The Laughing Swordsman

Chapter 290 - Something New

Eden took several deep breaths, trying to calm her emotions down. However, the moment her tears seemed to stop coming out, they poured out all over again. She was always the type of person to repress her emotions and thoughts and in that way, it wouldn't hurt her.

At least, not at that moment.

Eden was still trying to repress her thoughts, but memories of her father kept appearing one after another. Every time she tried to begin building a dam, the water blew it all away. Eden couldn't help but wonder why he was so willing to be taken away, never to be seen again.

She hunched over, cradling her head with her hands.

Even Eden was surprised she was crying so much. In reality, she thought that her own mental state was fine. Yet, it appears that wasn't really the case.

Though Eden felt like any other average person for most of the time, the memories stuck in the back of her mind. It was like she had a tiny bit of dormant poison within her. Although it remained inactive at first, that was because it was biding its time, slowly festering into something deadly.

All of Eden's emotions spilled out at this moment. She had broken down, stumbling from to the left and the right, slamming against the walls. Eden threw her body so hard that the rabbit mask and white dress fell down from the vibrations.

With the ground being moist dirt on top of stone, they were dirtied immediately.

But Eden didn't notice all of this.

In fact, her vision was so blurry from the crying, she didn't even notice the black mist coming out of the wooden figurine in her hand. Eventually, the figurine blackened considerably, becoming far smoother than it once was.

And more lifelike, too.

As more time passed, eyelids gradually formed, becoming defined. Then, they abruptly shot open.

Serosh was greeted with the sight of a woman that had completely broken down. He remained silent, just observing for quite a while.

It took a while, but Eden eventually calmed down from her tantrum. However, it wasn't because she was feeling any less aggrieved, but rather she was just too tired to continue. Soon the only sounds became rushed breathing and the occasional sniffle.

Serosh cleared his throat.

"Do you wish to talk?"

At first, Eden did not respond. Then, she slowly turned her head to the figurine in her hand. After being stared at for a while, Serosh raised his hand to wave.


In response, Eden smiled bitterly.

"I really lost it, huh?"

Serosh shrugged his miniature shoulders.

"Maybe. But if you have, why not embrace it?"

Eden laughed strangely, with several croaking sounds mixed in between.

"Yes, yes..."

Serosh sighed.

"That was supposed to be a joke, why are you taking it seriously?"

Eden covered her eyes with her hand before tilting backwards.

"Haha... ha. Sorry, sorry, good joke you have there!"

The corner of Serosh's lip twitched.

"...You don't seem to be in the best of conditions."

Eden narrowed her eyes as a grin spread across her face.

"Heh, what makes you say that?"

Serosh raised an eyebrow.

"Well, you seem to be crying and laughing, like you can't decide which one you are supposed to do. I imagine most people would choose one."

Eden paused for a moment. She blinked her puffy red eyes several times.

"...Well, I don't want to choose."

Serosh let out a soft sigh.

"Do you want to talk?"

Eden frowned, with trembling lips.

"Why do you care?"

Serosh smiled courteously.

"To put it simply, you are friends with that child and I consider that child my friend. By extension, I naturally hold goodwill to you. He even gave you this statue."

Eden bit her bottom lip.

"...I was only supposed to hold on to it. The only reason I have it is because I let him get captured."

Serosh nodded along with a helpless sigh.

"I see, I see. But since he entrusted it to you, that means he believes you are a person that would return it. As such, my goodwill still extends to you."

Eden remained silent for a moment.

Serosh blinked a few times.

"Is there anything on your mind?"

Eden swallowed her saliva painfully.

"Why do people fight for power?"

Serosh raised an eyebrow.

"Are you referring to individual power or political power?"

Eden sat down on the floor.

"The one that lets you control others."

Serosh nodded.

"Well, it's only natural for people to vie for control when there are others to command."

He frowned slightly.

"It is something that I know all too well about."

Eden wrapped her arms around her legs, bringing her knees up to her chest.

"...So if there are no others, nobody will have to fight for power?"

Her voice sounded a little off. It was almost like a child asking for a piece of candy, but sounded dangerous at the same time.

Serosh blinked a few times.

"Well, naturally. But-"

Eden smiled.

"Then that's great!"

She abruptly stood up with a blissful smile on her face. Serosh paused for a moment before speaking.

"It seems you have come to a decision."

Eden giggled.


Her smile suddenly disappeared as she opened her mouth, becoming slack-jawed. It was as though she died right then and there.

But then, she perked up again.

Serosh looked at her for a few moments.

"What are you thinking of?"

Eden clasped her hands together.

"I want to try something!"

Serosh rubbed his chin with his thumb and forefinger.

"Try something..."

He gave Eden a once-over.

"You are only a frail human. Can you still complete it?"

In response, Eden only smiled.

"It doesn't matter! I'm going to try!"

Serosh closed his eyes for a moment.

"Then do you want something extra?"

Eden tilted her head to the side.

"Why not?"

Serosh nodded.

"Very well. I shall bestow you a black heart that will let you create things. Use it creatively and best of luck."

The wooden figurine began trembling fiercely, leaking more and more black mist. Until eventually, it shattered altogether.

From there, the black mist seeped into Eden's heart.

Making it something new.

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