriarch Tyrien cursed when Riza told her about what Sonalius did. "Who the hell told him to be so reckless?!"

"I'm sorry. If I was stronger-"

"Shut up! This has nothing to do with you. You're my disciple now; it's not your job to protect your master." She sighed and looked annoyed. "A master shouldn't be relying on her disciples to do their work for them."

The rest of them waited for Sonalius to wake up and took interest in Rey when they heard that he suppressed the dragon. Rey looked nervous, however. He didn't want to share so much. And if others knew that he wasn't human, there would be a lot of distrust for him, and many questions. All he could say that he became possessed by a man when he was in Lorea, causing the leaders of the Sun Empire to want to investigate even further.

Two more days past, and Sonalius' complexion seemed to be fairing better. His skin looked healthy with a rosy glow, and most of the bruises were healed, but he still hadn't woke up.

"He's extremely exhausted," Kouta explained. "He took a year of his life and burned it away... that much energy forced into somebody's body... can you imagine the repercussions that would have? Even if you can't, then look at him and you can understand!"

"I understand!" Tyrien gritted her teeth and walked away fuming. She went with Riza to a dojo to let off steam. Drawing her sword, she slashed the training dummies thousands of times and it turned into small cubes. Within a moment, the training dummy reformed and she slashed at it again and again.

"M-master Tyrien?" Riza hesitantly called her name.

"What is it?" She sheathed her sword and looked at Riza.

"I... I want to cultivate another law! But I don't know what law would suit me well. I know I have speed with the light law, but what other law would work with this well?"

"Another law? Indeed... your speed is shocking to most people, close to my speed of growth, that's for sure." She said seriously. "Practice the metal law like me. What you lack is strength and defense now. I'll prepare some resources and teach you all about it. You'll be a fine soldier one day, Riza."

Tyrien went back to practicing and letting out her anger on the poor dummy. It wasn't until the moon was high in the starry sky that they left, sweat perspiring off their heads and arms.

By the seventh day, Sonalius finally woke up in shock. He saw Kouta's familiar face and rose from the bed naked and stood nose-to-nose beside Kouta.

"You pervy doctor! Don't tell me you did something naughty while I was sleeping again?!"

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