The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3361 Who is Thanos?

( ) But it was said that the three fleets of the Roller Alliance chased all the way and finally arrived near the Milky Way. It was actually not easy for them!

You must know that they were extremely embarrassed by the fog formation cast by the Canglang Fleet. It was not until later that they discovered that the Canglang Fleet had taken this opportunity to escape from the encirclement. This shows that it is extremely cunning and terrifying!

It is for this reason that the Roller Alliance is determined to pursue it to the end and must destroy the Canglang Clan to avoid future troubles!

In their opinion, if such a Canglang Clan is allowed to escape, then they will most likely come back for revenge in the future. By then, the Canglang Clan will definitely become even more powerful, and how can people like them still survive? Enjoy peace of mind?

In order to destroy the Canglang Clan, the Roller Alliance also fought hard and sent out three of the stronger fleets in the alliance. They were not allowed to return until they completed the mission!

After carefully searching the starry sky, these three fleets slowly discovered some clues, and finally locked the direction of the Canglang Clan's escape, so they searched and flew all the way. After more than ten years, they finally caught up here.

From this point, we can also see the strength of these three fleets. If it were replaced by other inferior civilizations, it would be difficult to judge the whereabouts of a fleet from the clues left in the starry sky, but they have a way Find it out, it means there must be a master among them!

However, after searching this area for several days, they found nothing. They finally realized that they might have mistaken the whereabouts of the Canglang Clan and had to search again, so they gathered together to discuss it again, and at this time, the Blue Fish Fleet appeared. time…

The three fleets come from three cosmic races, namely the Red Dragon Tribe, the Leech Tribe, and the Blue Bird Tribe. The three motherships of the three races are connected to each other. The commanders and senior officials of the three fleets are having a video conference. They mainly use the Red Dragon Tribe. The Dragon Clan is the main one, because the Crimson Dragon Clan is the strongest among the three fleets.

The commander of the Red Dragon Clan, Ba Tiezheng, was a little annoyed. Suddenly, someone on the ship sent a message. He scanned it, immediately became energetic, and said loudly: "An alien fleet was discovered!!!"

"What? A foreign fleet?" Tonggou, the commander of the Leech Tribe, screamed!

"When did you find out?" Meiping, the commander of the Qingque tribe, asked in a sweet voice.

"Just now! This fleet's spaceship looks like a fish in the sea. It looks quite delicate and small, and quite cute..." Batie said while watching the video message.

"Hey, Bashuai turns out to like cute fish?" Mei Ping teased.

"What do you like or dislike? It's just a spaceship. Do I still like their spaceship?" Batie snorted.

"Gee, if Bashuai doesn't like spaceships, then what do you like?" Meiping continued.

"Xiao Mei, why do you always ask me these weird questions? Now that a foreign fleet has appeared, don't you have any idea at all?" Ba Tie said angrily.

Mei Ping, Tong Gou and others looked at each other, shook their heads, and remained silent...

"Hey, I said you guys should keep talking. Should you let this fish fleet leave or intercept them? Maybe they know where the Canglang Fleet is!" Ba Tie shouted.

"Yes..." Meiping and others suddenly realized after hearing this...

They were silent before, mainly because they believed that this foreign fleet had nothing to do with their own side, and there was no need to pay attention to them, because their main task was to find the Blue Wolf Fleet and destroy their clan, among other things, They can all be put aside temporarily.

Moreover, in their view, it is certain that the three fleets of our side will be strong together. The opponent's small fish fleet should have fled long ago when they saw that their power was so strong. No, Maybe they came here to harass me instead...

If the fish fleet dares to come and harass them, then they are blind and seeking death. For such a stupid universe, just destroy them...

However, after hearing Ba Tie's words, everyone suddenly realized that they could indeed intercept this fish fleet and ask, maybe they really knew where the Canglang Fleet was!

After all, after flying in the universe for such a long time, I have never encountered any other fleets. Now one finally appears, and it appears in this direction. There is no reason not to ask them...

Tonggou nodded and said: "Brother Ba, let's intercept them quickly!"

"Yes, let's question them carefully!" Mei Ping agreed.

When Ba Tie heard this, he said directly: "The Leech fleet is on the left and the Qingque fleet is on the right. Disperse immediately!"


The three fleets quickly took action, setting up dragnets from all directions, waiting for the fish fleet to catch them...

"Giggle, this fish fleet really doesn't have eyesight. Did they really not find us? And they went straight into our net?" Mei Ping covered her mouth with laughter, her eyebrows still twitching. Shaking...

"Haha, it can only be said that they are too weak! If someone dares to come out and explore the universe at this level, they will be wiped out sooner or later. Instead of doing this, it is better for us to wipe them out!" Ba Tie laughed. .

