My name is Ars Funnel.

I am a son of a humble farmer. However the demon army is on rampage. It was not my problem since I’m just a rural farmers.

However in the morning,  on my forehead, an insignia of a dragon appear.

When I show it to Dad and Mom,  they interrogated me and took me to the mayor’s house.

“This is..  The brave emblem.. The hero sign!! ”

The mayor speak so exaggerated, some spit was sprinkled and he held my head until it is going to explode.

What?  Hero? I’m just a child of poor farmer. Mom and Dad isn’t special. How can I be the hero?

” It was a sign of blessings from Seven Guardian God.  This is the insignia of Guardian Dragon God. How can a playboy,  lazy,  a good for nothing young lad be chosen? ”

It was an overstatement. I am working hard.  Watching the cloud, plow the field,  altough my friend considered me as” useless human being” but I retaliate with a pitch fork.

Suddenly a childhood friend of mine,  Pigna come and closed her mouth with a trembling hands.

“It’s a lie.. Ars is the hero? It’s an absolute lie.. ”

She was even crying because of the shock. Am I really not qualified to be a hero?

When I look back, Knights in shiny armor and several guards came inside.

” Is it the king guards?  Welcome to our village. I’m the mayor. ”

The mayor approach the knight and shook his hand. He even rubbed his hand afterwards like a suspicious uncle trying to haggle. Like a poisonous snake trying to kill you.

” The youth there is really the hero? ”

” Yes,  there is no mistake. ”

” Alright,  you need to come with us. ”

” Of course.  To finally see the good for nothing lad leaving the village. Just take him as soon as possible. ”

The mayor give an unusual good smile.

” So,  Ars the hero. Please come with us. ”

” Eh. Eh. Wait… ”

I was dragged in both sides by twk guards and thrown into a luxurious carriage.

Dad and Mom showed a refreshing smile. The onlookers didn’t lose in term of satisfaction. Why did I feel like a slave being sold l. The village grow smaller as I move farther. Only Pigna is crying and chasing after the carriage.

Is it an abduction? I have nothing to do except to sleep.

When I wake up, I could see the royal capital. The carriage then drived to the royal palace.

“Ars the hero. Now you will have an audience with His Majesty the King. ”

Isn’t the knight saying a ridiculous thing?

I’m a child of a poor farmers. Meeting with the King? The most important person in the country?

” We will check if you are really the chosen one. ”

This is absurd.  What if I am a fake? Will I get executed?

” Did I scare you? Sorry..  There is a medal that in the king possession that could check your eligibility. At the very least you will not be killed if you are the fake. ”

I don’t think that it was a consolation.

” Maybe only a forced slavery for 10 years doing hard labor. ”

Hey.  It didn’t give me a peace of mind at all.

I was forced to change my clothes. Of course it was normal when meeting the king. The price of clothes I’m wearing is above my lifetime net worth. It was so scary until I couldn’t move.

Finally I arrived at the throne room. I was kneeling down and the gaze of nobles and knights fall down on me.  The chubby bearded king is sitting on the throne.

I was like a real hero. However someone is observing me from head to toe.

“This person is the hero. ”

An old man is declaring that and cheers come from everyone in the throne room.

” Then I expect great things from you. ”

” Hero.  Please defeat the demon. ”

That words stunned me.

Then my days as a hero begin. I’ve will be receiving sword and magic training for a month from now.

To become strong. Then I was ordered to hone my skill to defeat demons.

Training was though.  The first day is sword training. After that,  magic training.  The old man that declared my eligibility is the magician and a former hero. Smoke raising from my head hearing magic theory. I really want to get back to the village on the first day.

However apparently I have the talent of a hero. It becomes fun. I can use the sword better everyday. The use of magic is increasing the pleasure. The food I eat is also nutritious and delicious.

“The hero Ars. The fate of all citizens of the kingdom and humanity is rest in your hand. ”

I’m who is thinking to live in a small plot of land and harvesting vegetables, now carried humanity fate.

Speaking of which, it’s harvest time soon. Is Dad and Mom plot is alright? I also recall the face of crying Pigna. Somehow my eyes become moist.

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