The Laughing Swordsman

Chapter 272 - Familiar Man

Apollo began walking out of the dojo with a circle of guards around him. He was in no rush, walking at a normal speed. However, that made the guards very tense.

Who treats walking with swords pointed at their throat like a stroll in the park?

Although Apollo was compliant, the leading guard did not believe he wouldn't try something. Apollo proclaimed he didn't want to be protected earlier, but the guard believed Apollo was making a sarcastic comment. After all, who believes they are being protected when there are several swords pointing right at their neck?

From the guard's perspective, Apollo was either confident in escaping, or had a plan he could somewhat rely on. Either way, he had no plans of letting him escape.

As Eden watched Apollo leave, she felt confused.

Was she really holding onto a fallen angel all this time?

Eden's grip on the wooden figurine got a little tighter. There was part of her that wanted to say something, but rationality told her that it was pointless anyway. Not to mention, Apollo didn't seem against it.

Suki furrowed her brows, wondering why Apollo was being detained. She assumed that since the guards should be upholding justice, they wouldn't lie. In other words, Suki believed Apollo really was a fallen angel.

However, she also didn't think Apollo exactly screamed 'evil'. Although he was a bit rough on the people here, he never went overboard.

So what exactly could've gotten him banished from heaven?

Then, an answer came to Suki. Apollo clearly spent a tremendous amount of time practicing his swordsmanship. Even his teaching was to practice more.

She came to the conclusion that Apollo neglected his duties as an angel to practice his swordsmanship.

As irresponsible as it was, Suki felt respect for what she believed Apollo did.

To pursue something without hesitation, over everything else.

This must've been how Apollo attained his level of swordsmanship.

Suki watched him leave, but felt that he must've had his own plans.

Though he didn't.

Suki began to think over her own life. If she could really dedicate everything she had to swordsmanship. Her eyes slowly shut.

And Suki's mentality began to change.


Apollo and the guards attracted a lot of attention. It wasn't like they were trying to, but it was a little hard not to when they took up the entirety of the road.

The guard walking backwards began sweating.

"Go a little slower!"

Apollo blinked a few times.

"But I'm already going so slow. Is there even a reason to go so slow?"

The guard frowned.

"Go slower if you don't want to lose your head!"

Apollo pouted.

"How would I lose my head?"

The guard narrowed his eyes.

"You better listen right now or I'll-"

"Excuse me."

A man with long yellow hair appeared. He had a cordial smile on his face as though he was meeting with friends.

The guard looked over his shoulder and shouted.

"Get out of the way! Do not interfere with detainment! The punishment is severe so-"


The leader of the guards spoke up.

"...Let's hear what he has to say."

The guard that was initially shouting turned to the leader.


"Shut up."

The leader of the guards sounded a little too serious. At least, far too serious for the sake of some random citizen.

The man looked over to Apollo and waved.

"Haha, hello. It has been quite a while since we last met, no?"

Apollo tilted his head to the side.

"We met before?"

The man nodded.

"Haha, it seems I didn't make the strongest impression. My name is Mark."

Apollo furrowed his brows.

"Hmm... I don't remember."

Mark let out a soft sigh.

"I suppose our encounter was indeed short, but I told you a story, remember?"

Suddenly, Apollo's eyes lit up.

"Oh yeah! You told me about the demons and the crowns!"

Mark nodded.

"Yes, yes. It appears you have done well for yourself in the time that we were apart."

Apollo smiled brightly.

"I have!"

The guard that initially yelled looked at Apollo, then Mark.

"You know the fallen angel?"

The leader of the guards clicked his tongue.

"I said shut up!"

Mark chuckled.

"There is no need to be so uptight. Yes, we know each other, but it was a short encounter."

The leader of the guards took a deep breath.

"Do you... want him released?"

The other guards in his group were surprised. It appeared that Mark was a person that held higher power than even their leader.

Mark waved his hand dismissively.

"I simply came by to have a look. No need to release him. Though I do wish to accompany him and have a little chat."

The leader of the guards slowly nodded.


He turned to the other guards.

"Lower your swords. We will escort these people."

After a second of hesitation, they did as instructed.

And so, a strange scene occurred. A little kid with a wooden sword walked side by side with a man with long hair and was surrounded by guards.

Mark looked down at Apollo.

"So, have you met any people with a crown yet?"

Apollo rubbed his chin with his thumb and forefinger.

"Mm... I don't think so."

Mark nodded a few times.

"That is fair. They are quite rare."

Apollo waved his bokken around in the air.

"Have you met any?"

Mark laughed.

"A few, I am not the most popular person."

Apollo hummed.

"I think you are popular!"

Mark smiled.

"Thank you, thank you."

One guard whispered to another.

"What is a crowned?"

The other guard responded exasperatedly.

"How am I supposed to know?"

Eventually, they reached a rather tall building. They went inside and eventually reached a few cells.

The leader of the guards looked towards Mark.

"Um sir, we need to lock him up now."

Mark waved his hand dismissively.

"Just leave. I will do it for you."

After a second of silence, the guard nodded.


They left, then Mark turned to Apollo.

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