The Last Virgoian
Chapter 8:The Next Women
The snow was melting. The weather was getting warmer. Alora was taking to Edward taking care of her a lot better then she was. We even tested her and had me leave the house for a day. She didn't cry much for me. Witch to me was good. Edward kept his distance as if anything he had said in the mountains was left there. When he drank, he locked himself in his room. I continued my daily routine the days went on. Spring was right around the corner. There was no sign of Seymour. I didn't even hear anymore one sided conversations.
This night, Edward came home. We ate in silence as we normally did. Then, he took Alora into his arms as I cleared the kitchen table. He watched me. Always only watching. Alora went to playing with his untied tie as I cleared the table and the high chair. She had started talking more. Putting more sentences into place.
"Jaq," His voice was low. I looked up at him as he held Alora in his arms placed on his hip. "I want you to come into the living room with us."
"I told you…" He placed his hand up.
"Its important to me. Please." I looked up at him. His eyes looked tired. The color from them looked drained. I nodded, closing the dishwasher and turning it on. I followed them into the living room. We played games, joked playfully with Alora. Even laughed like we use to. He sat on the floor by the couch as Alora threw the ball at him. He tossed it to me as Alora took it. She stuck her tongue out then rolled it across the floor. Apparently she was done with that game. She then continued to take out her coloring books and her crayons. All the time Edward watched me. Alora hummed to herself as she colored. "I have someone coming over tomorrow." I looked up at him the same time he looked down at Alora. Please dear god not Seymour!
"Who is it?"
"Was this why you wanted me to come in here?" He then looked up at me as our eyes met. Since coming back, not daring to call it my home yet there had been a tension between the two of us.
"No, actually I wanted to spend time with you before she come to visit tomorrow. it's the weekend. But she will be here in the morning." Alora seemed content with her coloring to gather what we were discussing or she hid it very well.
"Visit or stay?" He broke the connection of our eyes and I went to pick up toys around the living room. His green bright eyes following me. He was pretty quick at choosing someone. Or rather someone coming to him.
"She's going to stay."
"Then use the correct word." I dumped the toys in the toy box, turned to go into the kitchen to unload the dishwasher, but was met by a massive body. I looked up at the green eyes. "At least Alora will adjust better this time."
"There is no reason you can't stay for a while." I shook my head.
"I told you. When you get someone else I am not staying. I won't stay around as you parade women in and out of her life. That doesn't teach her anything." I moved around him as he watched my angry but hurt actions. "You know I disagreed with this wild plan of yours to begin with." Not even back for more then two months and now I would have to go back out into the streets. Alora looked up at us sitting up from her coloring. Her green eyes watching us.
"Ma!" She said. She stood and walked over to Edward pulling on his pant leg. He stopped and looked down at the girl. He picked her up as I used the distraction to go into the kitchen. I heard a slight curse from Edward as he looked at the thumb sucking Alora. I unloaded the dishwasher. I didn't want to leave like last time. But when the girl gets here in the morning I will leave then. I put the dishes away and left the kitchen. I could hear Edward on the phone in the den. I went into Alora's room as she was laying in her crib looking at her books. I closed the door lightly and went into my room. I showered, letting the silent tears fall. I got my towel and dried off. I went into the bedroom and laid under the blankets. It was getting late so I decided to try to sleep. I tossed and turned the better part of the night.
I turned on my side unaware of the bedroom door opening. I pulled the blanket up as the room was cold. I loved the feel of the soft covers and will miss the clean smell of lavender laundry soap. I felt the bed shift and opened my eyes. I turned and Edward was sitting on the edge of the bed. I pulled my blanket up as he sat there looking down at me. I quickly under the blanket took the pendant from my neck and slipped it under the bed with my powers not wanting him to see the pendant. I kept the blanket to my chin.
"Are you drunk again?" Although I didn't smell the stench of the whiskey he drank. He chuckled shaking his head left to right. His green eyes still on me. "Then what are you doing in here?" I knew I should have locked the door specially if I was going to lay in my bed with nothing on!
