The Laughing Swordsman

Chapter 50 - We Need To Run!

The guy walked into the room, a plate in each hand. On each plate was a fluffy piece of bread that some would consider to be cake.

Apollo lifted his head up to look at them.

"Ohhh, what is that?"

The guy smiled smugly.

"I found a way to make this fluffed up bread despite the lack of tools we have."

He walked over and set the plates on a table in the room.

Speaking of, the room was quite spacious. There was a set of curtains and a balcony past them. There was also a door that led to a personal washroom.

Everything within the room was luxurious, including the clothes.

The flooring was marble and the walls were made of stone. As for the clothing, they were casual, but expensive suits.

The guy had cut a small piece of cake and brought it over to Apollo.

"Hey, sorry about what happened before. My name is Ned, what is yours?"

Apollo tilted his head to the side.

"Ah, my name is Apollo! What are you sorry for?"

Ned raised an eyebrow.

"Do you not remember?"

Apollo blinked a few times.

"Remember what?"

Ned sucked in a sharp breath.

"Oh dear, I think your memory is messed up."

Apollo giggled.

"Haha, my memory is fine!"

Ned shook his head.

"We were practicing our magic. Erin doesn't have good control over spellcasting, so we were doing it at the outskirts of the village. However, you were also there and we ended up hitting you."

Apollo furrowed his brows.

"Hmm... I don't remember that! You must be joking!"

The corner of Ned's lip twitched.

"Haha... whatever. Do you want to try this?"

Apollo's eyes lit up.

"Oh, yes!"

Ned held the bread just above Apollo's face. It had the soft smell of a pastry. Like the noodles, the scent was too alluring for Apollo.

His head darted up to bite down on it.


Apollo ended up biting Ned's fingers in his excitement.

While Apollo was enjoying the food, Ned shook his fingers.

Ned chuckled bitterly.

"I guess we deserve at least this much retribution."

Apollo swallowed the cake and looked curiously at Ned.


Ned waved his hands dismissively.

"Nothing, nothing."

Apollo nodded.

Alyx continued feeding Apollo while the group talked.

Erin looked at Ned.

"So... how do I control magic?"

Ned scratched the back of his head.

"I don't know. It comes naturally to me."

Erin furrowed her brows.

"Mm... I feel stupid."

Alyx patted Erin with one hand.

"Don't worry about it. Your magic is so much more violent. Naturally, it is not easy to control."

Alyx let out a sigh.

"At least you can reliably cast your spells."

Ned chuckled.

"Well, that's hypocritical of you to say. Of course you have a harder time casting with those kinds of spells."

Alyx smiled bitterly but did not say anything.

Apollo yawned.

"Mmm... I wish I had magic talent, that sounds so cool!"

Ned shook his head.

"Ah, well apparently magic talent is super rare. Don't feel too bad about it."

Apollo pouted.


Once Apollo had finished the noodles, his body heated up. The feeling of his body returned and he sat up.

Alyx was startled.

"Eh? You can sit up? I thought you were unable to move."

Apollo scratched the side of his head.

"Ah, I wasn't. I can move now though!"

Apollo enthusiastically flailed his arms around.

Erin giggled.

"He's telling the truth."

Alyx looked at Erin with confusion but did not harp on the subject.

Ned rubbed his chin.

"Say, is that wooden sword important to you? You were holding onto it even when you were out like a light."

Apollo tilted his head to the side.

"Well, I practiced with it a lot! I think that is why."

Ned let out an impressed hum.

"That sounds cool! Could you show us?"

Alyx glared at Ned.

"He is still injured! Are you really asking him to exert himself further?"

Ned put his hands up.

"Oh, sorry! That's my bad."

Apollo giggled.

"I am fine, I can show you!"

Alyx furrowed her brows.

"Are you sure?"

Apollo nodded.


As Apollo tried to sit up, Alyx pushed him back down. Then, she sighed.

"Let me just check something."

Apollo looked at Alyx curiously but did not resist.

On Apollo's body were countless bandages. Alyx peeled a few layers of these bandages off.

Once the last layer was peeled off, a layer of charred skin fell off Apollo's chest. The skin on him looked delicate, like it had never been harmed before.

Alyx was shocked.

"You... How did you heal already?"

Erin peered at Apollo's skin.

"Oh, so it wasn't as bad as we thought it was! It was just the outer layer of his skin."

Ned frowned.

"...But you destroyed like fifteen trees. Not to mention, his chest was caved in."

Apollo giggled.

"What are you talking about? I look fine."

Ned shook his head.

"I guess."

Apollo got off the bed and went to the door.

"Let me show you how I swing my sword!"

Ned laughed.

"Alright, let me take you to the courtyard."

Apollo quickly found out he was residing inside of a palace. Within the palace was a large courtyard, which the four of them went to.

The courtyard was quite large, housing a few trees inside. There was a cobblestone pathway that led to other parts of the palace. The ground had lots of grass and flowers scattered about.

There was no roof, so snow was falling down freely. A thin layer of snow covered the ground.

Apollo excitedly got in the middle of the courtyard. He started to swing his sword around like a kid having fun in the snow. Waves of snow flew up in the air as though it was water splashing around.

Erin was amazed, Ned was smiling, and Alyx laughed bitterly.

Apollo was giggling the whole time.

At that moment, a maid ran into the courtyard.

"There you are! We need to run, right now!"


Author's Note:

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