After finished the Guardian Dragon God of Sloth ordeal, I spent the day chillin. I was sleeping for a few months in my human form but returned to the dragon form when I wake up. Even though Runamiria complained but I hate my human form because it makes me remember of who I used to be. More importantly, isn’t her leg feel cramped for staying in the same position for a few months?

I also was informed about hero-kun journey. He set off using the empire airship and has bee  subduing demons all around the world. He seemed to be in a good health. If he keep this up in the future it will be really possi le to defeat the demon lord and entering Makai.  Thanks to my hard work. And once he finished, my task of orchestrating the brave system will be reduced.

Until the time the demon lord is defeated, I can leisurely take a nap and enjoy it.

“Gurururur.. ”

It was coming from my stomach.

” guardian sama. Do you hear that? ”

Oh shit.. I will pretend to still be asleep.

” Guardian sama, are you awake? Just now… ”

” Hooaaaammm.. ”

Runamiria is trying to say something but I will continue feigning my innocence.

” I know you’re awake. When you’re sleeping, your breath is heavier and it have a bass like sound. I’m familiar with it. ”

” Whoa scary.. You even know the sound of my breath. ”

” of course. Afterall I got nothing to do when you’re asleep except observing you. ”

” Don’t do that. ”

Of course I’m happy.. But, it was kind of creepy at the same time.

” Runamiria, in the name of Guardian Dragon God of Sloth, I ban you from seeing my sleeping face. ”

” what… ”

Runamiria face then turned white as if seeing a ghost. She immediately collapsed to the ground.

” Please show me some mercy guardian sama. Please! ”

She is clinging to my leg and crying.

” No! Peeking on my sleeping face is a breach of privacy. ”

Afterall, knowing someone is observing my sleeping face couldn’t make me sleep calmly.

” Please forgive me! If I can’t saw your sleeping face, 50% of my health is gone. ”

How can my sleeping face make up 50% of your health?

” Anyway, what about  the rest? ”

” Of course it was when you’re awake. ”

Oh no. She is now looking at me with her pleading puppy eyes. It is really hard to resist.

” Alright.. Arrggh.. I lift the ban earlier. ”

” Guardian sama, thank you! ”

Runamiria tears is still falling down but now her face is blooming like flower. Usually I will said” How dare you cling to me” but I’ll let it go this time. If she was a dog, her tail must be waving like crazy that it could create a whirlwind.

“It seemed like you two really get along. ”

It was a voice coming directly inside my head. I look around and saw a midteen boy eith a semi transparent body floating in the air. Long distance conversation magic?

The boy appearance is well dressed and smiling haughty. His face is good looking however he have horns, wings, and tail similar to my human form. He is one of seven guardian god.

“Long time no see,  Pride. ”

He is God of Arrogance, Pride. Befitting his name , he have big bossy attitude and he could easily offended people. The last time I saw him was a few thousand years ago.

” Yo, long time no see. I see you’ve grown a bit. ”

Actually I don’t want to meet him. Everytime a guardian god met with each other, something troublesome has haplened.

” By the way laziness, I have a request.. C

“Oh Pride san, I’m sorry to tell you that I was hurt when the hero party come. I’m even bleeding. ”

” Oh? Are you holding back or playing around? To think a human could actually hurt you. ”

” It’s just that the enemy is the hero party. He should be able to met your expectations too. Please look forward to it. ”

” Laziness, it is the general assembly.. ”

” I am to lazy to listen. Sorry. ”

” Please, or I will keep bugging you till you can’t sleep. ”

” That’s…. Aaaah.. Alright I’ll listen. ”

There goes my peace.

” This matter is absolutely disgusting till I have no choice but to ask help from the other guardian god. ”

What could make him said something disgusting?

” So, I think that there is no better competent Guardian God other than you. ”

Hah.. His mind must be broken. How can I am the laziest one be the most competent?

“You know, I am even feel frustated that I couldn’t solve it on my own. You must have know my feeling God of Sloth.”

Runamiria is also listening seriously.

“So,  what is the problem? ”

” It is a very nasty situation. ”

What is it? Another mana stream trouble? A false God appear?

” I don’t want to decorate it with nice words. In conclusion, this world is in danger. This world will perish! ”

…. What?…

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