The Laughing Swordsman

Chapter 285 - For Power

Eden looked around the room. It was quite dark and dingy, reminding her why she didn't want her mother to be down here in the first place. While the walls of the rest of the house were made of wood, down here they were stone. It was because the basement was carved out from the ground.

Honestly, Eden didn't think she could remain sane if she had to stay in a place like this.

There was only one bed, a small bookshelf, and a makeshift closet in the form of a small drawer. On top of that drawer was a small box resting against the wall with a keyhole.

However, that wasn't what attracted Eden's attention the most. Instead, it was a familiar wooden cane resting on the wall.

She looked around.


There was no response.

Eden immediately felt a strange sense of dread come over her. Did something happen to her mother? She didn't think that her mother was out, especially because of the cane resting on the wall.

But then where was her mother?

Eden furrowed her brows.

"I hope you are alright, mother."

After a few moments, she decided to try out the key on the box on top of the drawer. She did feel that this was somewhat a violation of privacy, but the curiosity within her was simply too strong.

And so, Eden walked over to the drawer and put the key inside. She attempted to turn it, but found that it was quite difficult. From what she could tell, the key did fit the lock, but faced a lot of resistance turning.

Her curiosity flared up even more.

What was in the box?

Eden grabbed onto the key with both hands and began turning. Her fingers reddened while her hands trembled.

She grit her teeth and grunted.

Then, with a soft snip, the key turned all the way. Right when she was about to open it up, a loud slam resounded within the room. Eden hurriedly turned her head in that direction.

...To see a small hole at the bottom of the wall.

Eden blinked a few times, partially in a daze. She gingerly placed her hands on the sides of the box before opening it up.

"...What is this?"

Within the box was a rope that went into the wall, leading to somewhere else. It was almost like an electrical cable. However, that rope was cut.

And attached to the keyhole was a relatively small blade. 

The chest was actually a mechanism the entire time, without anything inside. Eden then turned to the hole in the wall.

It wasn't the largest, but it was still big enough for her to crawl through if she squeezed a little.

Eden muttered to herself.

"Did you make all of this, mother?"

She got down onto her hands and knees and slowly made her way through the newly formed hole in the wall. It did not take her long to reach another room, one that was quite cold and humid.

She looked around, and found that there was a rabbit mask along with a white robe hanging from the wall. Further down was another corridor and on the right was a small table with a small piece of leather.

Eden let out a long breath.

"What is all this?"

She took a glance at the strange mask and dress, then looked at the table on the right. She slowly picked up the piece of leather that was slightly moist by the corner, revealing a parchment underneath with plenty of ink scrawlings.

Her eyes widened slightly.

'Dear Eden,

If you have come across this letter, then it probably means you accidentally stumbled onto the key you found in the gift I gave you. But more importantly, it means you went against my orders and went into my room.

Not only that, but you began fiddling with things that were not yours.

Do not worry Eden, I am not upset that you have done this, nor will there be any punishment. After all, by reaching this letter you have displayed the quality I enjoy the most.


You may not fully understand now, but the council has ripped power from the hands of others without having true leadership qualities in themselves. They have taken that power from me.

They created stories, to create a religion. Then, they deemed themselves as the holy ones, people that deserve to stand above the rest. However, these roles are nothing but an empty shell that houses the pathetic.

This city is being led to ruin by those fools and everyone seems to be fine with that.

I am confident in my own leadership abilities, thus have created my own force of resistance. And naturally, it has expanded greatly.

Your father personally sacrificed himself for the cause. So naturally, you can understand the significance.

Surely you've felt the injustices from the council by now.

All blessings are to be provided to them and to get the very things we have collected, we have to buy it from them.

Now don the rabbit mask along with the white dress. Walk further down the corridor and you will come across a selection of weapons. Take whatever suits your fancy.

Join the force that will lead humanity to freedom, my child.


Your mother.'

Eden immediately clenched her hands after reading the message, crumpling it up. She grit her teeth furiously as a tear fell down her face.


Eden's face reddened.

"You bastard."

Her breathing got heavy as images of her past flashed into her mind.

The times when she still had her father.

Eden had very few memories about her parents in general, but she kept each of them close to her heart.

Tears flooded her eyes.

"You gave up on our family just for some measly power?"

Eden couldn't help but think of the simple and stupid games they all played together, like tag in their courtyard. She didn't realize it, but she was clenching very tightly onto the wooden figurine.

Which became emitting black mist.

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