The Laughing Swordsman

Chapter 4 - Why Can't I Move?

Apollo was covered in small nicks on his skin. He tilted his head when he looked at the assassin.

"Mother? Did you already forget? We have been practicing for so long!"

The assassin narrowed her eyes.

"I suppose it has been a while..."

Apollo jumped excitedly.

"Yeah, exactly!"

The assassin sighed.

"What is your name kid?"

Apollo chuckled.

"Oh mother, just call me your son!"

The corner of the assassin's lip twitched.

"No, I won't. And you must call me by my name, Willow."

Apollo whimpered.

"Aww... why not?"

Willow rubbed her forehead with her hand.

"Because I'm not your mother."

Apollo laughed.

"Haha, that is a funny joke mother."

Willow cracked her neck.

"Just tell me your name, ok?"

Apollo hummed with a finger on his lips.

"Ok mother. My name is..."

Apollo tilted his head to the side.

"What was it again?"

Willow raised her eyebrow.

"You won't fool me. How can you possibly forget your name?"

Apollo used his hand to scratch the back of his head.

"Sorry, mother."

Willow's eyelid twitched.


Apollo bowed.

"Ah, sorry mo-."

Apollo coughed.

"Sorry, Willow."

Willow sighed.

"Now, what is your name?"

Apollo rubbed his free hand against his chin a little too intensely.

"Hmm. Was it a wallow? Or was it some baboo?"

A vision of his mother appeared.

"Keep trying Apollo."

Apollo laughed.

"Oh, thank you mother, Apollo!"

Willow took a deep breath to calm herself.

"Hello, Apollo. Now call me Willow."

Apollo tilted his head to the side.

"Ah, alright Willow."

Willow shook her head.

"Anyway, who taught you your swordplay, before me. Was it your mother?"

Apollo laughed like she told a funny joke.

"What do you mean was it you? Of course it was!"

Willow pressed her lips into a line.

"...Whatever. Anyways, I was assigned a mission that required me to assassinate you. However, at this point, I don't care about my reputation. It isn't worth it anyway."

Apollo nodded.

His eyelids were heavy, he was intermittently blinking in an attempt to keep them open.

"M-... Willow, I am tired."

The adrenaline was leaving Apollo's body.

Willow propped her head up with her hand.

"Then sleep on the bed."

Apollo crawled under the sheets. After he lied down, he turned his head to Willow.

"Willow, can you sleep with me?"

Willow took a step back and did not bother hiding the disgust on her face.


Apollo whimpered.


Apollo shut his eyes


When Apollo woke up, a few weak beams of sunlight were shining on his eyes.

Slowly, his eyelids parted. His vision was blurry and began burning up once he opened his eyes all the way.

"Ah, you're awake."

A soft voice came from Apollo's right.

His head gradually turned over.


Willow sighed.


Apollo chuckled.

"Sorry, Willow."

Apollo tried to sit up, but his body did not respond to his intentions.

He continued trying to move, but the only thing that could move below his shoulders were his toes.

Even then, they hardly moved.

"Willow... why can't I move?"

Willow tilted her head.

"You can't move?"

Apollo had a small frown on his face


Willow raised a knife and hovered it above Apollo's chest.

"So I can easily kill you and complete my request?"

Apollo tilted his head to the side, then lightly nodded.


Willow was speechless for a moment.

"Are you not afraid of me killing you?"

Apollo laughed.

"What do you mean Willow, you've already done it so many times!"

Willow furrowed her brows.

"I have?"

Apollo smiled and swung his head back and forth.

"Of course! Do you need to kill me for something? Just go ahead!"

Willow sighed and pulled back her knife.

"You really are confusing."

Apollo giggled.

"I don't really understand either."

Willow straightened her back.

"I see..."

For a few minutes, there was silence.

Apollo murmured dreamily.

"Willow... did I do it properly this time?"

Willow raised an eyebrow.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Apollo pouted.

"Aww... I will try my best next time, mother! Er... Willow"

Willow sighed.

"Why do you think I'm your mother anyway?"

Apollo hummed.

"Mm? You're my mother because that's what you are!"

Willow chuckled. She was wondering why she even tried asking.

"Anyways, mind telling me about your life?"

Apollo nodded.

"Oh, my life? Listen closely! First I was swinging a bokken, then I swung a bokken, after that, I swung a bokken, then I was swinging-"

"Alright, alright. I get the gist of it."

Willow raised her palm and cut Apollo off.

Apollo looked at Willow curiously.

"You don't want to hear it?"

Willow shook her head.

"It's fine."

Apollo pouted.


Willow stared into Apollo's eyes.

"Are you hungry?"

Apollo smiled.

"Haha, I don't know!"

Willow smiled.

"Well, let me get you something anyway."

Apollo giggled.

"Thank you, Willow!"

Apollo blinked, then Willow was gone. He vigorously turned his head from side to side, trying to find her.

Apollo failed in finding her and giggled to himself.

Apollo was moving his head from side to side, humming to himself.

He was attempting to follow the beat of a song he forgot but was off-key for nearly every single note.

It did not take Willow too long to get something. She pushed open the door to Apollo's bedroom and held a large plate of steaming vegetables with her other hand.

"This village seriously only has vegetables... At least they are quite large."

Willow had gotten a seat from somewhere and put it next to his bed.

Apollo smiled.

"Thank youuuu."

Willow chuckled.

"No problem."

Apollo attempted to raise his arms, but they didn't move. He then pouted.

"Willow my arms! Why can't I move my arms?"

Willow shook her head.

"Don't you remember? You can't move your body. It's probably because you exerted your body too much. It's quite impressive that you can even keep moving when your body was wrecked this much."

Apollo smiled and intermittently laughed.

"Thank you... that's the first time you complimented me!"

Willow smiled.

"I suppose so. Anyways I'll help you eat up."

Willow used a metal fork to slowly fed Apollo.

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