"Just wanted to see you." his voice was low, confused and hurt all at the same time. I kept the blanket above my chest as I sat up. I didn't look at him as I sat there. His eyes watching my motions. He moved towards me as I sat up. A smile formed on his handsome face as I sat there. He stood though and came over to the other side of the bed. He leaned forward his hands on the bed as I held the blanket to my chest moving back against the bed. I watched his expression. He wasn't drunk. He didn't smell like he had anything to drink. However, he was giving me that look. I backed even more into the headboard. If he wasn't drunk and know what he's doing…..
"Edward, quit playing theses games."
"Hmm… games. I can play those. Been a while but I can." His hand moved up and gripped the blanket. He stood, pulling the blanket from my grip.
"Hey!" I exclaimed. Too late. I couldn't grab the blanket. So, I hugged my knees to my chest giving him a mean look. The look didn't seem to bother him as he stood there with the blanket in his hands. His green eyes taking in my pathetic defense sitting. He stood at the foot of the bed, leaned forward, and grasped my ankles. He pulled my legs from my chest and scooted me down the bed. Before I got to retaliate his lips were against mine, powerful, hungry and demanding. His hand went into my brown platinum hair lightly combing through it. My heart jumped to my throat as he crawled on the bed moving me back. He was lightly sitting over my middle his lips trailing down to my neck leaving butterfly like fire where ever he touched. I closed my eyes balling my hands in fists as he continued to place kisses along my collar bone. He laid his head on my beating heart. His eyes closing as my breathing became ruff and unstable. I gasped at the light touch on my breast. When I looked down at his fluffy black head, his eyes were watching his hand tease the nipple there. His hand lightly cupped my breast as I closed my eyes again. His head moved then I felt his lips slowly trailing to me other breast. When his tongue touched my nipple I gasped even more. His body was laying over mine. I could feel his belt buckle against my heat as he played with my breasts. His hand on the one played gently at the nipple there, his tongue and mouth did tricks it seemed over the pretty pink peek. He did a sudden switch of the breasts as he licked the other nipple. I couldn't get my breath as my heart quickened. I should stop him. He had no…
His mouth moved down as his hand did the same. It traveled down to my stomach as his hand found my women hood between my legs. I gasped, jerked slightly at the gentle touch. He moved my legs up so the knees were bent. My finger nails seem to dig into the palms of my hands. He moved even further down as his mouth had joined his finger on the outside. My hands went to his black fluffy head as his tongue licked there now. His finger spreading the skin to reveal the dark pink tender of my heat. He gave it a gentle suck as I clenched his hair in my hands. His one finger went in slowly as I gasped. His mouth still sucked as his finger moved around. He had hit a spot that made a soft moan escape my lips.
"Hm… E-Ed..this… I…." He used his thumb to move it up and down against my sensitive heat, while his finger still worked inside, his thumb moved up and down causing a heat wave going through my system. His tongue flicked there as well. Then he brought his other hand up to continue playing with my nipples. I felt my lower muscles tight, another moan coming from my mouth then the unexpected happened. As he moved the magic over and over again, my hips moved with his mouth and finger rhythm as even more moans and groans came from my mouth. I called his name as the climax hit me hard and fast. He did not slow. He did not stop making it last till I had no more breath in my lungs. He slowly retreated and stood. I kept my eyes closed as I tried to catch my breath. I laid there, with my legs dangling over the edge of the bed. I felt his eyes rack my body. I heard his breathing ruff. I felt him go on the bed as I opened my eyes. He was down to his boxers. I could see the slight bulge there. I started to panic, not understanding what had happened. Why I didn't make him stop?
"Shh, settle down." his voice was in a whisper. He scooted me up to the head board. He brought the blanket with him as his arm came around me. My face hidden in his smooth chest as he hugged me to him. The blanket over us as I could hear his heart beats quicken. My hands were flat against his chest as his one hand rubbed my back. His lips against my forehead as we both laid there.
"Jaq…." His voice was low, concerned and worried. "Please tell me I didn't hurt you." I looked up at him. He looked at me his green eyes clear. I shook my head. He nodded. "Good. I was afraid I might have."
"W-Why's that?" He kissed me lightly his hips moving against me.
