The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 618: Mistake

| | |->-> "The Hangman" is one of the most frustrating hotels that Bai En has visited. A dim flame gleamed in the fireplace. The roof has a damp smell. The dirty dog ​​chewed on the bones, which looked like generations of people had thrown away on the carpet made of dirty straw. The shopkeeper is a fierce-looking man, his face covered with old scars, and a huge hook protrudes from the residual limb of his right hand. The boy was a hunchback, his eyes were round, and he always drooled when pouring beer. It was a bad habit. The locals look very miserable. Each of them glanced at Bai En, as if they wanted to stab Bai En's back with a knife, but they were too depressed to feel strong.

Bai En has to admit that this small hotel is commensurate with the village it serves. Blouberg is the most gloomy place he has ever seen. These clay houses look very simple and are about to collapse. The streets seemed empty and sinister. When they finally threatened the drunk gatekeeper to let them in, the crying old lady stared at them from every door. As if the whole place was shrouded in sorrow and lethargy.

Even the castle on the cliff above the village seemed unattended. The city wall was crumbling. It looks as if it will be attacked by a group of slugs holding sharp wooden sticks, which is unusual for a town surrounded by a group of ferocious distortions. On the other hand, Bian believes that even the aberrations here seem to be a group of particularly fearless people, as can be seen from their earlier attacks.

He took another sip of beer. This is the most difficult beer he has ever tasted. He has never had such a disgusting beer. Grey Logan tilted his head back and poured all the liquid from the glass into his mouth. It disappeared as fast as a wallet full of gold coins fell on Beggar Street.

"One more pot of this old dog's vomit!" Guerrerogan shouted. He turned and glared at the locals. "Don't let your laughter deaf me," he shouted.

The customers refused to look at him. They looked down at the beer as if they had studied hard enough to discover the secret of turning lead into gold.

"Why is everyone so happy?" Guerrero asked ironically. The shopkeeper put another jug ​​on the counter in front of him. Guerrerogan drank some more. Bane was pleased to note that even Grey Logan made a grimace while drinking the thing. This is a rare tribute to dirty beer. Bai En has never seen the dwarf show any slight uneasiness or hesitation while drinking.

"It's a wizard." The shopkeeper said suddenly. "He is such a nasty guy. The situation has been different since he came to take over the castle. Since then, we have nothing to do, but the trouble is that there are so many distortions on the road. No one is here anymore. No one can safely sleep in bed at night. "

Grey Rogan immediately cheered up. He grinned, revealing black teeth. Bai En saw that this was more to his heart.

"Are you a wizard?"

"Yes, sir, he is-a truly evil wizard."

Bai En found that all customers stared at the store owner with strange eyes, as if he was saying something out of the ordinary, or something they never expected to hear him say. Bai En dispelled the idea. Maybe they are just afraid. There is a dark servant who lives in their village, who is not afraid?

"He is like a dragon with a toothache. Isn't it right, Mutter?"

The farmer greeted by the shopkeeper stood there dumbly, like a rat scared by a snake.

"Right, Mute?" The shopkeeper repeated.

"He is not that bad," said the farmer. "Like an evil wizard."

"Why didn't you attack the castle directly?" Guerrero asked. Bai En believes that if the dwarf can't guess the answer to this question from the way these poor soils were whipped, then he looks more stupid than he looks.

"Monster, sir." The farmer said, dragging his feet and staring down at the floor again.

"Monster?" Gray Rogan asked, a professional interest in his eyes. "I think it's a big monster."

"Very big, sir. One person is twice as big, covered with all kinds of dirty things ... deformed ... deformed ... deformed."

"Aberration?" Bai En reminded.

"Yes, sir, those things."

"Why not send someone to Heidelberg for help?" Bai En suggested. "Templars will be interested in such an evil follower."

Farmers looked at him blankly. "We don't know where Heidelberg is, sir. We have never left Blouberg alone half a mile away. If we leave the village, who will take care of our wife?"

"There are also distortions," another villager interjected. "They are everywhere in the forest, and they are all for the wizard."

"Aberrations?" Guerrerogan's words sounded almost cheerful. "I think we are going to visit the castle, humans."

"I'm very worried about this." Bai En sighed.

"You can't want to attack the wizard and his monsters," one villager said.

"With your help, we will soon be able to get rid of the scourge of Blouberg." Bai En said lightly, ignoring the dwarf's gaze, and Guerrerogan didn't need any help in the process of seeking glorious death.

"No, sir, we can't help you."

"Why not? Are you masculine cowards?" This is a stupid question, but Bai En feels he must ask. He did not blame the villagers. Under normal circumstances, he will not be more keen to face an evil wizard and his monster pet than they are.

"No, sir," the villager said. "It's just that he caught our children-he took them hostage!"

"your child?"

"Yeah, sir, every house is. He and his monsters come down and they all surround them. You can't resist. When Da Nori tried it, the guy pulled his arm off, Force him to eat his arm. The most disgusting thing is that he did. "

Bai En doesn't like the light flashing in the eyes of the dwarf. Grerogan's enthusiasm for reaching the castle and fighting the monster spread through the room like the heat from a bonfire. Bai En is not so sure. He found that he, like villagers, lacked enthusiasm for direct contact.

And the most important thing is that Bai En feels that there is something wrong. He was not sure whether it was the villagers' words or their gaze.

"You must want to save your child?" Bai En tried to ask.

"Yeah, but we don't want to kill them. As long as we give him a chance, the wizard will feed them to his monsters."

Bai En looked at Grey Logan. The dwarf flicked his thumb in the direction of the castle meaningfully. Bai En can see that he is eager to leave here with or without hostages. Bai En had an ominous hunch, and he realized that he couldn't get rid of it. Sooner or later, he and the dwarves will visit the Blue Castle.

He hated this feeling, so he tried to find a way to avoid the inevitable. "This requires a plan," he said. "Boss, have another good wine."

The hotel owner smiled and poured some beer in the bar. Bane noticed that Guerrerogan was looking at him with suspicion. The dwarf realized that he didn't really show his due passion for their pursuit. The hotel owner came back and put down two glasses of beer with a warm smile.

"There is only one way up," said Bai En, raising his beer glass while thinking about the plan. He drank beer savagely, and the taste of beer was more unpleasant than before. Because of the taste, he is not sure, but he thinks there is a faint chemical smell in the beer ~ ~ No matter what, he put down the glass and then felt dizzy and sick. He noticed that Guerrero had finished his beer and was calling for another glass. The owner agreed, and the dwarf continued to drink. Then his eyes widened, tightening his throat tightly, and then fell backward, as if he had been knocked out.

Bai En immediately understood what had happened, which was related to beer. He had never seen the dwarf fall, no matter how much beer he drank. He himself has never been so uncomfortable, even after drinking a few glasses of beer.

He drew his sword and stumbled forward to check on his companion. His feet feel like lead. He was dizzy. Disgusting to crush him. He knew what was wrong here, but his vision began to blur.

He turned around and looked at the owner. The silhouette of the man shook, as if Bai Eun was watching him through the thick fog. He held out a finger of reproach.

Bai En tried to raise his sword to solve this **** enemy, but his fingers began to numb, completely out of control, and Bai En heard the sound of his sword falling on the floor.

The owner said, "Praise Sasolion. I thought they would never fall. I gave the dwarf enough caffingen, enough to stun a horse."

Bai En tried to touch his sword, but his fingers were numb and he fell forward in the darkness.

"Also cost me a gold coin," the tavern murmured. His grumpy voice was the last thing Bai En remembered before he fell into a coma. "However, Mr. Kruger will pay me a lot of money to buy two such good specimens."

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