The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3352 The heroes think alike

"The Legend of Immortal Yun ()"

"Huh?" There was a cry of surprise in the palace, and everyone was surprised by Gehai's answer this time!

It’s not that what he said was bad, it’s that he said it very well!

In fact, in Gehai's previous speech, the impression he left on everyone was not very good, because Gehai's tactics showed that he was quite ruthless, advocated killing, and tended to destroy the opponent's vitality, thus greatly weakening the opponent's strength. Combat strength…

However, although this kind of tactics is cold, it is feasible in the eyes of many people, and there are many people who admire it, but those people have not said it out loud.

Gehai actually didn't want to say it out loud, but since this opportunity was extremely rare, and in his opinion, it might be an extremely important opportunity to show off his life, so he chose to speak out his true thoughts without reservation. If you get the appreciation and enablement of the top management, then you won’t be able to control so much...

He later felt that after telling these cold tactics, his impression on others might have really deteriorated. However, the national preceptor and the commander-in-chief did not seem to have any objections to him, and continued to let him express their opinions. , which means that he must have made the right bet before!

In the eyes of different people, they will definitely have different opinions on their own tactics. As long as the senior people can appreciate themselves, there is no need to worry about other people's psychological feelings.

Therefore, Gehai later improved his self-confidence and became more immersed in thinking about this mortal war, and finally gained a lot!

At this moment, he revealed his command strategy and immediately amazed the audience!

Indeed, his command tactics have reached an extremely high level and are very useful even when used on the battlefield in the world of cultivation. In particular, he pointed out that a decisive battle is composed of countless small battles and medium-sized battles. Forming this perspective is refreshing and helpful to many people!

This is a typical principle of accumulating small victories into big victories. However, many people understand this principle verbally, but find it difficult to actually apply it on the battlefield. They are always eager to eat the opponent in one bite. This On the contrary, you may get yourself into a dilemma...

Here, Gehai pointed out very well how to build a small victory into a big victory, that is, divide the entire war into details, divide it into stages, regions, scales... and so on, break it down step by step, and fight. If you do well in every small battle and medium-sized battle, the balance of victory will naturally gradually tilt towards your side, and by the time of the decisive battle, victory is already guaranteed!

Andavi praised: "Very good, I hope you can summarize and refine your ideas, use this national war chess as a blueprint to verify each other, and then submit it, I will review it for you personally!"

When Gehai heard this, he stood up excitedly and said loudly: "Thank you so much, Imperial Master!!!"

"Haha, I am very happy to see you growing up rapidly. I believe the Holy Emperor is also happy in his heart and will definitely use you again in the future!" Andavi laughed.

"Yes! Thank you, Imperial Master! The Holy Emperor is wise!!!" Ge Hai quickly saluted Yun Han again.

Yunhan smiled and nodded without saying a word...

Andawei turned to Yu Heng and asked, "Xiao Yu, what do you think?"

Yu Heng said: "National Master, let me continue to talk about brother Ge's tactics! What brother Ge just said is a big plan of tactics. This plan of tactics can be applied to other wars. However, as far as this is concerned, When there is a big battle, I will formulate a strategy for Brother Xiahou without permission, and this strategy is called going straight to Huanglong!"

"Oh? Go straight to Huanglong?!" Everyone was startled when they heard this, and they all pricked up their ears to listen...

Yu Heng continued: "The two sides in this decisive battle took the form of a field battle. The two sides met each other in battle, without the common siege and defense methods in the past. This placed extremely high demands on the cavalry of both sides. You must know that in a field battle, Among them, the cavalry is equivalent to the powerful combatants in our cultivation wars. It has extremely high lethality and dominance. If you can win the cavalry battle, you can win the battle in one fell swoop!"

"Well said!!!" Andavi praised.

Everyone also nodded,

I fully affirm Yu Heng’s views…

Yu Heng added: "We are on the offensive in this battle, and the battlefield is also in front of the opponent's base camp, Huanglong Kingdom. If a cavalry can capture the capital of Huanglong Kingdom and capture its commander or king alive, according to the rules, it means victory! Then we must achieve For this purpose, we must create conditions for this cavalry to have the opportunity to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop!”

"Okay! How to create conditions for it?" Andavi asked.

"The cavalry in the world has now developed to the stage of heavy cavalry. Heavy cavalry wear armor and helmets, and some are even chained together. They advance in rows on the battlefield and charge forward like heavy weapons. Their lethality is extremely powerful! In comparison, Next, the original light cavalry has been gradually eliminated by the heavy cavalry, and there are fewer and fewer, so that now they are rarely seen on the battlefield! But..."

"But what?"

