The Laughing Swordsman

Chapter 36 - Searching For Willow

The city appeared to be prosperous. There were many people in thick coats moving to and fro across the cobblestone streets. An occasional guard clad in iron armor could be seen patrolling the streets.

Most people would turn to look at Apollo but ignore him soon after.

Right at the entrance of the city was a large tavern on the left and a large inn on the right.

There were various other establishments and shops, but Apollo ignored all of them.

His attention was caught by a young man.

This young man had jet black hair and dark blue eyes. He had a sleek black jacket on and long black pants.

He was walking slowly, avoiding the crowd. His hands were in his pockets and he had a slight hunch.

Apollo ran up to the young man.

"Hey! Don't be so sad!"

The young man listlessly turned to Apollo and raised an eyebrow.

"Do I know you?"

Apollo smiled.


The young man looked at Apollo for a few more seconds, then continued walking down the path.

Apollo ran ahead of the young man.

"Wait, don't leave so soon!"

The young man sighed.

"What do you want? Do you need to take care of that body?"

The young man pointed at Maya, who was still unconscious on Apollo's shoulder.

Apollo looked at Maya, then at the young man.

"Well... she is sleeping but has no bed."

The young man raised an eyebrow.

"You two are homeless?"

Apollo shrugged his shoulders.

"Kind of?"

The young man looked around to see if any guards noticed.

People that were homeless were to be driven out at best, and executed if the nobles wanted a show.

Once the young man confirmed that nobody cared, he looked back at Apollo.

"If you don't mind the place being shabby, you can come with me."

Apollo smiled brightly.


The young man slowly walked down the cobblestone path. It was as though he was carrying something heavy and couldn't go any faster.

Ironically, Apollo was carrying a person but was faster. He would quickly walk a few steps ahead, then wait for the young man to catch up.

The young man sighed.

"Say, what is your name kid? Mine is Karn."

Apollo giggled.


He used his bokken to point towards Maya.

"She is Maya! You will find out that she is super cool!"

Karn forced out a laugh.

"Sounds great."

The roads they walked gradually became more dirty and sketchy. No guards were patrolling in this area.

Apollo and Karn walked up to a small one-floor house. It was made of wood and reeked of rot.

Karn pushed aside the door. Loud creaking sounds came from the straining joints. As Karn walked in, Apollo did as well. The unsanitary environment did not perturb Apollo.

The hallway of the house expanded into a living room. The only other things were two wooden doors near the entrance.

The only object in the living room was a worn cloth tarp.

Karn gestured towards the tarp.

"You can sleep on that. This is the only thing I have to sleep on so we will have to share it."

Apollo nodded enthusiastically.

"Ok, thanks!"

Apollo laid Maya down on the tarp. Her forehead was unnaturally hot and a few beads of sweat formed on her forehead.

Despite her condition, she still held tightly onto the gemstone.

Karn used his chin to point at Maya.

"Your friend?"

Apollo nodded.


Karn forced a laugh.

"Sounds nice."

Karn watched as Apollo laid down on the dirty tarp, looking as cozy as he could be. Karn raised an eyebrow.

"You aren't bothered by the terrible conditions?"

Apollo tilted his head to the side.

"What do you mean?"

Karn laughed bitterly.

"Though I call myself a homeowner, I am in so much debt. I can't afford anything."

Apollo gasped.

"Oh no! Why?"

Karn sighed.

"My parents... had a lot of debt. Not too long after I was born, they died. When people die, debts are transferred to their children. In other words, me."

Apollo sat up and bowed.

"That sounds horrible!"

Karn snorted.

"It's not ideal, that's for sure. If complaining could fix anything, I would've done it all the time."

Karn sighed.

"But it just doesn't work that way."

Apollo nodded but remained silent.

Silence hung in the air.

Karn slowly turned to Apollo.

"So, why don't you have a place to stay?"

Apollo scratched the side of his head.

"'s really far away."

Karn raised an eyebrow.


Karn shook his head.

"So you left your home? What was the reason?"

Apollo blinked a few times.

"Um... give me a second."

Apollo rubbed his chin with his thumb and forefinger. He felt like something was missing.

Why did he leave his home?

Apollo's eyes shut. He dug into his memories, trying to figure out why he was here.

Apollo had a small smile on his face at first, but it gradually became a frown.


His mother...

He had to kill her.

He had to get retribution.

Apollo stood up.

"Sorry, Karn. I will be heading out for a moment."

Karn raised an eyebrow.

"Oh... ok."

Apollo pushed open the door.

Before Apollo stepped outside, Karn called out to him.

"Make sure you come back soon. Curfew is coming. If you're late, you'll get arrested."

Apollo nodded but did not glance back or slow his steps.

The sun was beginning to set.

A natural frown rested on Apollo's face.

He could no longer track down Willow through her smell. He had lost that trail a long time ago.

The only thing he had was what she looked like. As for how much that mattered, he did not know.

It seemed to be a dead end.

Apollo sighed.

Since the only thing he had to work with was what she looked like, he was going to use it. Even if it really was too little to work with.

Apollo approached a middle-aged woman that was walking by.

"Hello, have you seen a woman in a black dress with black hair? She has fingerless black gloves and two knives..."

The woman looked at Apollo and raised an eyebrow. She then continued on, completely ignoring him.

The corner of Apollo's lip twitched.

He was going to search for someone else when he heard the woman speak.

"Follow me."

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