The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3223 Blue Fish Fleet

Wu Ma, Kun Hou and others are acting urgently, sending more manpower to monitor the Weili Group in all aspects. At this time, the Weili Group has a different atmosphere in the headquarters of Cai Lanxing. Hadaway and The grand commander here, Tong Hai, the deputy commanders Guan Jie, Amy and others are holding a banquet. The grand and extravagant scene is far better than the previous banquet of the Xingma Group!

Tong Hai and others, like Kun Hou and others, also snapped up a large amount of delicacies at the Wugui Lake auction. Naturally, they also presented them to Hadaway, which immediately captured his heart that was obsessed with food!

For people who love gourmet food, after eating such high-end goods, their reactions are basically the same, that is, they regret not catching up with that auction, and the same is true for Hardaway.

The more he ate, the more regret he felt, because every delicacy made him so intoxicated that he simply couldn't stop...

Soon, he learned many things that happened at the scene from Tong Hai, Guan Jie, Amy and others, and he couldn't help but show a cruel look on his face!

"Xiaohai, do you still remember those people who were rushing to buy?" Hadaway suddenly asked.

Tong Hai was startled, then thought for a moment and said, "I remember most of them!"

"Make a list of them, it will help me!" Hardaway said.

"This... the master wants to..." Tong Hai understood something, and asked curiously, and also made a gesture of killing the chicken...

"Haha, that's not the case. As long as they hand it over obediently, we don't have to be cruel. But if they dare to disobey, we may have no choice but to kill them to scare others!" Hadaway laughed.

"That's it..." Tong Hai, Guan Jie, Amy and others suddenly realized it, and they really admired the master's clever plan...

Of course they knew Hadaway's intention, which was to rob these people who were rushing to buy food. You must know that the craziness of Ling Daozi's auction was well known. Everyone who was rushing to buy almost tried their best, and some even used their own spaceships in exchange. , so these delicacies have now become sparkling treasures, it depends on whether you take action!

Tonghai and others did not think of this for a while. The main reason was that there were many powerful people gathered at the scene, and many people had higher cultivation levels than them. How could they have such an idea?

But Hadaway is different. As Wu Ma understands him, not only does he have a high level of cultivation, but he is not afraid of anything. He is just afraid that there is no profit to rob him. Otherwise, he would not have named his group the Weili Group. .

Weiliweili means profit comes first!

Now there are so many treasures scattered everywhere,

Exuding a seductive appeal, Hadaway quickly realized the existence of these treasures after tasting the delicacies, and it was impossible not to rob them.

Of course, although he is not afraid of anything, he is also afraid of those who are stronger than him. Therefore, the reason why he asked Tong Hai and others to make a list is to classify these people who are rushing to buy food, and then select suitable robbery targets. Take action again...

With a flash of inspiration, Tonghai quickly picked it up, took a look, and said, "Master, those two sisters have succeeded! They are in our cauldron space now. Do you want to go and have a look?"

Hadaway took a chicken leg and took a bite of it, and hummed: "It's just two cauldrons, what's there to see? Just keep an eye on them. I'll take them away when I return to the headquarters. There are a few people who have been waiting for a long time." , the only thing missing is a good cauldron, I can complete a lot of orders this time!"

Upon hearing this, Tonghai and others quickly agreed and sent the order...

For them, catching these two little sisters to refine the cauldron was just a piece of cake, not even a dinner, it was just something they did casually, so they quickly forgot about it and continued Their extravagant feasts…

These scenes on the food basket star naturally fell into the eyes of Xiaoxing and others at the Phantom Headquarters. Everyone was extremely speechless at the rapid change of the situation. Now Quan Bing is still on the road, and Yunwei and Yunqi's real bodies But it has fallen into the hands of the Willy Group, and the situation is already very critical!

You know, after becoming captives, these two little sisters may be further violated at any time. Not to mention, even a few scars on their bodies and faces will make women like Yangcuo extremely distressed...

Hemu said: "Xiaoyang doesn't need to worry too much about this, because the Weili Group is going to sell them as cauldrons, and the sale of cauldrons requires the integrity of the body. Of course the buyer wants to Buy a complete body, not a body with defects. If there are defects, the cauldron will depreciate. Therefore, the Weili Group will not only not harm them, but will provide them with good food and drink. Carefully protect them from harm..."

