The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 260: Elf ambassador

The high-level elf magic wing ship touched the side of the ship gently on the edge of the pier, and the elves immediately jumped onto the stone pier and fixed the bow. After a while, the flagship representing the Sea Power of the High Elves was safely tied up.

Altequis soothed his companion, stroking her scaly neck, and motioned her to stay on the boat while carefully watching the dock. Humans have carefully constructed an exquisite bridge. The people under the bridge spent a lot of effort, pulling the rope and setting up the winch in the narrow gap.

It seems that dozens of prominent figures came out to greet them. Most people are dressed in gorgeous silk clothes and look ridiculous in Artquis. Many people looked at the high elves with undisguised surprise. But there are some tall warriors among them. They are expressionless knights wearing jagged armor.

Antares looked at Artquis, with a cold smile on his elegant face.

"We tasted the taste of Oledov for the first time," she said.

This beautifully carved bridge is very strong. As soon as they heard the code, the knights withdrew their swords, drew them into shining waves in the air, and raised them to salute. Antares walked carefully onto the bridge and smoothly greeted the leading fat man. Artquis carefully observed her progress and followed her closely. Humans are very bad at hiding their awe. It's as if the high elves came down from the sky and communicated with the lower residents of the underground world.

The fat man stepped forward and bowed deeply to Antares.

"I greet you in the name of the blessed Emperor Marnus, the master of the human empire, the defender of the Marnus Church, and Otto Strand, Duke of Strand. I am Guerbet, The Prime Minister of the Empire. I am instructed to **** you to the embassy of your country, where you can freshen up and introduce yourself before the imperial meeting of the Royal Palace tomorrow morning. I believe at the same time praying that your journey will be a pleasant one?

Tall elves stood in the middle of the crowd, wearing ambassador's robes, rolling their eyes wearily. Probably tired of such a speech. Antares lowered her head politely.

"Please convey the greeting of the elven king to Emperor Marnus. I look forward to seeing him. There are many places between the two peoples that need to learn from each other, and we have many issues to discuss."

As Antares spoke, a team of elven swordsmen left the ship silently, forming an honor guard around the Archmage. Their cold grey eyes kept searching through the crowd, looking for any signs of danger. Artquis, who stood beside her shoulder, did the same.

The imperial knights standing opposite looked at them with suspicious eyes. There was a slight tension between the two groups of fighters, but nothing more. Artquis was pleased to find that when he looked at the captain of the human soldier, the human met his gaze firmly. His expression showed curiosity, and with a trace of resentment, he showed dissatisfaction with his weakening role as a protector, but no fear. He has the heart of a warrior, which is reassuring.

Suddenly, there was a commotion among the crowd on the dock watching the two countries meeting. There was a scream in the crowd. The knights nervously put their hands on the weapon and pushed the struggling crowd behind them. Others squeezed the struggling crowd behind them to find someone who screamed.

"There is a monster here!" A faint voice shouted in the noise. The voice of the crowd's alarm began to change into a voice of anger and fear.

Altecius was afraid of the worst. He quickly turned around and saw his partner ran down from the boat, stood by the dock, and looked at the panicked crowd expressionlessly. A wave of insults and anger towards her made her seem indifferent. Artquis was caught in a rare indecision. Wondering what she would do if these ignorant humans approached her? His first reaction was to rebuke their stupidity in anger, but he managed to restrain himself.

Then, the tension was broken. Antares smiled softly and walked over to stand next to the creature called the monster. That creature is like a big horse, with a stronger body and limbs than a horse. But there were fine and hard scales on the outside of the body. Dark red scales covered the whole body. There were two extremely sharp and short corners on her head. Her eyes were red, but her four hoofs were like claws. She seemed a little dissatisfied with the noise from a distance, her nose blowing like a mist, sniffed, and rubbed her head against Antares' chest.

"Sir Prime Minister," she said, her voice clear and calm, stroking this powerful and strong creature. "This is not a dark creation, but a companion I guard. His people have a customary habit of traveling with their companions when they are fighting. Believe me, for our enemies, there is no better than a dragon. A deadly enemy. I believe that the females in this dragon are even more deadly than the males. Of course, me too. "

Antares ’s words floated in the crowd, like a soothing sedative, although her voice was soft and soothing, but in the noise, her voice seemed surprisingly clear ~ ~ Al Tequiz admired her magic skills. There was a subtle magic in her speech that gradually turned the high voices of the dock crowd into murmurs of suspicion.

Imperial Prime Minister Gerbert smiled nervously.

"Of course!" He said, his voice looking sharp and uncertain. "I myself have seen similar animals in the Imperial Zoo. Although it is rare to walk freely beside people like this. Forgive our people's unreasonable accusations. They are not used to seeing such noble people among them. . "

The archmage bowed gracefully.

"New acquaintances are always like this. Now, we can no longer delay you here. Maybe you can accompany me to the embassy? When we are on the way, maybe you can tell me the history of this place."

The prime minister showed a pleasant smile and ordered the knights to open the way ahead. The delegation of the high elves began to walk slowly and unhurriedly from the pier to the bustling capital streets. Behind them, more senior elf soldiers disembarked the boat, and more and more crowds breathed new surprises. The remaining ships have also docked, and the number of elves wearing shiny armor on the dock is constantly increasing.

Altequis laughed secretly. Humans in this city will talk about this day in the coming years. Then he turned and followed the Archmage, and she walked in front with the Speaker. As the team progressed, the streets along the way became narrower and narrower, and there were many opportunities for ambush. He put his hand on his axe and held it tightly. In the next few days, he had little precious rest, and this was just the beginning.

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