The Laughing Swordsman

Chapter 11 - Is It Ok For Him To Eat So Much?

A bang resounded across the snowy field.

The tip of Apollo's bokken was right in front of Landon's chest. It could not move forward because the flat part of a metal sword was blocking it.

Willow was holding onto that sword.

She sighed and lowered the sword.

"Apollo, why are you being so aggressive?"

Apollo blinked a few times. His smile lost its intensity and he lowered his bokken.


Apollo scratched the back of his head.

"I don't know why I was like that."

Landon was trembling but forced a smile.

"Haha, it's fine, it's fine."

Willow's eyes narrowed after she saw her sword. There were fine cracks all over it, a testament to how hard Apollo hit it.

While Willow was focused on the sword, she heard a loud bang resound from the floor.

"Willow, I can't move!"

Apollo laid face-first on the floor and his bokken flopped over to the side.

"Do you have another one of those yellow food things?"

Willow smiled.

"Yes, but wait just a moment. Your teacher is going to buy you dinner!"

Willow turned to Seth and called out to him.

"Hey! You are a man of your word, no?"

Seth stuttered.

"Ah... Yeah, yeah."

Seth cleared his throat.

"Class is dismissed!"

Some of the kids that were in a stupor broke out of it. The people who could gather themselves quickly left, while a few lagged behind, their jaws dropped in shock.

Willow turned back to Apollo and was smiling sadistically.

"Let's go, before your teacher takes back his promise."

Apollo nodded.

"Ok!... Wait, why can't I move?"

Apollo turned his head from side to side.

Willow sighed.

"I will carry you."

Willow turned Apollo over then picked him up by his shoulders and legs. She made sure to take Apollo's bokken.

One of Apollo's arms dangled by his side. He held his head up and was smiling.

"Hehe... Mommy..."

Willow raised an eyebrow.

"My name is Willow."

Apollo swung his head from side to side.

"Ok, Willow. Hehe..."

Willow sighed.

She looked at Seth, who was still in a daze.

"Come on now, we don't have all day."

Seth shook his head.

"Ah, yes, yes. Let me bring you to a restaurant."

Seth led the way down a cobblestone path and Willow followed with Apollo in her arms.

The people they passed by would give a casual glance at Willow and Apollo, but it would stop at that.

It did not take long for them to reach a fairly large establishment.

The moment they walked inside, they saw many wooden tables that were almost all filled. The tables each had at least two people sitting at them and the sounds of eating were quite loud.

Almost everyone was talking at the same time, causing the sound to blend and become a mumble.

Laughter would ring out every few seconds, temporarily overshadowing the mumble, before the mumble came back again.

Seth, Willow, and Apollo walked around in search of an empty table. On their way, a woman turned to face them.

"Hey, would you like to take this table?"

The woman was sitting with a man. They both had a stone mug next to them that was half-filled with beer.

Seth waved his hand dismissively.

"Haha, no worries, we are in no rush."

The man smirked.

"It's fine, we were thinking of leaving anyway."

Before Seth could even reply, the man and woman had already got up and left.

Seth turned to Willow.

"I suppose we can sit here."

Willow's eyebrow twitched.

"Wow, they just gave up their seats? That's strange."

Seth laughed.

"What do you mean? People do that all the time."

Willow blinked a few times.

"Ah, yes you're right."

Seth nodded.

"Anyways, stay here. I will order some food."

After Willow nodded, Seth slipped past the crowd.

Willow sat down, then looked at Apollo.

"What got you so riled up?"

Apollo tilted his head and looked at Willow with big beady eyes.

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

Willow rolled her eyes.

"Don't you remember? The fight you just had, you tried to kill him."

Apollo tilted his head and used a few moments to think.

"I don't know!"

Willow shook her head.

"Ah, whatever then."

Seth returned holding a large tray of various vegetables in each hand. Though many people were shuffling around, they would let Seth pass and avoid bumping into him.

Seth laid the two trays on the table. He had brought enough for five normal people to have a hearty meal.

Willow wasted no time, taking a fork from one of the trays and raising a piece of baked potato to Apollo's face.

Apollo ate it happily.

In the meantime, Seth used a fork to pick up a piece of lettuce.

"Say, what is your name? I haven't seen you around too much."

Willow looked up after confirming Apollo got the piece of lettuce on her fork.

"My name is Willow. I have kept to myself most of the time, so it is natural you haven't seen me around."

Seth raised an eyebrow.

"Haha, why are you keeping to yourself? There are so many people to talk to and a wide village to explore."

Willow shrugged her shoulders while lowering some food to Apollo's mouth.

"That's something I've come to realize now, haha."

Seth laughed.

"Very well. Personally, I would recommend you visit the library, there are many good books and people there."

Willow nodded absentmindedly, her attention focused on Apollo.

"Sounds good."

Some time passed.

Willow picked up the last piece of lettuce from the tray and gave it to Apollo.

Seth's eyelid twitched.

"Is it ok for him to eat so much?"

Apollo hummed.

"But I still feel hungry!"

Willow laughed.

"Could you get some more for us?"

Seth flashed a bitter smile.

"Of course, of course."

Seth stood up and went off once again.

Once Seth came back, Willow continued feeding Apollo.

At first, Seth was a little surprised, but soon he began rubbing his eyes.

After seeing the second set of trays empty, the corner of his lip twitched.

He looked around, then pinched his side. He frowned from the pain, then sighed.

"It's not a dream huh?"

Willow couldn't help but laugh. She was covering her mouth with her free hand.

Apollo saw that Willow was laughing, though he wasn't sure why.. He joined Willow in laughing, while Seth was bitterly smiling to himself.

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