The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1372 Prison Break (1)

After these shadows, two figures appeared silently, following them slowly and urgently. They were Shi Yue and Guidong.

Those shadows were Lantu's disciples. After overhearing Lantu's whereabouts, they decided to venture into Qushui Temple to rob the prison. After some reconnaissance during the day, they started taking action at night.

There is a large forbidden air formation here, so they can only use their body skills to advance at low altitude. They spread out their bodies and advanced quickly, which was extremely smooth.

This is because there is no protection around Qushui Temple and it is open to all pilgrims.

After a while, several people began to encounter problems, because the route to the back mountain was extremely complicated, and they were moving at night, without moonlight, and they were all a little confused...

Several people had to carefully sense the jade slip map while groping forward, and the speed slowed down.

Fortunately, there are no obstacles on this section of the road, just be careful.

Since all the meditators in Qushui Temple were resting at this time, occasionally there would be night patrols of meditators passing by, but they would find them in advance and avoid them.

Finally, we arrived at the back mountain, where we saw undulating mountains, lush trees, and all the buildings hidden in the thick darkness. How easy was it to find the prison where the blueprints were held?

Several people were a little confused, but since they were already here, they naturally had to work hard to find it. They began to use their spiritual consciousness to explore everywhere.

"Huh? There's someone there!!!" One of them gestured.

Several people quickly hid, holding their breath and watching closely.

Sure enough, after a while, several people walked by in the distance. One of them was tied up by a spiritual rope and was pushed forward by two Zen practitioners...

"Blue Ridge?!" These people screamed in their hearts, their eyes widening!

Unexpectedly, the person bound by the spiritual power rope turned out to be Lanling, a Zen immortal from Shangshan Temple and Lantu's junior brother.

It seems that Lanling was also captured by Qushui Temple. I don’t know whether he was interrogated or imprisoned. In short, the situation was extremely terrifying!

I saw that his hair was disheveled, his face was no longer as smooth as before, and the cassock on his body was in tatters, barely covering his body. Looking at his body, he was so thin that even his ribs were visible...

If these people were not extremely familiar with Blue Ridge, it would be impossible to recognize them.

They quickly followed quietly...

Two Qushui Temple meditation practitioners pushed Lanling all the way to the foot of a mountain that was not very conspicuous. One of them took out a jade tablet and swiped it on a certain rock, and a light door appeared. Appearing out of thin air, slowly opening it, the two of them quickly pushed Lan Ling in!

The light door "swiped" and closed again!


Several people shouted softly and looked at each other.

It seems that this is the prison where the monks of Shangshan Temple are imprisoned in Qushui Temple. Lanling is imprisoned here, so the blueprint is very likely.

It's just that this place is protected by a formation. If you want to enter, you must break through the formation, which is obviously extremely difficult.

Of course, these people were already prepared for this. They immediately touched the rock where the meditation door opened just now and started studying...

One of them took out an object that looked like a jade plaque, and while observing the marks on the rocks with his spiritual consciousness, he quickly carved something on the jade plaque...

In fact, the level of this kind of mark switch can be extremely high or very low, mainly depending on the complexity of the mark and the ability of spiritual consciousness. The more complex the mark, the higher the level. The simpler, the lower the level. And the key carver The stronger your spiritual consciousness, the easier it is to make.

The carved jade key must match the marks, concave and convex, size, shape, etc. on the mountain stone, and it must match perfectly before it can be opened. This places high demands on the key carver, and it cannot simply be glued on with a ball of soft mud. Come to find out, because these marks are extremely complex and irregular, and some are even hollow, and the soft mud cannot completely match them, so we can only rely on people to observe and carve them at the same time.

Moreover, as time goes by, the status of the marks may also change. That is to say, a jade key can only be used for a period of time. After this period of time, it will become invalid, and the difficulty of entry will undoubtedly increase again.

While the key carver was recording, big beads of sweat broke out on his face, and he was obviously very nervous...

"Not good! Someone seems to be coming out!" Someone reminded urgently.

Several people immediately hid behind the rocks and took cover.

Sure enough, some light and shadow appeared in the formation, the light gate appeared, and the two Zen cultivators who had just entered came out, but Lanling did not see them, so it was obvious that they had been imprisoned in the formation.

The two of them didn't seem to notice that someone was following them, and left quickly...

The surroundings finally became quiet again. A few people stayed there for a while and then came out again. The key carver quickly took out the half-carved jade plaque and was about to carve it again. Suddenly he whispered: "Eh..."

"What's going on?" asked another person.

"There are two jade plaques here, which are the keys to the door!!!"

"No way? How is it possible? They didn't come here just now."

"No matter what, quickly open it and go in to save people!"


Several people looked around suspiciously, wondering where the two jade tokens that opened the door came from. However, time waits for no one. If the statute of limitations passes, the jade tokens will also become invalid, so they had no choice but to risk going in.