"I didn't realize… How innocent you are." I blushed as he rubbed my back. His lips pressed against mine again. He brought back the heat as I had thought it wouldn't come back or even if it was possible. "Close your eyes. I want to hold you. All night." He pulled the blanket up. His arms held me close to him as his heart I could hear and fell a asleep to fast.
This night, Edward came home. We ate in silence as we normally did. Then, he took Alora into his arms as I cleared the kitchen table. He watched me. Always only watching. Alora went to playing with his untied tie as I cleared the table and the high chair. She had started talking more. Putting more sentences into place.
"Jaq," His voice was low. I looked up at him as he held Alora in his arms placed on his hip. "I want you to come into the living room with us."
"I told you…" He placed his hand up.
"Its important to me. Please." I looked up at him. His eyes looked tired. The color from them looked drained. I nodded, closing the dishwasher and turning it on. I followed them into the living room. We played games, joked playfully with Alora. Even laughed like we use to. He sat on the floor by the couch as Alora threw the ball at him. He tossed it to me as Alora took it. She stuck her tongue out then rolled it across the floor. Apparently she was done with that game. She then continued to take out her coloring books and her crayons. All the time Edward watched me. Alora hummed to herself as she colored. "I have someone coming over tomorrow." I looked up at him the same time he looked down at Alora. Please dear god not Seymour!
"Who is it?"
"Was this why you wanted me to come in here?" He then looked up at me as our eyes met. Since coming back, not daring to call it my home yet there had been a tension between the two of us.
"No, actually I wanted to spend time with you before she come to visit tomorrow. it's the weekend. But she will be here in the morning." Alora seemed content with her coloring to gather what we were discussing or she hid it very well.
"Visit or stay?" He broke the connection of our eyes and I went to pick up toys around the living room. His green bright eyes following me. He was pretty quick at choosing someone. Or rather someone coming to him.
"She's going to stay."
"Then use the correct word." I dumped the toys in the toy box, turned to go into the kitchen to unload the dishwasher, but was met by a massive body. I looked up at the green eyes. "At least Alora will adjust better this time."
"There is no reason you can't stay for a while." I shook my head.
"I told you. When you get someone else I am not staying. I won't stay around as you parade women in and out of her life. That doesn't teach her anything." I moved around him as he watched my angry but hurt actions. "You know I disagreed with this wild plan of yours to begin with." Not even back for more then two months and now I would have to go back out into the streets. Alora looked up at us sitting up from her coloring. Her green eyes watching us.
"Ma!" She said. She stood and walked over to Edward pulling on his pant leg. He stopped and looked down at the girl. He picked her up as I used the distraction to go into the kitchen. I heard a slight curse from Edward as he looked at the thumb sucking Alora. I unloaded the dishwasher. I didn't want to leave like last time. But when the girl gets here in the morning I will leave then. I put the dishes away and left the kitchen. I could hear Edward on the phone in the den. I went into Alora's room as she was laying in her crib looking at her books. I closed the door lightly and went into my room. I showered, letting the silent tears fall. I got my towel and dried off. I went into the bedroom and laid under the blankets. It was getting late so I decided to try to sleep. I tossed and turned the better part of the night.
I turned on my side unaware of the bedroom door opening. I pulled the blanket up as the room was cold. I loved the feel of the soft covers and will miss the clean smell of lavender laundry soap. I felt the bed shift and opened my eyes. I turned and Edward was sitting on the edge of the bed. I pulled my blanket up as he sat there looking down at me. I quickly under the blanket took the pendant from my neck and slipped it under the bed with my powers not wanting him to see the pendant. I kept the blanket to my chin.
"Are you drunk again?" Although I didn't smell the stench of the whiskey he drank. He chuckled shaking his head left to right. His green eyes still on me. "Then what are you doing in here?" I knew I should have locked the door specially if I was going to lay in my bed with nothing on!
"Just wanted to see you." his voice was low, confused and hurt all at the same time. I kept the blanket above my chest as I sat up. I didn't look at him as I sat there. His eyes watching my motions. He moved towards me as I sat up. A smile formed on his handsome face as I sat there. He stood though and came over to the other side of the bed. He leaned forward his hands on the bed as I held the blanket to my chest moving back against the bed. I watched his expression. He wasn't drunk. He didn't smell like he had anything to drink. However, he was giving me that look. I backed even more into the headboard. If he wasn't drunk and know what he's doing…..