"Although the light cavalry is not as lethal as the heavy cavalry, it also has its advantages. It is extremely flexible and fast. It can also thread needles in small areas and advance flexibly and quickly! Therefore, I think it is necessary for Brother Xiahou to prepare such a light cavalry , all composed of elite soldiers and strong generals, and then, the entire army created opportunities for this light cavalry to suddenly attack at a certain stage, quickly cross the battlefield and go straight to the Huanglong Kingdom's base camp, capturing the opponent's commander and king. Win in one fell swoop!!!" Yu Heng said fiercely.

"Wow..." There was an uproar in the palace...

Everyone's blood boiled as they heard what Yu Heng said seemed to be coming true. They imagined the spectacular scene of this light cavalry advancing rapidly on the battlefield, crossing the battlefield, and heading towards Huanglong. Everyone felt that their hearts were about to rise to their throats. My throat is parched with thirst, I can't wait for this scene to happen soon...

"Pop", "Pap", "Pap", "Pap", "Pap"...

Li Yun and Xiaoxing took the lead in applauding Yu Heng. Thunderous applause and cheers rang out in the hall. Everyone gave their appreciation to Yu Heng without reservation...

This handsome young man definitely gained the most from this off-site explanation. He has been promoted to the commander-in-chief of the new army by Yun Han, and he has indeed lived up to Yun Han's expectations, using amazing strategies. Stunned everyone time and time again!

After hearing Yu Heng's strategic plan, everyone couldn't help but turn their attention to the national war chess. How would Xia Houying direct this war?

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the battlefield, and they found that the battlefield was still as calm as before, but the atmosphere on the battlefield seemed extremely bleak. Occasionally, there were one or two cries of crows, which made people feel even more frightened...

In fact, Xia Houying and others at this time were somewhat unprepared for Yika Zhanlong's choice to conduct this decisive battle in the form of a field battle, because they originally prepared for a siege battle. In their opinion, the opponent's Their strength was no longer as good as their own, so they should adopt a strategy that they could not defend and consume their own combat power by defending the city. Therefore, Xia Houying and the others were not in a hurry, but pushed forward slowly.

However, after seeing that the opponent was preparing for a decisive battle with him, Xia Houying, Zhong Yan and Lu Shan also quickly adjusted their strategies and prepared to fight the opponent!

But the strategy can be adjusted, but it is difficult to adjust the armaments immediately. Many of the siege equipment originally prepared are not used, but become a burden in the field...

Zhong Yan sighed: "Brother Xiahou, do we really want them to throw away all those equipments? Those things took a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources to build, and now they are turned into waste!!!"

Green Mountain also said: "These equipment may have other uses. For example, after defeating their army, we may need to attack the city later, right?"

Xia Houying shook his head and said: "No! I feel that the opponent's coach doesn't want to delay it any longer this time, and is ready to finish his work in one battle and bury us here!"

"Oh? Brother Xiahou really feels this way?" Zhong Yan said in surprise.

"Well, after many years of fighting, I have a strong sense of this person. With his temperament, he should be out of patience with our cannibalization strategy. This time he mobilized an army to concentrate on Huanglong headquarters, and also asked us We have advanced all the way here smoothly, and the purpose is to start a decisive battle here!" Xia Houying said firmly.

"Then we really have a decisive battle with him?!" Midoriya asked.

"We are indeed poorly prepared..." Zhong Yan sighed.

Xia Houying nodded and said: "Even so, the war has reached this stage, and the decisive battle will come at any time. We have actually made preparations in advance, but we didn't expect the other party to be so early... Now, the siege equipment is temporarily abandoned. Yes, the whole army is ready for field battles, do you still remember the tactics we agreed on before?"

"Of course!" they both responded.

"Okay! The light cavalry is temporarily dispersed to avoid being discovered by the opponent. When the time comes, let them gather together and attack Huanglong!!!" Xia Houying said loudly.


Surprisingly, the tactics that Xia Houying and the others came up with were the same as those of Ge Hai and Yu Heng. They really have the same ideas as heroes. It can be seen that the level of Xia Houying and the others is indeed at the top level among the Blue Fish Army. No wonder they were first sent by Artis and others to direct this national war chess match...

Dark clouds cover the sky and everything is depressed. Occasionally, there are a few birds chirping and frogs chirping. The air above the battlefield seems to have condensed and is extremely heavy, making it extremely difficult to even breathe...

The tranquility before the war was just a superficial phenomenon. Both sides were preparing intensively for this decisive battle. For the Yika Zhanlong side, they actually had a slight advantage, that is, they had chosen the location for the decisive battle first. In other words, they are more fully prepared for this decisive battle, and in their view, field battles are also their advantage, while defensive battles are their disadvantage. In many previous battles, they have They often failed, so they decided to end this protracted camp confrontation with a field battle...

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