The person who carved the key picked up the jade tablet and swiped it. Sure enough, the light door appeared, and the figures of several people flashed and disappeared into the formation...

Perhaps because of the protection of these two jade tablets, the formation did not detect the actions of these people. They successfully reached the place where the prisoners were detained, "Lord Lingxian?!"

Several people's eyes lit up and they exclaimed softly.

I saw that Lan Ling, who had been brought in just now, was skinned into a naked pig, tied with spiritual power ropes all over his body, imprisoned in a spiritual power cage, and hung up high...

Several people looked at it with tears in their eyes, but they did not dare to act rashly. Instead, they carefully observed the spiritual power cage and found that there were no other mechanisms, so they carefully took down the spiritual power cage and put it into a space stone. middle.


Several people were extremely excited and showed signs of victory!

I didn't expect to save one person so smoothly. This operation was already worth it.

Continuing forward, I found another bare pig, "Master Zhou Yan?"

Zhou Yan and the others also knew him, and he was the one who participated in the robbery of Zhisidu. Unexpectedly, he was also caught.

Zhou Yan was rescued smoothly, and then Gao Ming and Sha Ying were rescued...

That night, there were ten loose immortals who were practicing the magic-suppressing magic wand at Shangshan Temple. They were rescued one by one by these people, leaving only the last blueprint.

"Lord Tuxian?!!!"

They finally saw the blueprint, and they saw that he was also disheveled, with no hair on his head, bruises and bloodstains all over his body, his expression was weak, and his mustache was in a mess. Where was his usual majesty?

At this moment, he was tied up with spiritual power ropes and hung in a spiritual power cage in the air, unconscious...


When these people saw this situation, they all screamed excitedly. If it weren't for the hidden spirit mask, you would definitely see that their eyes were filled with tears and they couldn't help themselves!

Several people rushed forward immediately, and with a flash of inspiration, a light shield popped out, blocking them out!

"Huh? It turns out there is a formation protecting this place!" The key carver was a little surprised.

"What should we do?!" one person asked.

"The formation has been triggered just now. I'm afraid someone has noticed it. We must break the formation as soon as possible and rescue the abbot!"


Several people immediately mobilized their spiritual power and attacked the formation, "boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom," the sound was deafening.

Suddenly, a spiritual wind suddenly came from the distance, and with a "bang", the formation here broke, shocking these people!

"Who?!" Several people shouted and looked back.

I saw two people standing in the distance. They looked like a pair of fortune-telling masters and apprentices. The leader snorted: "Hand over all the people you saved and run away for your lives!"

"What? Impossible! We risked our lives to save him, how could we return without success?" the key carver said anxiously.

"Hmph, if it weren't for the fact that you are monks from Shangshan Temple, I would have killed you long ago and handed you over immediately. Otherwise, once the people from Qushui Temple arrive, none of you will be able to escape!"

These people looked at each other and shouted: "Fight!"

One of them went to rescue the blueprint, while the others shouted and rushed towards the master and disciple!

These two people were Shi Yue and Guidong who were secretly following behind. When they entered the formation, it was they who robbed the jade tokens from the two Zen cultivators and gave them to these people, so that they could open the formation door and enter. Watching them rescuing people along the way, I was quite excited and felt that tonight's operation was extremely smooth.

However, when it came to the blueprint of the last person, Shi Yue finally realized that something was wrong, because the blueprint had a soul thread connection with him. If the person locked in the spiritual cage was really the blueprint, then he would definitely be able to feel it, but now he can't There was no response, which showed that although this person looked like a blueprint, it was most likely not him.

Of course, due to the existence of the formation, it is not ruled out that the soul of the blueprint is also blocked. Therefore, Shi Yue took action to break the formation, secretly sensed the jade plaque containing the blueprint soul silk on his body, and found that there was still no soul silk reaction. Could it be that Has the blueprint fallen?

Shi Yue flicked his fingers, "Chi", "Chi", "Chi". The Zen cultivators who rushed over screamed and fell down. The remaining person who rescued the blueprint was dumbfounded and trembling with fear!

"You...who are you?!"


Shi Yue knocked him down with one finger, and with one move of his hand, he moved away the spiritual cage that trapped the blueprint!

"Be careful!!!" Guidong suddenly screamed!

I saw Lantu's eyes suddenly open, and his palms that had been accumulated for a long time were pushed out violently, and the strong wind roared, and he smashed towards Shi Yue!

Shi Yue was caught off guard, and with a scream, he flew back and hit the back wall hard. He actually penetrated dozens of walls before stopping, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out with a "pop" sound!

Guidong reacted and quickly intercepted the "Blue Print". However, he was too weak and within a few moves, he was restrained by the "Blue Print" and captured.

At this time, the people who had been rescued by the Zen practitioners all appeared. They were all powerful Zen practitioners from Qushui Temple. Immortal robes floated on their bodies and surrounded Shi Yue!

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