The Laughing Swordsman

Chapter 314 - Not Done Yet

Apollo's mother nearly blanked out. Her vision was hardly functioning. The agony of having her wrist sawed through gradually made every other sense she had dull.

This made it far easier for Apollo to diligently get to work, slowly cutting off the hand. The sound was quite fleshy, muscle and tendons were moved around like slush. Paired together with the gushing red fluids, it almost looked like a meal.

So why not make it one?

Eventually, a clear smack rang out from Apollo's knife hitting the floor. As for his mother's hand, it had come off.

Extremely loud screams came from her as her eyes rolled back.

Apollo began to pant as well.

"You dare complain while I help you? How ungrateful are you?"

He slammed his knife down on his mother's face, cutting diagonally through her mouth and landing on her teeth. As for her gums, they were also slashed through.

She began to scream, but they became muffled. She was trying to suppress them because screaming so loudly hurt, but was unable to fully stop.

Apollo then took the hand he cut off and slowly sliced off the pinky finger. Upon doing so, He raised the finger up as it bled profusely.

"I have made your dinner! It's healthy for you!"

He stuffed it into his mother's mouth. She immediately attempted to spit it out, but Apollo covered her mouth. His smile became dangerous.

"What are you trying to do? I made this for you! How else are you supposed to be fed? You can't even finish your food?"

His mother struggled fiercely, trying to move her head out of the way and even using her bloodied hands to try to push off Apollo's. However, it just didn't work.

Apollo's eyes became bloodshot.


He put the back of his knife behind his mother's head, then began shaking her head up and down.

Muffled choking sounds came out. Blood and foam began seeping out from his mother's mouth, until eventually, she swallowed it.

Almost immediately, she began gagging trying to force it out.

Apollo raised his knife once more.

"What are you doing? You really want to waste my food and my time again? Is that it?"

He used a reverse grip before plunging down, straight into his mother's eye.

She spasmed and convulsed fiercely, now not holding back in her screaming. However, it was still muffled because of Apollo's hand, who began to giggle.

"This is just how I show my love! So what if I make a few mistakes? This is just how I show my affection! I can't believe you are such a piece of shit you can't even accept that!"

He twisted his knife, stirring up the eyeball and creating rather unpleasant gushing sounds.

"I'm looking out for you! Can't you see? I cook and clean for you! Look, now your hands are so clean and you even have a meal!"

Apollo then dropped the knife and forcefully pulled out the bloody mess that was left of her eye. A bright smile formed on his face.

"I even made extra food for you! You should be grateful you have such a caring parent like me!"

His mother could hardly make sense of the situation through the pain, but could still sense something bad was coming. She struggled hard, moving her head, trying to squirm away with her body and even push Apollo off with her hands.

However, removed his hand before tightly holding onto his mother's chin. Apollo's fingers dug in deep within the skin and caused it to bleed all on its own. His mother kept her mouth shut, thus making the process a little more difficult.

And so, Apollo started by sticking in the tips of his fingers before forcefully opening them. The teeth pierced into the skin of his hand, causing him to bleed, but he still continued pushing.

Once the contents finally spilled down, his mother had a complete freak out. Apollo quickly covered her mouth with his hands, and clasped the other around her neck.

She jostled violently, almost like a raging bull.

Unfortunately for her, Apollo had a tight hold.

He began to laugh.

"Look at you! Where would you be without me? Look at how much I've done for you! Why aren't you thanking me? Break your skull against the floor bowing if you want to show you even slightly understand!"

Apollo strained himself dearly just keeping his mother down. Both his arms trembled violently. However, he was still able to manage.

"Why are you resisting! If you had some semblance of care, you would suck it up!"

His laughs became a little more violent.

"This is why you have no energy! This is why you are so useless! You can't even eat food, of course you're so worthless!"

Suddenly, his mother let out a rather disgusting sound. She began to vomit. However, Apollo kept his hand forced against his mother's mouth. In the end, some of it spilled out from her mouth, but most of it came out through her nose.

Apollo slammed his mother's head against the ground.

"Piece of shit! You can't even keep the food I made for you in your stomach? So it doesn't matter if you even eat, you will just throw it all back up! Just go die on the streets then! Starve! See if I care!"

At this point, his mother lost consciousness but was still alive.

Apollo couldn't control the excitement bubbling up in his body.


It made him feel all warm and tingly, along with that addictive rush that filled his once hollow mind.

And if it felt so good, why should he stop?

Apollo grabbed onto his mother's arm, lifting it up high.

"If you aren't punished, you will never learn anything!"

Then, he pressed down on the elbow, pushing harder and harder.

Until it snapped.

His mother's eyes flew open along with a garbled scream.

Apollo wasn't done just yet.

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