The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 919: Mikar ferry

Ivan Petronovich Mogorova believes that the final result of the convening order issued by Shazan Romanov to the horse owners is impressive. Thousands of tents dot the plains around the Mikal ferry. The air smelled of horse meat and charcoal brazier.

Even if this scent is combined with the smell of burning cow dung, it makes some hungry Ivan Petronovich Mogorova want to drool. There are also some apparently herdsmen's cavalry who are slaughtering the sheep, and several young boys are bleeding the dead sheep, concentrating the blood in a large pot filled with spices, chopped offal and minced meat.

"Maybe. Since it left Prague, we have never heard of it again. We can only hope that it has nothing wrong." Sazan Romanov said lightly.

????"Maybe with their airship, the dwarves can get here faster."

???? This is very similar to what Ivan expected. Launching the offensive in such a late season, the army of evil spirits gained a certain advantage. If they attack in the spring, like any human army, then Kaslev’s allies will come to help her. It now appears that they are unlikely to be of much help until the end of winter. But Ivan still saw a glimmer of hope.

"The emperor summoned his army to deal with this evil army." Sazan Romanov said, his voice is a baritone that can calm people's hearts. "But there is still a long way to go from Oledov to Kaslov. We cannot expect to see him before spring. Count Stephen Rose is rushing from Brandenburg with the guard of the Wolf God Come, we hope to see them soon. The dwarves of the Ridge of the World also promise to provide assistance, although at this time of year, the road through the peaks is difficult, who knows when rescue will come from that precipitous area? ?"

After he finished speaking, he asked Xiang Shazan openly and frankly, as a trusted servant spoke to the director. "But what about the people of the Marnus Empire, Your Majesty? What about our ancient allies?"

Ivan greeted her respectfully and told her about his journey, even though he knew that what he said would rarely surprise her. The Ice Queen has her own way of knowing what happened to Kaslov. It is said that she can see the farthest place in the huge turquoise ball that she placed beside the throne in the inner temple of the goddess of snow and ice.

Ivan did not expect that the other party would directly cross Shazan to ask questions. He turned his gaze to Shazan Romanov again and nodded gently, indicating that he could speak.

She is tall, taller than him, and her skin is so pale that she can see the blue muscles on her face. Her eyes are a surprisingly cool blue, but her lips and hair are fiery red. Her nails are long and glitter like gems. The gorgeous robe covered her plump and **** figure. When she spoke, her voice was low, hoarse, and exciting: "Hello, Ivan Peternovi...

Chi-Mogorova. What news did you bring from the north?"

Ivan wrapped the leather tighter and strode across the carpeted floor towards the throne in the distance. The big man in the fur coat gave way and let him pass. After a few heartbeats, he looked up at his monarch and then at the ice queen who was sitting not far from the throne.

A horseman waited outside the largest yellow tent and led his horse. Ivan was allowed to step into the tent after being allowed. The room was cold, but not as cold as in the snow, but it was far less warm than most people expected. This is related to Ivan seeing the Snow Queen in the tent, but Ivan thinks this is also a good sign. When the Ice Queen casts her powerful magic, the air around her will inevitably become cold.

In fact, he was worried. The heavy snow made Lady Casler's army as difficult as others to mobilize and maintain. Maybe those evil warriors can use magic to feed themselves. But Ivan knew his compatriots couldn't. But it makes no sense to worry now. He needs to report to his ruler everything he sees.

???? Ivan rode through the tent. The soft snow melted under his horseshoe. The ground beneath it is hard like iron. Before his hands, Ivan thought it was a good sign. The Duke of Winter is summoning his white army to defend Kaslov.

Opposite him is his old opponent Kaminsky, and Ivan has repeatedly clashed with him on border issues. Now Kaminsky is as homeless as he is. Nonetheless, it is still a pleasure to see him here, although the number of riders around him is as small as that of Ivan. But what can people expect? Like himself, Kaminsky has been harassing them on the road of the army of evil gods.

A roar to his left led Ivan Petronovich Mogorova's attention to Stanislav Leski. Despite being in his sixties, the old one-eyed still looks strong. He rode a horse and sat straight on the saddle. The momentum of the horse was enough to shame the twenty grandsons who were jogging beside him, and the gray wolf logo was flying on their flag. Ivan Petronovich Mogorova waved to him and shouted, "Tonight we are drinking vodka in my tent!"

???? Maximilian-Trask, the Earl of Volgograd, won in more than a thousand battles with the orcs in the eastern prairie, as evidenced by the garland of orc ears hanging around his neck. Although most of them are skirmishes, his soldiers can be called elite warriors.

There are now more than 5,000 cavalry around the Shazan Palace alone, and about the same number of people are scattered around, and they are coming from afar. Almost all Kaslov riders are here, heavy cavalry, bow cavalry, wing cavalry, spear cavalry, light cavalry wearing chain mail or fish scale armor. As he rode through the crowd, he yelled to many old comrades and waved to more people.


Ivan Petronovich Mogorova guessed that Shazan Romanov could gather so many troops in such a short period of time, and must have looted Kaslov's soldiers. Of course, there may also be credit for the ice queen, and some of the horse owners have always been strong believers in the ice goddess.

???? Ivan-Penovich-Mogorova pointed to the servant Petrov, and Petrov immediately understood the meaning of his lord, with the belonging of Ivan-Peternovi The Chi-Mogorova flag ran there, and then inserted the flag fiercely among the flags.

????In addition to there are three relatively smaller flags next to the huge flag, which are the largest lords of Kaslov. Dozens of smaller flags have been inserted around their flags. These are the flags of the horse owners who have already arrived.

???? The huge Huimeng flag stands in the open space in front of the tent, which is twice as high as the top of the tent. The huge flag above can be seen a few miles away. Next to it is the heraldic flag belonging to Shazan, as well as the flag belonging to the ice queen, the highest leader of the Church of the Snow Goddess. This is also what Ivan Petronovich Mogorova had not expected at all. He believed that no one could guess that the Ice Queen would go here.

???? In the distance of Ivan-Penovich-Mogorova is a huge tent, which was the palace when Shazan was traveling. Not far away there is a smaller blue tent with a huge snowflake pattern painted on it. Ivan Petronovich Mogorova recognized it as the coat of arms of the Church of the Snow Goddess. He did not expect that the Church of the Goddess of Ice and Snow could come so quickly.

????Several elderly people are there to clean the intestines of the sheep with water, and the sheep blood, spices, giblets and meat foam are poured into the basin. Great, Ivan Petronovich Mogorova thought, vodka with roasted leg of lamb and blood sausage. He was finally able to eat a big meal.

???? Ivan prayed religiously, which is not the case. "When are we going to Prague?"

???? "The day after tomorrow, my team of ice and snow masters need to spend a day preparing their magic. And—" The ice queen nodded slightly towards Shazan before continuing. "Shazan still has to wait for horse owners in some further regions." The ice queen paused. "Despite the thought of what we will find there, my heart is uneasy."

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