The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 607: fighting

Kate wriggled through the bushes. She didn't want to see it, but was attracted by terror, she had to look out again. She knew the beasts were approaching. She can feel it. There is a sense of presence in the air as it was the night before. She looked at her two benefactors and felt sorry for them. They are dying. They may be scared, but they tried to help her, they should not be killed by the beast.

She looked at Bai En. His face looked pretty under the fire, but his expression fluctuated between desperate fear and ecstasy. She understood what was going on. When Carl drove his carriage on the rut road too fast, she often felt the same way. A little tingling sensation, a feeling of excitement, fear and happiness. However, Bai En didn't look very happy, this is the difference.

The dwarf was very happy. His cruel face was twisted into a terrible smile, revealing his crippled teeth. Kate was sure he noticed that she was watching him because he turned and blinked at her. She concluded that either he was not afraid or he was a good actor.

They all act bravely in their own way. Watching them use sophisticated weapons, she knew they must be great warriors. The rune on the white grace sword shone with an inner light, just like the enchanted sword in the story. Guerrerogen's axe looked as if he could cut down a tree with a sweep. But in the end she knew it didn't matter; they were doomed to fail. The beasts will also notice this. Hey, one less! Like to invite everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan updates the fastest.

They stood motionless for a second, facing each other. Kate has forgotten his fears in this dramatic situation. She held her breath. Guerrero curled up like a giant gargoyle, his axe gently held in one hand. Bane stood there, posing in the classic pose of a fencer, which was used by the noble Chavez during practice. Those malformed beasts gathered around them, splaying their heads confidently, holding weapons in their hands, facing them.

She heard Guerregan's deep voice saying, "Are you ready, human?", And White's answer was: "I will always be ready." She saw the dwarf's thumb crossed the edge of the axe until A blood bead gleamed on the tip of the axe. She heard him giggling and saw him rushing past. Bai En followed in his footsteps. She closed her eyes because she didn't want to see them being cut down. By the way, there is another less! Zhai Shuyuan, update the latest chapter as soon as possible!


Bai En rushed over. In front of him, he saw the dwarf jump to the side and a spear pierced him. Guerrerogan grabbed the pole with his left hand and moved forward, sliding his hand holding the pole along the length of the spear. When he finally closed his palm, the spear remained motionless. As soon as he reached the attack range, he punched with an axe in the other hand, splitting the skull of this surprised horned beast like a melon. A creaking noise and a painful howling. Very good, Bai En thought, there is one less to worry about.

He wielded his long sword to fight a monster wielding a scimitar. His sword made a noise when he hit the scimitar, and made a slash of the rusty steel bar that his opponent used as a weapon. The weapon of this thing is very strong, but it has not been trained. ‘Feng Soul’ is like having his own life, Bai En ’s magical blade passes through the monster ’s defense. Within a few seconds, several bleeding wounds were created on the opponent. It roared angrily, trying to cut Bai En in half. Bai En jumped back, avoiding desperately, and at the same time raised his sword to block. Sparks splashed when the blade touched. His arm was numb by the impact.

He looked up at the horned animal's face. It has foam on its lips and a crazy glow in its eyes. It slammed again, and its blade drew a vague arc. Bai En drilled underneath it reflexively and took a step forward, his blade upturned. The warm internal organs of the horned beast rushed to his hands. Struggling to retreat, he tried to grasp his intestines with one hand, sobbing like a pig with a stuck throat. Another horned beast has recovered from the surprise of being attacked and jumped into the battlefield. Japan, I ca n’t read it, and I ’m short of it! One second to remember, Zhai Shuyuan ().

It seemed too easy to kill these two enemies, which gave Bai En a strange feeling. It seemed that the scene in front of him was a bit unreal. He turned to look at the dwarf, wondering if the enemy was really resolved so easily.

Guerrerogan has killed two of his smaller enemies ~ ~ and launched a duel with the enemy leader. Bai En couldn't find the aberrant tracker everywhere. I'm afraid it has run away. Looking at the scene of the dwarf massacre, Bai En reconstructed the scene at that time. The dwarf's sudden charge followed by two violent attacks, the first undercutting his head and the second undercutting his ribs. This hornless beast seems to be made of harder materials.

The axe and stick swayed back and forth at a blurred speed. When the edge of the axe penetrated the steel nail covering the club head, sparks splashed. This horned beast is larger, but slower. Each blow of the dwarf's axe pressed him back. Bane is not sure if he should help Guerrerogan, but he finally decides not to. First of all, Gray Rogan would not thank him, and the possibility of being accidentally hit by his axe was too terrible to make people dare to think.

The unicorn finally tried desperately to slam the dwarf's head. Guerrerogan jumped back out of his reach and hung the top of the stick with the curve of his axe. He twisted violently, grabbed the weapon from the beast and disarmed it.

The dwarf had a calm and angry expression on his face, something that Bai En had never seen before. There is no mercy there, only anger and cold determination. Guerrerogan hit its leg and then knocked it over. Blood flows from the wound where the tendon was cut. The brute screamed in pain and rolled over. This ancient axe fell like an executioner's hand axe. Separating the head of the eyeless horned beast from his shoulder, the thing fell to the ground lifelessly.

Guerrerogan spit at the body and shook his head in disgust. "It's too easy," he said. "I hope that the warrior of the evil **** is stronger."

Bai En secretly hoped they would never know this.

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