The Laughing Swordsman

Chapter 303 - Reckless

Apollo's figure streaked through the sky like a comet in the air. The wind elemental could hardly even tell that he was coming.

A clear bang resounded.

It was only until Apollo pierced directly through, did it notice.

"HAHA... Kiekekie."

Apollo held onto the side of his face with his free hand. Well, what was left of it anyway. Almost all the skin covering his body had been torn off. But it wasn't actually from the collision with the wind elemental itself.

It was because Mark hardly held back in pushing Apollo forth, even if that meant his body would break down in the process. That didn't mean crashing through the wind elemental meant no injuries, however.

Many of his bones cracked while his flesh had clearly distorted. On the other hand, the wind elemental had only lost a bit of its shape, distorting slightly in the process.

The relative damage was quite disproportional, but Apollo still had the ability to regenerate.

He took another five food pellets from his little bag. However, he didn't stuff it into his mouth.

Given his raucous laughter, they would immediately be ejected out anyway.

Instead, he stuck his hand into his abdomen, pushing aside the flesh and bone until eventually reaching the stomach. Once he pierced through and left the food pellets behind, he immediately retracted his hand.

The tips of his fingers melted off like last time, but not to that much of a serious extent.

As Apollo was doing this, the wind elemental tried to harm him.

Wind gathered in large amounts, condensing and compressing themselves several times over. They soon formed nearly thirty white spears that looked like marble. These spears surrounded Apollo on all ends before shooting towards him.

He did not take any action to evade them. However, before any of them got within ten meters, they all distorted heavily, before turning into wild gales. The lightning mixed in with the wind, making it even wilder than before.

It was almost like a thunderstorm was coming from his body. The small wind crystal on him that Mark called a 'uniqueness' earlier seemed to be joining in, exerting winds and taking in some of that thunder itself.

Apollo shot towards the wind elemental once more, prompting it to cry.

A deafening crash resounded.

As Apollo pierced through the wind elemental once more, he found that a massive white wall was in front of him. Mark attempted to distort it but simply did not have enough time. And so, Apollo crashed directly into it, causing a clear crack to form across his skull.

As blood poured out from the inside, Apollo took another few food pellets and pushed them into his stomach.

His body worked overtime and healed the injuries sustained once more.

He felt a little dizzy and was tempted to charge straight in once more. However, if the wind elemental did that again, Apollo felt he might lose consciousness.

He breathed in, then laughed. After controlling his breathing, he slowly thought of what he could possibly do.

The wind elemental tried several times to attack him in the process, but Mark would always distort the attacks before they came.

Apollo began to observe the wind and lightning around himself.

He wondered... how were they able to stick together like that?

If only the other him was awake, then he could maybe ask.

Apollo decided not to think about it too much, but instead try and feel it. His bokken gathered large amounts of lightning, crackling violently.

The chaotic winds that blew his hair around made it seem even more chaotic. The pure blue energy became denser, turning his bokken into what seemed like a giant lightning bolt. It even further snaked down onto his arm, making it seem like it was actually an extension of his body.

Apollo locked eyes with the wind elemental, even though they were uncomfortably bright. Then, he let out a crazed laugh.

And shot forth.

This time, Apollo started swinging the moment he went. The wind elemental darted to the side, but Apollo could easily follow its movements.

After less than a second passed, he placed his thumb on the hilt of his electrified bokken.

A deafening crackle resounded, almost sounding like the roar of a mad dragon.

The lightning from Apollo's bokken extended outwards, reaching over fifty meters long. It became an enormous whip that came crashing down onto the wind elemental. The result was that the wind elemental was slashed in two.

It left out a cry filled with agony, clearly in large amounts of pain. However, it was still alive. Apollo's body only had a few arcs of lightning on it right now, but he still charged in recklessly, intending on slashing his way through.

Mark couldn't help but feel a little shocked when Apollo dived straight into the middle of the wind elemental.

"...It appears courage is also one of your strengths."

He slashed at the wind elemental fiercely, messing up the winds. It was like he was stirring up the elemental's insides.

However, the two halves of the wind elemental ended up closing in on Apollo. Although his bokken sped through the air like a light dancing in the night, it wasn't enough to fend it all off.

Apollo's body got injured very quickly. First, his skin that just regrew was torn off while his eyes exploded once more.

However, he still fought it off as best he could.

Unfortunately, this might have been a little too ambitious even for Apollo. He attempted to reach into his bag for the food pellets, but the wind elemental made sure that any time his hand got close, it would be ripped away.

Mark clicked his tongue.

"Thankfully you only recklessly went in after it was severely injured."

He reached out with both hands. Then, they began to glow with a bright white.

Suddenly, the wind elemental was ripped apart. It let out an ear-piercing screech as it died.. The eyes lost their luster before shattering into some strange misty white thing that floated over Mark.

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