Tonggou said suspiciously: "Brother Ba, you mean we take them down?"

"It depends on the situation. If they can tell the whereabouts of the Gray Wolf clan, then let them live. If they can't tell, then don't blame us for killing them to vent their anger..." Batie snorted.

"I think it's better to forget it. Whether they know the whereabouts of the Canglang clan is a very small matter. The universe is so big, it's normal not to encounter them. If they are destroyed because of this, then we have to How many fleets must be destroyed before we are done?" Tonggou advised.

"Brother Tong, why are you becoming more and more timid? You can rest assured that we are here!" Ba Tie said carelessly.

"You?! Brother Ba, this is not called cowardice, but a virtue, okay? You clamor to destroy this and that every day, but in the end you may be destroyed by others!" Tonggou retorted.

"Oh? We were wiped out? Who do you think has this ability? Whoever called them out immediately, let me see what kind of cosmic life they are?!!!" Ba Tie said angrily.

"Okay, okay, how could we be wiped out? Brother Tong, just be more at ease. And Bashuai, don't go around destroying us every day. Do you really want to be a destroyer?" Can you be dominant?!" Mei Ping came out to be the peacemaker and talked about both sides.

Batie was stunned and wondered: "Thanos? Who is Thanos?! What are his abilities? What great things have he done?"

Meiping said: "Oh, Bashuai, you don't even know who Thanos is, do you?"

"You don't know?" Ba Tie was stunned.

"Giggle, don't you know that people in our Roller Alliance call you Thanos? Who makes you talk about the word "Destroy" all day long? Many people are afraid of you, worried that one day you will be in a bad mood, and casually Just kill people..." Mei Ping said with a sweet smile.

"So that's it... Hahahahaha, it turns out that I am Thanos, and Thanos is me! Well, in order to prove that this nickname is worthy of its name, let's use this fish fleet to do the surgery!" Batie looked up to the sky and laughed, his beard was so proud that Trembling desperately...

Mei Ping, Tong Gou and others looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly...

After a while, the Blue Fish Fleet finally got closer to the big net set by the three clan fleets. However, they seemed to be aware of it, and their speed gradually slowed down, and finally stopped completely...

What is different from what Ba tie and others discovered is that the approaching blue fish fleet has actually been divided, with only the Chinese army remaining, while the other left army, right army and two new armies have dispersed. action!

This is because Xiaoxing discovered the opponent's three fleets earlier, so the Blue Fish Fleet had enough time to arrange a battle plan, while Ba Tie and others thought that the opponent was the small fleet with only dozens of spaceships in front of them.

In fact, small fleets like this are not in their eyes at all. Sometimes they just kill them when they want to!

At this time, a signal was sent out in front of the Blue Fish fleet. From the appearance, it was a symbol of friendship and passage that was relatively common among the races in the universe. Generally speaking, if the two sides had no past grudges, they would avoid each other when seeing such a signal. To avoid conflicts…

The one standing in front of the Blue Fish Fleet is the Red Dragon Fleet, while the Leech Fleet and the Blue Bird Fleet are just watching the excitement from a distance while quietly surrounding the Blue Fish Fleet...

The Red Dragon Fleet looked at the signal and sent out a signal as well, but it was a signal to please stop and inquire about something!

The Blue Fish Fleet sent a "please speak" signal...

What's a bit troublesome is that although both parties are familiar with these popular communication signals in the universe, they do not understand the other party's language, which immediately makes communication between the two parties extremely difficult.

You must know that the three fleets of the Roller Alliance are from the Wolf Galaxy, while the Blue Fish Fleet is from the Turia Galaxy. The two different galaxies themselves are extremely far apart. It is impossible for the races to communicate with each other. The language barrier is very serious. Normal things.

Unless Xiang Wuma has lived with the Turia tribe for a period of time before he can understand their language. If there are no similar contacts or other business contacts, it is basically impossible for anyone to understand each other like Xiaoxing and Li Yun. The racial languages ​​of different galaxies.

Therefore, the communication trouble between the two parties mainly lies on the side of the Roller Alliance. Because Yunhan and An Dawei have Xiaoxing as their backing, they naturally understand what the other party is talking about, but the other party does not understand what they are talking about. It can be expressed with the help of various symbols popular in the universe, which makes the speed of communication between the two parties extremely slow...

Ba Tie felt more and more irritable and angry...

Seeing the Red Dragon Fleet's side constantly showing off the appearance of the Blue Wolf Fleet's spaceships, and "where" symbols popping up next to them, Yunhan and Andavi laughed secretly in their hearts. Of course they knew what the other party wanted to know, but However, they deliberately expressed their ignorance, causing the communication between the two parties to come to a standstill again. Batie finally couldn't bear it any longer...

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