"That's it..." Yangcuo finally felt relieved after hearing this.

Falke asked: "Xiao Ling, I wonder if there is any trace of the Turia tribe member Wu Ma mentioned?"

This question has been bothering everyone. From Xiaoxing’s mention earlier, Shui Xin’s mention, to Wu Ma’s description recently, everyone knows that this cosmic race must not be underestimated, but since they are so powerful, why haven’t there been any people yet? Come?

It can be inferred from Wu Ma's words that the two sisters are most likely to be of royal blood. Once lost, the Turia tribe will definitely search for them urgently. With their abilities and the magic of the royal blood, they should have found Cai Lanxing. Yes, because these two sisters have been at Cai Lanxing for a short period of time.

However, everyone also understood that in the vast sea of ​​people, it was not easy to find the Turia people.

In fact, they had already admired Ling Daozi for discovering the actions of forces such as the Xingma Group and the Weili Group. However, the Turia tribe was far away in another large star cluster. Even if they were on the way, so what? Maybe easy to spot?

Therefore, Falk’s question is actually just a casual question...

Everyone did not expect Ling Daozi to find the Turia people, but Ling Daozi's answer surprised them!

"The Turia tribe's fleet has indeed arrived, and it is currently on the outskirts of the food star cluster..." Xiaoxing said.



Everyone shouted in disbelief...

Xiaoxing summoned a light curtain, and as the screen continued to expand, a rather strange-looking fleet appeared in front of everyone's eyes!

The outer shell of this fleet is generally blue, but the blue in various locations is different. It is strange because the appearance of its spaceship is quite different from that of the spacecraft here in the core universe. It looks like It's like slender fish swimming in the universe. The fish are big and small, but they are basically slender in appearance, which is rare in the core universe.

From the perspective of people on the core universe side, because the universe is extremely vast and there is very little air, the resistance is relatively small when moving forward. Therefore, no matter what the shape and size of the spacecraft, its speed is mainly It depends on the propulsion of the spacecraft itself. Therefore, the spaceships here are generally built to be extremely large and have all kinds of strange shapes. The overall principle is that the bigger the better, and it is no problem if they are large enough to house a city or an entire force.

Of course, larger spaceships will be relatively less flexible. Therefore, the principle of bigger is better is generally applicable to ordinary spaceships and commercial spaceships. For combat fleets, the appearance of the spacecraft will be designed to be lighter. Some are more flexible, but "big" is still its main principle. Especially those big forces like to make their battleships look like giants, and they must overwhelm the opponent in terms of momentum!

Therefore, when everyone saw the blue fish fleet of the Turia tribe, their first feeling was that this fleet was too weak!

Can such a slender spacecraft explode with huge combat power?

This question quickly came to everyone's mind...

Hemu suddenly thought of a question and said: "By the way, don't those little sisters have a spaceship? With the style of their spaceship, they should attract others' attention soon!"

Little They are not as conspicuous as this fleet, so they did not attract people's attention at first..."

As he spoke, he displayed a light screen, which showed the scene of the Lai Lanxing Spaceport. As the screen moved, he quickly locked onto a small, slender spaceship. This spaceship stayed in a small corner. Inside, there are some big spaceships all around. If you don’t pay attention, you won’t be able to see its shadow at all...

"Eh?! Why does it look like someone is starting up this spaceship?" Yangcuo screamed with sharp eyes!

Everyone took a closer look and found that there was indeed something strange about this small spaceship. Their blue shell seemed to be emitting gleaming light, wave after wave, just like waves on the sea, and the spacecraft was flying rapidly in these waves. Looks like…

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "It is not starting, but sending a signal!"

"Send a signal? Is it a contact signal?" Yangcuo asked curiously.

"Could it be the craft spirit of the spacecraft operating it?" Hemu thought.

"It's possible! How could such a blue light suddenly emit for no reason?" Guowei said.

Little At that time, she was caught by the people of the Willy Group, so she immediately sent a message to the spacecraft spirit and asked it to activate the distress signal, and now the distress signal has been received by the Turia fleet on the periphery! "

"Wo!!!" Everyone was in an uproar, greatly appreciating Yun Wei's wit!

They can completely imagine the scene at that time. These things may happen in a flash of lightning, and thinking of one more way at that critical moment also means that their chances of being rescued can increase...

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