The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 616: death

| | |->-> Bai En turned around the corner. He immediately went into battle again. The heat of the burning building warmed him up. The pungent smell of smoke filled his nostrils. The noise of the battle echoed in his ears. He could hear Grerogan's shouting, he was chopping down the enemy, but his eyes were drawn to the evil warrior by the instinctive, unthinking fear-and the child who was cowering in the darkness in front of her.

He can see clearly now, and their similarities are obvious. It's not just white stripes on hair. They have similar characteristics: the same big eyes and the same narrow chin. Seeing the female warrior raise her sword to attack, he rushed forward and roared, knowing that he was too late.


Justin watched his shadow fall on the child in front of her. She saw the look of fear in her eyes. From the same pale face, she saw the similarities between her and herself, and couldn't help but wonder. After all these years, how did she feel nothing at all?

"What's your name, girl?" She asked calmly.

"Kate. Katerina."

Justin nodded, and strangely she didn't feel the news.

In the flash of aura, she finally understood the devil prince's way of thinking. She saw all the tests, all the ceremonies, all the sacrifices, all preparations for this critical moment. She now knows that all killings and bloodshed are purposeful. This is a process that turns her into someone different from the past. She got exercise in the process, just like a blacksmith master sharpening a knife. After all the violence and slaughter, she finally understood that a person can adapt to anything, even the fate of the warrior who made them evil masters. She knew that at this time, she could turn around and not look at the child, it did n’t matter. She finally honestly confirmed to herself that she was on the path of curse. It's no use killing her now. She can do this if she wants, but it makes no sense-just a record, nothing more. When she decided to kill her a few minutes ago, she had reached a point where she could not look back. However, she thought, it was better to clean up things. At the moment, she now feels like she is going to cut a piece of wood, she raised the blade high.

When something hit her, she felt a sharp pain on one side.


Bai En put the magic gun back into his waist. This was his last bullet, which was originally intended to be used to maintain dignity when everything was about to end. But now he didn't have to worry about this anymore. He jumped over and crossed the distance between himself and the demon warrior. As the woman raised her sword, he slammed her so that she lost her balance and both fell to the ground. Knowing that he would never have a chance again, he slammed the woman's ribs with his sword. She just snorted softly, showing no signs of pain.

As they rolled over the trampled land and hugged tightly together, Bai En immediately realized that he had been defeated. The woman stretched out her armored hands and pinched his throat. He reached out his hand to remove them, at least he was thankful that she dropped the sword on the ground, and immediately realized that she had made a mistake. This demon warrior is much stronger than him and possesses a supernatural power that is much stronger than his own power, just as he is much stronger than a child's power. He desperately wanted to let go of her hand, but it was like trying to pry off the monster's finger.

She is now pressing on him, and the weight of the armor is too heavy for him to breathe. He tried to roll over, trying to lift his shoulders off the ground and throw her down, but it was useless. She seemed to easily anticipate his every move. At that moment, he knew he was going to die. The opponent he faced was too strong for him, and no one could save him here.

The darkness pressed against him, and Mars flashed before his eyes. Somewhere in the distance, he heard the sound of Grerogan ’s battle howling, and part of him-an infinitely distant and infinitely detached part-felt ironically that the oathbreaker would witness his death , Not the other way around.

"Now, mortal, you are dead," the woman said quietly, her hands starting to twist his neck.

As the terrible pressure increased, Bai En exerted his strength. He knew that if he let go, his neck would break like a tree branch, and death would come to him immediately. When he tried to resist, he felt the blood vessels dilate and the muscles were torn. He knew it was in vain and it would end in a blink of an eye. The darkness deepened. Everything is like a shadow. Apart from the breathing in his chest and the distant sound of his heartbeat, there was silence all around. He knew he lost, he couldn't stand it anymore, his muscles began to relax, his body began to surrender.

"Forgive me, Mary. Forgive me." Bai En's throat whispered weakly, his journey will end, and he failed to complete his revenge goal. Sadness and guilt filled his heart, and everything soon disappeared with death.

At this time, Bai En's body seemed to make some weird sounds, mixed with throat movement and spitting sounds, but listening carefully seemed to be some kind of ancient malicious language.


Kate watched this terrible battle. She knew that the Demon Warrior was going to kill her. She knew that Bai En had tried to save her. She knew that the woman in black armor was about to kill him. She knew what she had to do.

There is something glowing on the ground near. She saw it as the black sword dropped by the demon warrior. Its edges shone in the firelight. Maybe she can do something. She reached out and tried to pick it up, but it was too heavy. If she uses two hands. Slowly, the blade began to rise. It twisted in her hands. The rune on the blade flashed bright red, and she felt the terrifying power inside the blade.

Now if she can--


The voice inside Bai En's body grew louder and louder, even with the sound and jitter. Bai En's thinking is going away, and will soon disappear, but he suddenly feels that the terrible pressure has disappeared, the body's control has returned to his control again, and the voice has disappeared.