"Edward, quit playing theses games."
"Hmm… games. I can play those. Been a while but I can." His hand moved up and gripped the blanket. He stood, pulling the blanket from my grip.
"Hey!" I exclaimed. Too late. I couldn't grab the blanket. So, I hugged my knees to my chest giving him a mean look. The look didn't seem to bother him as he stood there with the blanket in his hands. His green eyes taking in my pathetic defense sitting. He stood at the foot of the bed, leaned forward, and grasped my ankles. He pulled my legs from my chest and scooted me down the bed. Before I got to retaliate his lips were against mine, powerful, hungry and demanding. His hand went into my brown platinum hair lightly combing through it. My heart jumped to my throat as he crawled on the bed moving me back. He was lightly sitting over my middle his lips trailing down to my neck leaving butterfly like fire where ever he touched. I closed my eyes balling my hands in fists as he continued to place kisses along my collar bone. He laid his head on my beating heart. His eyes closing as my breathing became ruff and unstable. I gasped at the light touch on my breast. When I looked down at his fluffy black head, his eyes were watching his hand tease the nipple there. His hand lightly cupped my breast as I closed my eyes again. His head moved then I felt his lips slowly trailing to me other breast. When his tongue touched my nipple I gasped even more. His body was laying over mine. I could feel his belt buckle against my heat as he played with my breasts. His hand on the one played gently at the nipple there, his tongue and mouth did tricks it seemed over the pretty pink peek. He did a sudden switch of the breasts as he licked the other nipple. I couldn't get my breath as my heart quickened. I should stop him. He had no…
His mouth moved down as his hand did the same. It traveled down to my stomach as his hand found my women hood between my legs. I gasped, jerked slightly at the gentle touch. He moved my legs up so the knees were bent. My finger nails seem to dig into the palms of my hands. He moved even further down as his mouth had joined his finger on the outside. My hands went to his black fluffy head as his tongue licked there now. His finger spreading the skin to reveal the dark pink tender of my heat. He gave it a gentle suck as I clenched his hair in my hands. His one finger went in slowly as I gasped. His mouth still sucked as his finger moved around. He had hit a spot that made a soft moan escape my lips.
"Hm… E-Ed..this… I…." He used his thumb to move it up and down against my sensitive heat, while his finger still worked inside, his thumb moved up and down causing a heat wave going through my system. His tongue flicked there as well. Then he brought his other hand up to continue playing with my nipples. I felt my lower muscles tight, another moan coming from my mouth then the unexpected happened. As he moved the magic over and over again, my hips moved with his mouth and finger rhythm as even more moans and groans came from my mouth. I called his name as the climax hit me hard and fast. He did not slow. He did not stop making it last till I had no more breath in my lungs. He slowly retreated and stood. I kept my eyes closed as I tried to catch my breath. I laid there, with my legs dangling over the edge of the bed. I felt his eyes rack my body. I heard his breathing ruff. I felt him go on the bed as I opened my eyes. He was down to his boxers. I could see the slight bulge there. I started to panic, not understanding what had happened. Why I didn't make him stop?
"Shh, settle down." his voice was in a whisper. He scooted me up to the head board. He brought the blanket with him as his arm came around me. My face hidden in his smooth chest as he hugged me to him. The blanket over us as I could hear his heart beats quicken. My hands were flat against his chest as his one hand rubbed my back. His lips against my forehead as we both laid there.
"Jaq…." His voice was low, concerned and worried. "Please tell me I didn't hurt you." I looked up at him. He looked at me his green eyes clear. I shook my head. He nodded. "Good. I was afraid I might have."
"W-Why's that?" He kissed me lightly his hips moving against me.
"I didn't realize… How innocent you are." I blushed as he rubbed my back. His lips pressed against mine again. He brought back the heat as I had thought it wouldn't come back or even if it was possible. "Close your eyes. I want to hold you. All night." He pulled the blanket up. His arms held me close to him as his heart I could hear and fell a asleep to fast.
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