The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 469: Bane

Butler lowered his head in disappointment. His greatest wish was to become an apprentice at the weapon master Offer de Liber. Of course, it would be good to be a swordsman under the sword master Midel Hunter, but If he is not selected as a fighter, he hopes to live in the forest with Robin Hood. But now his second wish has been broken. He lost his thoughts, but soon rejoiced. Perhaps Robin Hood did not choose an apprentice because he—the best candidate—has been selected by Master Oferet de Liber.

Seeing his friends thinking about the possibilities and falling into a mood of loss and happiness, he turned his eyes to Robin Hood, "You have been away from the caster academy for a month, Robin." His Holding the slingshot in his hands, he asked, "Where have you been during this time?"

Robin Hood blames red eyes for the boy ’s problem, avoiding Robin Hood is always friendly, but he is after all a master hunter craftsman, an official of the Fatalin Association, and a spellcaster college The boy in here cannot so badly ask about the whereabouts of an association official.

Then Robin Hood responded with a tolerant smile to the boy who noticed his severe eyes and a little uneasy, "I went to the north, to the northwest, to be exact, there was a huge lake hundreds of times larger than this pond They call it Lake Didi. Although I do n’t remember the meaning and meaning of the name, that lake is indeed the most beautiful lake I have ever seen. "

Red eyes looked at him in surprise, just like all the students of the Spellcaster Academy. For them, there was a mysterious place outside the Spellcaster Academy. Many people knew the lake and heard that the association intends to put Heti was built there, but Red Eye knew that the expedition team going there was said to have hundreds of people, while Robin Hood had only one person.

What Red Eye didn't know was that Robin Hood spent his childhood in the forest and was one of the very few people who had crossed the northern forest alone. Red Eye stuttered and asked, "What did you find ... mysterious thing?"

Robin Hood smiled unnaturally, "Well ... I'm actually far away from that lake, but I'm really there." Seeing the curious eyes in the children's eyes, he continued. "You know that I grew up in the forest, and my task is mainly to investigate what beasts or monsters exist in the forest."

Butler almost jumped up in surprise. The monster in the forest had a special mysterious temptation and curiosity for him. "Did you find any monster?"

Robin Hood's face darkened, his eyes dissatisfied with displeasure, and his expression became severe. Butler saw Robin Hood's expression and quickly said, "I'm sorry, Robin, did I say anything wrong?"

Robin Hood apologized to him and shook his head. "No, it's not your fault, Butler." He said, and his expression gradually eased. "There are some abnormal beasts in the forest, but still beasts. What I worry about is something that I can't say is a beast or a monster. "

"Okay, let me answer you. No, I have never seen any monsters this time. There may be in that lake, but I am too far away to be sure of this." Robin Hood thought about it , "It's almost noon, I think we should go back to the college."

He started walking towards the path, and the boys followed him closely.

"How about the trip? Robin." Butler asked.

Red Eyes listened to Robin starting to talk about that wonderful journey. Red Eye is also fascinated by the story of adventure, but not as persistent as Butler. Butler can spend all night listening to the drunkards in the hotel telling stories of heroic adventures, until the storyteller gets tired, regardless of whether the words they say are credible.

However, Red Eye thinks that they can trust a master hunter. Robin Hood's voice was deep, and his red-eye thoughts began to drift elsewhere. He began to worry about the apprentice day in the afternoon. He kept telling himself that worry was meaningless, but he was still terrified. He found that he was so afraid of the coming afternoon.

The boys stood in the yard. Spring is just over halfway through, and today is the beginning of a new year of planting. Now, everyone in the college has grown up by one year. But for most of the children here, today is a special day, today is the last day of their childhood, today-is the apprentice day.

Red Eye finally sorted out the collar of his new shirt. In fact, this was not a new shirt. This was the clothes that Butler wore, but it was the cleanest and most beautiful of all Red Eye's clothes. Maria, Butler's mother gave him these clothes so that he could stand in front of the college instructors and other masters of art.

Mary and her husband, Chef Mag, treat them like the orphan ’s biological parents, take care of him when he is sick, take care of him, feed him to eat, and when he does something wrong Grab his ears fiercely. They almost regarded him as their own child, Butler's brother.