Bai En's eyes noticed that the Demon Warrior looked down at him, and then at his chest. Bai En followed her burning eyes and saw the black metal sword. The red runes sparkled. Smoked blood dripped from the wound and evaporated into toxic smoke when it fell to the ground.

The demon woman warrior stood up straight, stood up staggeringly, and then turned to look at the direction of the sword stabbing.

Bai En frantically forced himself to move. He responded heavily with his limbs. He looked around for his sword and reached for it. His fingers overlapped on the hilt, trying to lift it up. He seemed to want to lift the weight of the cannon outside the gate, but somehow he forced himself to do so. He straightened his body and saw that there were no other people around, only the demon warrior, himself and Kate. The woman's eyes were fixed on the girl, her lips twisted into a terrible ironic smile. There was a burst of laughter in the corner of her mouth. She took a step forward; the blade was still sticking out of her chest, and Kate took a step back, widening her eyes in horror.

This picture slowly penetrated into Bai En's mind, that must have happened. During the battle, Kate raised the heavy sword and thrust into the back of the demon warrior. She saved his life. Now it was his turn to save her. He slowly forced his scarred body to move. He was struggling and dragging himself on the ground behind the demon warrior.

The woman's footsteps were shaking. Slowly, she began to fall forward.

Justin smiled in his heart, although the pain was eroding her consciousness. This is the last scary joke. She was killed by the person she was about to kill. A little girl succeeded where the evil master warrior failed.

This is true, as the Devil Prince has always said. No soldier can kill her. It was her own child. She stumbled forward and fell into the darkness waiting for her.

Bai En watched the evil demon warrior fall. It melted and decomposed at a terrible speed, leaving only a stinky skeleton in the black armor. No one told him that Bai En didn't know why, but he just knew he saw the body of a person who died a long time ago. As soon as he saw it, he wanted to vomit.

Something wet his face. The storm finally came and it began to rain. Hissing sounds from nearby told him that raindrops were fighting the fire. Very good, maybe the town will not be razed to the ground in the end.

Suddenly, Kate appeared and curled up beside him. "Is this the end?" She asked.

Bai En nodded as he heard the sound of the massacre around him.

"It will come soon," he said softly. "one way or another."


Baien collapsed on the stump and looked back at the town. Messner and Kate sat nearby and looked at him with reproachful eyes. Both of them thought he should not get up and walk around. He still has bruises in his throat and difficulty speaking and eating, but it looks like he will be well. He was glad he was still alive.

The same is true of the approximately 200 villagers who survived the war and the rest. He can also hear them chanting prayers of thanksgiving in the Temple of Marnus, thanking them for their rescue.

A knight passed by, and he was one of the powerful forces sent by the Duke in response to Messner's orders. He nailed the head of a horned beast to a spear. Bai En and Messner watched him pass by, and Bai En could see that this man had the same idea as him. There was a contemptuous expression on Messner's face. The knight poses with loot, which is good, but where are they at the end of the real battle? The next morning after the battle, the victorious heroes came here.

"So you found the cannon?" He asked. His voice came out in a hoarse whisper.

"Yes," Messner said. "That's a terrible thing. They say it feels as warm as meat. This must involve black magic. We have sent a priest to exorcise. If not, the old duke sent a wizard."

"But the horned beasts are all dead."

"Yes, we found each one. Guerrerogan came back at dawn. He said this was the last one."

They just wanted to keep Kate quiet, they both knew. Neither of them wanted her to interject. Nonetheless, the news still pleased Bai En. The horned beasts seemed to have lost their faith, and when the news of their evil leader passed, they fled. The defeat was turned into a massacre under the chase of forest officials. Now it seems that Kate saved the whole town through her actions ~ ~ She is a heroine, everyone says so. Now, she doesn't sound like it.

"I still want to go with you," the girl said. Even after two days of argument, she did not give up.

"You can't, Kate. Grey Rogan and I went to a dangerous place, and we can't take you there. Staying with Messner here." Bai En thanked the girl for saving herself, but he really did not plan to take She goes on an adventure.

"You can stay, kid," Messner added. "There is your place here, with me, Magda and the children. You will definitely make friends among other children."

Kate looked at Bai En pleadingly. He shook his head, trying to pretend to be serious and calm. He didn't know how long he could last, when he heard the dwarf's voice. Guerrerogen smiled evilly at Bai En. Judging from his expression, Bai En suspected that he had caused huge casualties in this battle.

"Time is wasting, mankind. We better go."

Bai En stood up slowly. Messner stepped forward and shook hands. Kate hugged Bain first, then hugged the dwarf. Finally, Messner had to pull her away.

"Goodbye," she said tearfully. "I will always remember you."

"I know, little one." Grerogan said softly

They turned and left Flensburg. The road is steep and rugged. The future is an illusory future. Bai En turned around on the top of the **** and looked back. Under them, Messner and Kate are two little villains waving.

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