Red eyes looked around. The other children also put on their best clothes on the most important day for their young life. They will stand in the hands of the college instructors and master craftsmen and the Fatalin Association. In front of the mage, they all hope to be able to play in their best appearance in order to obtain the opportunity to become an apprentice. Mobile terminal: https: /m./

But in fact, this is just a form and a tradition of trying to establish. The master craftsmen have already selected their apprentices. They have already spent hours or even days discussing how to allocate everyone and who will be selected Who will lose.

The children have to be assigned to various industries, they will carry out four to 13 years of learning and training to develop their skills and development direction, but it is worth noting that every year in the Spellcaster Academy The number of children is far less than the manpower required by various industries, but there are always some children who are not selected by any master craftsman.

Because there may be many children competing for the position of a master apprentice, or it may be that a master fails to enroll an apprentice because there is no suitable candidate. But for the waiting children, this is an anxious moment.

Red Eye looked at his muddy shoes and realized that unlike him, Butler seemed to have prepared everything as long as possible. Red Eye felt so clumsy and stupid. He looked around and reminded himself that some of the other children were as nervous as he was. Some of their pretends smiled lightly and didn't seem to care if they were selected. Others, like red eyes, stood staring blankly, trying not to think about what to do if they lost the election.

If you fail, the red eye—just like other losers—may leave the caster academy and go to Fatalin City to find a master who can take him as an apprentice.

If he wants to stay in the Spellcaster Academy or enter the Fatalin Society, he can only serve as a servant under a mage for a lifetime, or work in a department of the Fatalin Society. This is a promising end of life that Red Eye doesn't want to face, but what he can't even imagine is to leave Fatalin's life.

Red Eye remembers that Mag once told him that one night, the old chef told him a lot of the troubles after being selected: the apprentices still have to work hard to learn and train various skills, but even so, there are few Part of the apprentices can further become 'experienced veterans' and gain a future of continued development.

Most of the eliminated apprentices are still unable to hold any positions in the Fatalin Association. Mag also cited many children of fishermen and farmers who had studied at the Spellcaster College, who gave up their apprenticeship days and inherited their father ’s work. Most of these children were just for free food and literacy provided by the Spellcaster College.

He believes that Election Day is simply not worth the fuss, who cares? But Red Eye believes that since Mag has such a prejudice and unpleasant memories of Apprentice Day, he must have long forgotten the tension when he stood on the square and watched the master craftsmen stand in front of Butler ’s brother. Uneasy with the ups and downs, and when the last master pronounces the last unfamiliar name, his six gods and no master's mood, and will not remember how the hopes of other children who have not been chosen are broken.

Although Butler's brother eventually became a soldier, Magg's prejudice may also be the result.

The red eye tried to hide his nervousness. Even if he was not selected, he would not run to the newly constructed bridge and then jump off—even if someone did. However, he really does not know how he will face his future in the event of a loss.

Butler, standing next to his little partner, cast a red smile on his red eyes. He understands the uneasiness in red eyes, but he ca n’t understand or experience this feeling, because his father has assured him that the first master of swordsmanship Middle-Hunt called him, although he is more looking forward to becoming The apprentice of the weapon master Offeret de Liber, after all, although no one in the academy said so, he still felt that the name of the weapon master was stronger than the sword master. https: // https: // m.

In addition, the master of swordsmanship also revealed to him that he would train him well and then find him a private guardian position for the mage. For Butler, this is not only an honor but also a bright future full of promise. He only needs to be a guardian of the mage for fifteen to twenty years to have the opportunity to hold more important positions under the mage.

He gently hit the red eye with his elbow, and the herald of the Fatalin Association came out and looked at the crowd in the courtyard seriously. He winked, and a guard immediately stepped forward respectfully and opened the narrow side door of a person coming up from the huge arch of the caster academy. The first came out were the masters and presidents of various civil industries. Including brewing, textile, forging and so on.

They respectfully resemble the nervous children standing below, standing neatly on both sides, facing the caster academy, waiting for others to appear. Then slowly walked out of the academy instructors, including weapon masters, sword masters, hunter masters, bow masters, riding masters and so on. They stood among the masters of the folk industry, but vacated the middlemost position.

The huge wooden gate of the caster academy slowly opened, making a rumble. The guards of the Fatalin Association walked out first. They held golden halberds, walked through the huge doorway, and walked neatly to their respective positions. Their white jersey was embroidered with the tower pattern of the Fatalin Association, and there was a small golden bear head pattern on it, indicating that they were directly under the guard. m.

The herald cleared his throat and announced loudly: "Silence! There is the first president of the Fatalin Association, Chairman of the Committee, and the chairman of the Fatalin Parliament; the founder of the Fatalin Association Masters, the Knights of the Fatalin Association Spiritual leader; the actual ruler of Fatalin Island, President Amencanon is here! "

Amen Cannon walked out slowly at a steady and powerful pace. His majestic eyes made people dare not look straight at him. His burly body was like a natural warrior. He wore white from head to toe, except for the golden stripes interspersed in the middle. A silver long sword hung from his waist, his hand stroking the same silver sword handle, and a ring engraved with the seal of the Fatalin Association on his middle finger-this was the only ornament on his body.

Herald Hong Liang's voice rang again: "Dear member of the Fatalin Society, Knight Commander of the Knights of the Fatalin Society, Your Excellency Night Owl is here! Dear member of the Fatalin Society, commander of the Fatalin Society Masters, Lord Bene ! "

Following them were the two mages who came up and stood on either side of Amen Cannon. Ye Xiao looked at the children who respectfully stood below with a gentle smile on his face. Bai En is a very uncomfortable expression.

The herald subsequently announced the arrival of several important members of the association. Dean stood solemnly next to the night owl, while Antalatem was curious, and seemed awkward because of the Herald's words. Falheim stood next to Bane, whispering while snickering, and Bene's face became more smelly when he heard Falheim's words.

Night Owl, the true founder and commander of the Knights, stands on the right side of Amen Cannon, with a burly and strong body like A Men Cannon. It also has beautiful blond hair and blue eyes and a charming smile unlike Amen Cannon. Whenever you look at him, he has a friendly smile.

He was wearing a light yellow plastic waist coat and yellow pants. The beard on his face was clean and shaved, and his blond hair dangled to his ears, but if you watch it yourself, you will find that his two temples are already pale, which makes him the oldest person in the group .

If the night owl represents the warm sunshine during the day, then Bai En is like the cold darkness at night. He is shorter than the night owl and Amen Cannon, and they are not as strong as they are. Bai En wore a brown cloak and black split robe, black hair and a very clean face. Bai En's work left only one impression on the residents-quickly. Many people think that he was born with a lack of humor and a little cold. What is different from Ye Xiao is that his character and behavior are awesome, not love.

Finally, the officials of the Fatalin Association came out, and Red Eye and Butler could now see that all the officials of the Fatalin Association were present. Especially Bai En, since that day Red Eye has never met this mage again. Master Bane generally seldom appears in public, even important gatherings are no exception. Therefore, seeing the appearance of Master Bane, I was somewhat surprised by the red eyes.

Master Bane is concentrating on talking with Master Falheim, Master Falheim-one of the favorite mentors of the students in the Spellcaster Academy ~ ~ He is mainly responsible for teaching summons . ——But one of his most flattering things is that his class always has all kinds of delicious food. He likes to let students try the newly developed dishes in his restaurant.

But even though the mage is already personable, he is also kind to others. But his keen eyes always revealed his true thoughts when he was angry, and no child in the caster academy dared to look directly at those stern, terrible eyes.

His wisdom and tongue have the same power. The endless words of this magnificent mage who scolded when he was angry can make any shrew blush. It is said that he used a mouth to scare away a group of robbers.

Those who stood by the red eyes had experienced the frightening test of Master Falheim. Scole, a nobleman born in the castle, is the son of a duke in the King Margarita. The other is Topol, the youngest son of the court minister of the Duke of Ron and another nobleman born in the castle. He rarely mentions his father, who is said to be a court earl. One year ago his father sent him to Fatalin Island to study, and he was expected to become a mage.

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